
You can search 鈥淣ine Domains Sword Emperor Miaobi Pavilion (鈥?in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

鈥淚 just don鈥檛 know how long it has been outside.鈥?/p>

Chu Fengmian said silently.

He is now anxious to leave the blood pool, and is also worried that he has been in the blood pool for too long this time.

Sitting on the throne and carrying the countless battle memories of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, Chu Fengmian was closed in consciousness and devoted himself to it. He didn鈥檛 know how much time had passed since the outside world.

Ask the sword slaves. These sword slaves have also been in the blood pool and have been imprisoned for countless times. Time is meaningless to them, and naturally they don鈥檛 remember.

Sacred Domain war is approaching.

As Chu Fengmian, this time the Sacred Domain war broke out. The Sword Dao gate, and even the Wu clan, were most likely to bear the brunt, becoming the opponent of the Heavenly Sword Leader and being attacked by the Heavenly Sword Leader.

Chu Fengmian entered the Heavenly Sword Leader this time, firstly to solve the influence of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword killing intent, and secondly, he also wants to try, can he delay the time for the Heavenly Sword Leader鈥檚 attack, or to fight for it from it To some benefits, disrupt the attacking pace of the Heavenly Sword Leader and so on.

Even now Chu Fengmian still needs a period of retreat to sort out his gains this time, but there is not that much time left.

Time is pressing. The barrier between Nine Domains and Three Great Saint Territories should be about four and a half years. This is based on the fact that Chu Fengmian has just entered the blood pool.

He also doesn鈥檛 know how long has passed since entering the blood pool this time, only to leave the blood pool first.

Looking at the blood pond, Chu Fengmian waved his hand. All the palaces in the blood pond flew into the sword source of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword within the realm.

Including the imprints of the nineteen sword slaves, the same was true, and they were taken to Jianyuan within the realm.

Soon the blood pool became an empty shell, except for a part of the sea of 鈥嬧€媌lood, it was empty.

After doing all this, Chu Fengmian鈥檚 escape light was to fly away from the blood pool.


Qixian Mountain.

Chu Fengmian鈥檚 silhouette appeared above the blood pond. He hid his figure and observed the familiar sight in front of him, with great emotion.

Before entering the blood pool, he had never thought that entering the blood pool this time would have such a huge harvest.

The blood pool is still peacefully located on the plain.

Chu Fengmian took away more than 99% of the power in the blood pool, but the remaining power can still maintain the original state of the blood pool.

At first glance, Chu Fengmian couldn鈥檛 notice any changes in the blood pool. This made Chu Fengmian nodded unless it was the Nine Great Divine Sovereigns who came personally. Otherwise, even if there is an Immortal Emperor, Heavenly Venerate is coming, they It is also impossible to see that the current blood pool has become an empty shell.

Everything in the blood pool has been brought to Jianyuan within the realm, and has been taken away with Chu Fengmian鈥檚 departure.

鈥淚t鈥檚 quiet.鈥?

Chu Fengmian鈥檚 Spiritual Consciousness spread out, and the entire Four Directions Mountain vein was taken in the entire scene by him.

鈥淭here is no martial artist鈥︹€?/p>

Chu Fengmian鈥檚 face is a little weird.

The current Four Directions Mountain line actually does not have any martial artist. Originally, Chu Fengmian was worried that he would be besieged by the three parties if he left the blood pool, but now it seems that the three parties, including Natai The emperor has already retreated.

鈥淚t seems that a long time has passed.鈥?/p>

Chu Fengmian muttered silently, and he looked towards the distance, now Qixian Mountain, is silent, far from the excitement as before.

It鈥檚 definitely been more than a year.

Only then will Qixian Mountain restore calm.

鈥淔irst ask someone to ask how long has passed since.鈥?/p>

Chu Fengmian body moved, which is to fly away from Qixian Mountain.

He is going to go to Kunshan City around Qixian Mountain first.

Kunshan City is the largest city at the foot of Qixian Mountain. It is well-informed. Chu Fengmian also plans to go to Kunshan City to find out some news.

The current Kunshan City has restored its former prosperity, and the blockade of Three Great Influences has been lifted.

Many martial artists who used to be closed-door cultivation in Qixian Mountain have all returned now. At the entrance of Kunshan City, there are always many martial artists coming and going.

Two figures, flew out of Qixian Mountain, and then slowly fell in front of Kunshan city gate. After paying a few immortal stones, the guards quickly let them go, allowing these two figures to enter Kunshan City Among.

In these two figures, one of the young people is naturally Chu Fengmian, but Chu Fengmian slightly changed his appearance and identity again.

Of course, even if it is the unchanging identity, it is difficult for ordinary people to recognize the current Chu Fengmian.

Now Chu Fengmian鈥檚 breath is completely different from the original. After carrying the countless battle memories of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, Chu Fengmian鈥檚 body is now involuntarily exuding a terrifying crazy killing intent. .

Many martial artists around, when they saw Chu Fengmian, they all backed away, and did not dare to approach Chu Fengmian at all.

The other young man is handsome, and it makes people see that there will be an involuntarily feeling and an innate affinity.

This young man is one of the sword slaves in the blood pool, the heart sword Heavenly Venerate.

Now this heart sword Heavenly Venerate has been used by Chu Fengmian to use the power of the blood pool to shape a brand new body, and it is already possible to leave the blood pool.

This is one of the abilities that Chu Fengmian gained after completing the test of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword and becoming the master of the blood pool.

Sword slaves are the servants of the blood pool. The Guardian of the blood pool is also the slave of the lord of the blood pool. In essence, these sword slaves are Chu Fengmian鈥檚 subordinates.

After Chu Fengmian mastered the power of the blood pool, he was able to create a fleshy body for them that can act outside. The formidable power of this fleshy body is compared to the fleshy body that they shaped in the blood pool. Not bad at all.

Most of these sword slaves have been trapped in the blood pool and imprisoned since their fall. What they want most is naturally to leave the blood pool and go to the outside world.

So Chu Fengmian also intends to let all the sword slaves come out, but if all the sword slaves are released at once, it will cause a sensation.

After all, a seventh-order Immortal Emperor, in the Nine Domains, is a giant in any divine emperor鈥檚 collar. Suddenly, one or two appear, which is good to say.

A total of 19 people popped up all at once, so if there is no problem, then it鈥檚 strange.

So Chu Fengmian plans to release one of them first and try the reactions of all parties.

Originally Chu Fengmian chose Hun Shi Sword Demon.

Hunshi Sword Demon is the strongest, and likewise, he also helped Chu Fengmian the most. If it were not for his last reminder, Chu Fengmian might not be able to see through the true identity of the bleeding pool consciousness. This time Chu Fengmian can defeat the blood. Chi consciousness, Hunshi Sword Demon made the first contribution.

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