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The jade sword daoist, the two figures of the lord of the inferno, was thrown into the two Spirit Swords, and soon became one with the two Spirit Swords.

This time Chu Fengmian is gathering the fleshy body for the sword slave. He has also learned from the previous experience and transformed the Spirit Sword into the most suitable state for the sword slave in advance.

This time the speed at which the two of them merged into the new body was much faster than the previous sword slaves.

In just a few breaths, the silhouettes of the two are completely integrated with the two Spirit Swords.

On top of these two Spirit Swords, the aura of the jade sword daoist, the lord of the inferno, was also fully radiated. Soon these two Spirit Swords were disappeared, and replaced by two figures, respectful Kneeling in front of Chu Fengmian.

“Many Thanks Master, give me a new life.”

The two said in unison.

Since they fell into the pool of blood, they have been sword slaves and have been trapped in it like dead people.

Now this time Chu Fengmian uses two Spirit Swords to shape their bodies. Although they are not completely resurrected, it is equivalent to giving them a new life, allowing them to move freely in the outside world. This is what they dream of thing.

“You will get acquainted with your new body first, and then I will have something to leave to you.”

Chu Fengmian took so much effort to shape the bodies of these sword slaves. Of course, he didn’t let them come out to play, but they had something to do.


As soon as the two bodies moved, they disappeared quietly, Chu Fengmian could feel that these two people still followed Chu Fengmian’s side.

Because the fleshy bodies of these sword slaves are essentially Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon Spirit Swords, they don’t look like real warriors, but more like the Sword Spirit in Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon. Confusing.

Following Chu Fengmian’s side is not easy to be noticed.

After finishing all this, Chu Fengmian got up and left the secret room…

In the great hall of Divine Palace.

Chu Fengmian sat high on the top throne.

On the two sides below him, the king of Jinjue, the king of merchants, the king of Fenghao, the king of Yanwu……

The eight witch emperors in the Vulcan leader are all gathered here, respectfully looking towards Chu Fengmian, and awaiting Chu Fengmian’s orders.

“I returned to the ancient territory this time, and I won’t stay for long. I will leave soon. King Fenghao, everything in the Vulcan collar will be arranged by you.”

Chu Fengmian looked towards King Feng Hao, slowly opened the mouth and said.

“Follow your orders.”

King Fenghao got up and replied respectfully.

He is not the strongest Immortal Emperor among the Vulcans, but he is the Immortal Emperor who knows the Vulcans best. He was once Chief Steward of the Vulcans.

Now that Chu Fengmian is leaving this time, Vulcan will naturally also have a Leader. The most suitable candidate is King Fenghao.

As for the appointment of Chu Fengmian, the witch emperors below did not have any disagreements. There was no one present, and it was more suitable for this position than King Fenghao.

“My lord is coming back this time, are you leaving in such a hurry?”

The King of Commercial Land looked towards Chu Fengmian and asked suspiciously.

“Yes, I have not yet condensed Smaller Thousand Worlds. I still need to find some opportunities to let me learn the rules, condense Smaller Thousand Worlds, and become the Immortal Emperor, so I will not stay for long.”

Chu Fengmian explained.

After hearing Chu Fengmian’s words, the other witch emperors were also nodded.

They can all see now that the Chu Fengmian in front of him, although extremely powerful, can be said to be even stronger than the high rank Immortal Emperor, but still only the realm of the Immortal Venerable, the Witch King.

I haven’t really condensed Smaller Thousand Worlds to become the Immortal Emperor.

Although the Wudi present can also understand.

Chu Fengmian has not yet condensed Smaller Thousand Worlds to become a real witch emperor. It is by no means that Chu Fengmian cannot do it.

It’s that Chu Fengmian doesn’t want it now. Chu Fengmian also wants to gather more Smaller Thousand Worlds like many geniuses since ancient times, have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly, to achieve the Immortal Emperor in one fell swoop.

Among the witches of the Desolate Ancient era, many magnates of the witches have the same idea as Chu Fengmian.

It’s just that in this epoch, the witches are no longer the darlings of Heaven and Earth. Even in terms of aptitude, the witches are far inferior to humans, even Monster Race, so I thought It is necessary to continuously comprehend the law of the number of Dao, and then attack the witch emperor realm.

Among the Wu clan, there is already one thing that cannot be done.

But Chu Fengmian is different. The aptitude shown by Chu Fengmian is worth trying.

A warrior, the longer he stays in the realm of Xianzun, the more laws he can comprehend. Once he enters the Immortal Emperor Realm, he will have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly.

Like the many witch gods in Divine Palace, it’s actually because of the depression of countless times in the witch Divine Palace, once they leave the witch Divine Palace, their strength will advance rapidly, for example King of Jin Jue, in just ten years, has become a sixth-order witch emperor.

Among them, although there is also the King of the Golden Jue, in the Sacred Domain battlefield, Blood Soaked Battle, the reason for the chance, but most of the reason is still because of his accumulation in the Divine Palace of Wu.

Chu Fengmian wants more insights and stronger forces. No one will object to the Wudi present.

Chu Fengmian is the center of the entire Vulcan collar.

Although it seems that Chu Fengmian is not in the Vulcan all year round.

But Chu Fengmian is the center of the Vulcan collar. The stronger the Chu Fengmian, the more united the Vulcan collar.

Especially after Chu Fengmian entered the Saint King’s collar, beheaded the Great Elder, and rescued all the witches who were captured by the Saint King, and spread the news among the witches.

Chu Fengmian, the reputation of the Vulcan leader, has reached an extreme, and it is vaguely about to become the strongest power of the Wu clan.

Originally, what the Vulcan leader lacked was no powerhouse, especially the high rank Immortal Emperor.

Chu Fengmian beheaded the Great Elder, which is enough to prove that Chu Fengmian’s strength is definitely a high rank Immortal Emperor.

The stronger Chu Fengmian’s strength is, the greater the benefits for the witch emperors of their Vulcan leader.

“My lord is leaving this time, where is he going.”

The King of Jinjue asked.

The last time Chu Fengmian left the ancient territory, he said it was just a trip to Li Hentian.

I didn’t expect that Chu Fengmian disappeared completely. Because of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword killing intent, Chu Fengmian would not be able to return to the ancient territory after the Realm Demon Heaven.

I entered directly into the Nine Domains, and until I entered the blood pool and solved the killing intent of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, Heaven and Earth has changed. Ten years have passed.

So the King of Jin Jue and the others are also worried that Chu Fengmian will lose track again.

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