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Foundation Tree Divine Tree, the seven first Heavenly God bloodline, Sword Dao ancient book, Blood Slaughter Demon Sword.

These secrets of Chu Fengmian, if they are fully known by Myriad Realms.

I’m afraid that Chu Fengmian can win the first place on the killing list of Myriad Realms.

These opportunities, if you take out any of them, can make a fairy Imperial Capital go crazy, but Chu Fengmian is now completely monopolizing them.

These secrets, once exposed, will cause much sensation.

Chu Fengmian can imagine.

So Chu Fengmian is now trying to hide.

“Time is pressing.”

Chu Fengmian said silently.

The Sacred Domain war broke out and is now at a deadlock. There is room for relaxation among all influences. The army led by Heavenly Sword has also been resisted from the Three Great Saint Territories.

Chu Fengmian can also hide power.

But once the army is under pressure and the bloody world faces the critical moment of Life and Death, Chu Fengmian will no longer be able to hide.

The current stalemate is just an extremely fragile balance.

It is possible to break this deadlock at any time, and there is not much time left for Chu Fengmian.

He returned to the ancient territory this time and didn’t intend to stay for a long time. He planned to go back to the blood martial world to take a look, and then set off for the Nether World.

Chu Fengmian slowly got up, and from in front of him, two Spirit Swords flew out. It was the two Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon Spirit Swords that Chu Fengmian got from the Witch Treasury.

The two Spirit Swords are extremely old, and it seems that they may even come from the last era.

But this is not surprising.

The last era, the end of the Desolate Ancient era, and the destruction of the catastrophe were triggered by Myriad Realms in advance. Heavenly Dao’s accumulated power was not enough, so there was no real Heaven and Earth to be destroyed.

Although it was Desolate Ancient Continent, it was completely broken, but countless fragments of Desolate Ancient Continent have survived.

In the Heavenly Sword collar, Chu Fengmian entered the Primordial Secret Realm, which is a fragment of Desolate Ancient continent.

The ancient territory of the Witch tribe was also a fragment of the Desolate Ancient Continent, which was later transformed into the current ancient territory under the blessing of the ten great wizard gods. In the Witch tribe’s treasure house, many of the treasures came from In the last Desolate Ancient era.

These treasures are the root of the Wu Clan. Otherwise, the current strength of the Wu Clan will weaken even more.

For Chu Fengmian, these two Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon Spirit Swords were used to shape the fleshy body for the sword slave. As for the origin, Chu Fengmian didn’t care.

Two Spirit Swords floated in front of Chu Fengmian, and Chu Fengmian’s palm moved, and two small blood pools appeared in his palm.

Chu Fengmian had already condensed this reduced version of the blood pool in advance to be used as the source of power for the sword slaves. Now these two reduced blood pools, under the control of Chu Fengmian, are just one thing. Zi flew into two Spirit Swords.


Two groups of reduced blood pools immediately wrapped the two Spirit Swords, and then began to invade them gradually. The power of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, the killing intent of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, a little bit of erosion After arriving at the two Spirit Swords, transform the power of the two Spirit Swords.

This is why Chu Fengmian doesn’t need to care about the origins of these two Spirit Swords. Regardless of the origin, which sword cultivator powerhouse the two Spirit Swords once belonged to, under the erosion of the power of the blood pool, they will The Blood Slaughter Demon Sword was transformed into a smaller one.

The transformation time is about an hour.

Chu Fengmian also took advantage of this time to swallow all the materials containing Power of Darkness he obtained from the Witch Clan’s treasury through the sky-swallowing secret technique.

With the operation of the Sky Swallowing secret technique, the impurities in these materials are instantly removed, and what is left is the purest Power of Darkness, which begins to flow continuously into Chu Fengmian’s body in.

Soon these Power of Darkness were completely swallowed by Chu Fengmian and refining, and for his law of darkness, the integration of these Power of Darkness only improved Chu Fengmian’s law of darkness a little bit.

“It’s still a far cry.”

Chu Fengmian sighed.

The aptitude of his comprehension of the law of darkness is really too low. There are so many Principle Supreme Treasures of darkness. If it is replaced by an Immortal Emperor with some aptitude, I am afraid that the law of darkness has been fully comprehended. It’s Great Accomplishment.

But now Chu Fengmian’s law of darkness is nothing more than Small Success Realm, and there is still a long way to go before you can fully comprehend Great Accomplishment.

However, if you want to become a master, you must comprehend all the ten basic laws to Great Accomplishment. Even if this dark law is difficult to comprehend, Chu Fengmian must also comprehend it to Great Accomplishment.

The true goal of Chu Fengmian is to dominate.

Only when you become the master can you truly protect yourself and avenge his Master, Lord of Sword Dao.

Lord of Sword Dao, but it is recognized as the Number One Person under the dominance, even many people think that Lord of Sword Dao is comparable to a real dominator, so it is respected as the Lord of Sword Dao.

It is possible that the terrifying strength of Lord of Sword Dao still fell under the siege of Myriad Realms, and for Chu Fengmian, his strength can only be from the siege of Myriad Realms if he surpasses the Lord of Sword Dao You can avenge the Lord of Sword Dao by protecting yourself.

The power that surpasses the Lord of Sword Dao is the master. Only by becoming the master can we achieve this.

So now, Chu Fengmian will do everything possible to comprehend all the ten basic rules.

Land of Nine Nether is Chu Fengmian’s next goal.

Land of Nine Nether, is the deep Dark Land, the entire world, and contains the incomparably pure Power of Darkness. It is a dark paradise, and it is also the place where countless dark Principle Supreme Treasures were born.

If Chu Fengmian wants to obtain a large amount of the Principle Supreme Treasure of Darkness, he can enlighten the law of Darkness to Great Accomplishment, Land of Nine Nether, which is his best place.

even more how once Lord of Sword Dao was given to Mo Hong, and the jade box he brought to Chu Fengmian was also thrown into the sea of ​​Nine Nether of Land of Nine Nether by Mo Hong.

This gave Chu Fengmian a reason to go to Land of Nine Nether.

Chu Fengmian slowly got up and looked towards the two Spirit Swords in front of him.

The two groups of reduced blood pools are now disappeared, and on the two Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon Spirit Swords, the aura itself is completely disappeared. Instead, it is pure Blood Slaughter. Demon Sword’s killing intent.

The two Spirit Swords have been completely transformed and can be used as sword slaves.

It’s time to shape new bodies for the two sword slaves.

Chu Fengmian moved his palm and grabbed it suddenly, only to see two blood-colored silhouettes appearing in front of Chu Fengmian, and suddenly flying into the two Spirit Swords in front of him.

The two sword slaves that Chu Fengmian called this time are the jade sword daoist and the master of the hell.

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