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Let the ancient emperor Minglong, with two shadow dragon guards, return to the blood war world within the realm first to ensure the safety of the blood war world.

And Chu Fengmian is preparing to set off to rescue the member of the Epoch Society who is asking for help.

Jade Talisman, the identity of the Era Society, seems to be able to not only detect the members of the Era Society, but also vaguely determine the location of the members of the Era Society. Chu Fengmian’s Spiritual Force is injected into it. It was judged that the member of the Epoch Society who had just asked for help was hundreds of millions of miles away in front of Chu Fengmian.

With the current strength of Chu Fengmian, a distance of hundreds of millions of miles is only a distance that can be reached in a flash.

On Jade Talisman, the identity of the Era Society, there are two members of the Peripheral Era Society shown, namely “Spider” and “Love”.

These two names are obviously not their real names, but also a code name. All Era Club members can choose a code name when joining Era Club, such as the code name of Chu Fengmian, which is Ancestral Dragon, first Imperial Princess is a sword demon.

Chu Fengmian can feel that the two Era Club members near him, Spider and Love, should be together now. It seems that they both encountered danger together, so they chose For help.

The help of members of this era can only be used once every 100 years, so it will not be used until the crisis of Life and Death.

Chu Fengmian was also concealed aura quietly, and slowly approached the past. If the danger of these two people is not great, Chu Fengmian doesn’t mind making a move, save them this time.

But if the opponents they meet are too strong, Chu Fengmian would rather risk breaking the rules than taking the risk. In any case, Chu Fengmian’s own safety is the most important.

Endless nothingness, amidst a huge group of ruins.

Two figures are fleeing among them. These ruins are the best cover to hide their figures.

This piece of ruin was once a sect residence that dominated for several times, but now, it has been completely involved in the endless emptiness, becoming such a ruin. Inside this ruin, tangled and complicated.

Not far behind these two figures, dozens of escape lights, all chasing them all the way, these dozens of escape lights, all martial artists in black robes, above the black robe, A little bit of starlight is emitted, and these starlights are arranged and combined together, vaguely, and they are actually gathered into an Array.

The escape of the dozens martial artist, chasing and killing all the way, actually faintly vaguely vaguely transformed everyone into an array eye, like a huge array that envelops them all.

This dozens martial artist, well-trained, enters the ruins without panic, but works separately, all directions, and hunts down the two young martial artists who just entered.

“Damn it, this time why our luck is so bad, we actually directly met the lunatics led by Tianshu, the guys in the Star Guard, each of them is not strong, but once they join forces, even if it is three Tier Immortal Emperor and Tier IV Immortal Emperor can’t compete with them.”

The two young martial artists who had just escaped into the ruins, looked behind them, and their faces were extremely ugly as they looked at the shining light that kept entering the ruins.

“This time, it’s really going to fall in the sewer. I didn’t expect it to be just a small stronghold, with an entire guard of the stars.”

“What’s the use of saying so much? By the way, do you have any help, Love? My chance to ask for help was used more than ten years ago. If there is a Samsung from our Era Society, or even For the four-star powerhouse in the vicinity, as long as he takes the shot, these star guards are nothing at all.

“I have asked for help, but there is only one member of the Epoch Society around here. He should have received my request for help.”

The voice of the member of the Era Society named Love was lacking in confidence.

“How many stars is that person?”

Another Era member, Spider, couldn’t help asking again and again.

“One Star Member…”

“What? A one-star member? A newcomer, you actually ask him for help? Over, over, this group of star guards are not members below three stars at all, they can deal with it.”

The hope that had risen in the spider’s heart was all because of this sentence, and his face was very pale.

“It seems that at this time, we can only rely on us, a one-star member, who has come, and will die…Hurry up, send him a message, tell him not to come, not let a newcomer die!”

“It’s too late!”


On top of the ruins, a silhouette suddenly appeared. The gaze of this silhouette was looking curiously at the ruins below.

This silhouette is Chu Fengmian.

He originally came cautiously because he was afraid of encountering the powerhouse of the eighth-order Immortal Emperor, or even the powerhouse of the ninth-order Immortal Emperor, so as not to encounter danger, so he always concealed aura.

But when he came to the sky above the ruins, Chu Fengmian discovered that there was no imperial imperial capital here, and the strongest aura was Heavenly Venerate around the first-order Immortal Emperor.

More are a group of law immortals.

This makes Chu Fengmian a little doubtful whether he has come to the wrong place.

However, Chu Fengmian, according to the aura of the Jade Talisman identity of this era, found it, It shouldn’t be wrong.

“Found it.”

Chu Fengmian’s gaze fell into the ruins. He was looking for it. Suddenly he saw two young men fleeing. One of them was Heavenly Venerate and the other was just A rule of immortality.

But from them, Chu Fengmian felt the power of jade talisman who belonged to the identity of the Era Society. These two people should be the two Era Society members, Spider and Love.

As for the trouble they have encountered.

Chu Fengmian glanced over, and then he saw the star guards chasing them behind.

“Martial artist led by Tianshu?”

Tianshu collar is one of Seven Great Sects, Big Dipper Palace’s power behind the Nine Domains, Tianshu God Sovereign, is also one of the Nine Great Divine Sovereigns of Nine Domains, and is also one of the Lord of Sword Dao One of the seven emperors.

“The people led by the seven gods.”

Chu Fengmian said silently.

The seven kings of the gods are all his enemies. He wants to do it without any scruples.

“Resolve these people first.”

Chu Fengmian originally planned to escape with the two members of the Epoch Association. After all, the easiest way to save people is to take them away.

It’s just the martial artist of these Tianshu leaders. Heavenly Venerate is no more than two people. As for the rest, they are just some law immortals.

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