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Faced with such an enemy, if Chu Fengmian led someone to escape, it would be laughable and generous.

Chu Fengmian body moved, which is slowly descending towards the ruins below.

“That’s it?”

“It is him, I remember, his name is Ancestral Dragon? This reputation is domineering.”

“What’s the use of a domineering name, a newcomer, let him face an entire star guard alone, not bring about one’s own destruction?”

At the moment Chu Fengmian landed, the spider, Luo Fu, also saw Chu Fengmian all of a sudden, and also recognized the identity of the Chu Fengmian Era Society.

“What is he going to do? Does he really plan to fight the Star Guard alone?”

The spider looked at the direction Chu Fengmian landed, and it turned out to be in front of the star guards, and the complexion greatly changed.

“Rookie, danger, run away! These people are not something you can deal with!”


When Chu Fengmian heard the spider’s call, he also understood that it was said to him, which made Chu Fengmian feel a little puzzled.

His gaze was involuntarily looked towards the martial artists of the group of star guards, and he couldn’t help but look at it a few more times. Could it be that these people, what he can’t see, is a means?

“Are you here to save these two thieves?”

Among the group of star guards, one of them led by Heavenly Venerate, also took a look at Chu Fengmian, coldly said.

“They were all people from the Epoch Association. They were killed together. Take their bodies back and give them to Lord Star Emperor.”



in an instant, all the martial artists of the star guards have a long roar. From each of them, there is a little starlight, which rises up and turns into an array of eyes, right in the sky. Above, the convergence became a huge star map.

“The great array of stars gather!”

“It’s over!”

“What are you doing in a daze, run away.”

Love, the spiders shouted again and again, with a bit of collapse in their eyes. They have felt the great array of stars. They are only slightly contaminated to the edge, and they are all seriously injured. If they fall into the formation, they will instantly Will definitely die.

Looking at Chu Fengmian not even running away, they already thought of Chu Fengmian next moment, the scene of being bombarded and killed.

“This is the danger you said?”

Chu Fengmian glanced at the great array of rising stars, then glanced at the spiders and Luo Fu, he suddenly felt that his previous caution was really unnecessary.

“Forget it, don’t waste time, so as not to attract more enemies.”

Chu Fengmian shook the head, just as he looked at the past again, the power of the great array of stars is already converging, a starlight, dropping from the sky, instantly locked Chu Fengmian, a huge power, It poured down and killed Chu Fengmian’s body.

But at the moment when the starlight was about to fall on Chu Fengmian, he moved slowly. Chu Fengmian raised his right hand and waved.

hong long long!

I saw this starlight, it was actually stagnating in the air, as if time had stagnated, at the next moment, this starlight was all broken.

Broken, not only the starlight, but also the great array of the entire star map.

The moment Chu Fengmian’s right hand was swung, a dragon power burst out, condensed on Chu Fengmian’s right hand, turning his right hand into a dragon claw of the ancestor Tianlong.

This dragon claw blasted down in the air, wherever it passed, the entire star map great array was completely torn apart.

“This? This is?”

“What power is this…”

The spider and Love both lift the head, their eyes are extremely horrified, looking at the Great Dragon Claw, which can cover the sky, blast down.

The power contained in this made them both kneel on the ground. Even if it was the target of this dragon claw, it was not them. The aftermath alone caused a kind of in their hearts, forever The idea that you can’t be an enemy.

This is the feeling that power is completely crushed, and this power is only the aftermath of this dragon claw…


Chu Fengmian lightly shouted, this dragon claw shot down and plunged into the ruins, hong long long!

The entire ruins, including countless buildings, were completely collapsed. This ruin was involved in endless nothingness. I don’t know how many times, even space storms, could not completely destroy it.

But now under the claws of Chu Fengmian, most of the ruins have been completely destroyed and turned into a pit, and the star guards, dozens of martial artists among them, are without exception, all Fall.

The blood essence on them has been brought into the pool of blood.

“Combined Assault Technique, it’s not bad, but the power is too weak.”

Chu Fengmian cleared the way at will.

These star guards, the great array of stars that burst out, is indeed a third-order Immortal Emperor, and even a fourth-order Immortal Emperor will be threatened.

But in front of Chu Fengmian, who is already close to the eighth-order Immortal Emperor, this great array of stars is like a piece of thin paper. He can crush and destroy it at will.

“Next, it’s time to ask about the Jiyuanhui.”

Chu Fengmian came to save people this time. Naturally, it was not a kindly action for no reason, and it was not due to the rules of the Jiyuanhui. The so-called rules of the Jiyuanhui were not in his eyes at all.

Anyway, the dominant force used to supervise the members of the Era Society has been suppressed by Chu Fengmian. Even if Chu Fengmian violates the rules, he will not be punished.

He came to save people this time, naturally to get in touch with the two members of the Epoch Society, and even more so, to figure out many things about the Epoch Society.

As for the Jiyuanhui, although Chu Fengmian is a full member, he does not know everything, except for some information from the first Imperial Princess.

Originally, Chu Fengmian also had the idea. After solving the trouble of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, he went to the branch of Nine Domains in Nine Domains, in order to figure out many issues of the era.

But Chu Fengmian entered the blood pool this time. It has been ten years since the Sacred Domain war has broken out. In the Nine Domains, the divisions of the Era Society are said to have been wiped out by the Sword God himself. , The remaining alive members of the Era Society all escaped from the Nine Domains.

In the first Imperial Princess also defected, and without knowing where he was going, Chu Fengmian was also completely out of touch with the Jiyuanhui. This time I met two members of the Jiyuanhui and asked Chu Fengmian to contact the Jiyuanhui again. A good opportunity.

After solving the star guards, Chu Fengmian slowly landed in front of the two members of the era.

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