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The appearance of new masters in the blood pool means that their sword slaves are finally going to be useful.

These sword slaves were originally the Guardian of the blood pool. There was no order to leave the blood pool. However, the appearance of Chu Fengmian finally gave them hope that they could leave the blood pool.

For countless times, being imprisoned in a pool of blood is an extremely difficult thing for every sword slave.

Heart Sword Heavenly Venerate only reminded Chu Fengmian, but also because he hoped that one day, Chu Fengmian could take them out of the blood pool.

Most of these nineteen sword slaves have the strength close to the seventh-order Immortal Emperor. They are the strongest force under Chu Fengmian’s command. Naturally, Chu Fengmian will not give up.

“I need to be in retreat for a while. You guard the blood pool and don’t let anyone approach it.”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes condensed, opened the mouth and said.


All the sword slaves were respectfully replied, and they scattered.

And Chu Fengmian returned to the depths of the blood pool, in that sea of ​​blood.

Above the sky, the jade bead has absorbed more than 99% of the seawater in the sea of ​​blood. The jade bead, which originally showed a crystal clear color, is now turned into a scarlet. , A hint of coquettish purple appeared even more.

This is this jade bead, as it is, Chu Fengmian watched this scene quietly.

Having waited until the power of this sea of ​​blood was only about 0.1% left, Chu Fengmian was moved, and grabbed the jade bead and stopped the jade bead to swallow it.

Chu Fengmian didn’t intend to take the blood pool away completely now. It should be said that he intends to make an illusion to make others think that the blood pool still exists here, and no accident has happened.

The blood pool, after all, is also a famous Danger Land in the Nine Domains. If the blood pool suddenly disappears, it will easily attract the attention of the many powerhouses of the Nine Domains and even the Ten Thousand Worlds. After all, this Blood Slaughter Demon Sword’s prestigious name, but well known.

Chu Fengmian doesn’t want to just beat the grass to scare the snake.

Now this blood pool has only 0.1% power left, but it is enough to completely disguise it. After all, even if there is only 0.1% power left in the blood pool, it is absolutely impossible for an ordinary Immortal Emperor to break into it. For one thing, unless it is a seventh-order or even eighth-order Immortal Emperor, it is possible to forcibly break in.

However, the prestige of the blood pool is outside, the seventh-order Immortal Emperor, the eighth-order Immortal Emperor will bring about one’s own destruction to trespass into the blood pool.

After finishing all the arrangements, Chu Fengmian slowly took out the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword. At the same time, when the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword appeared, the jade bead suddenly shining with enchanting purple rays of light, and in an instant it was with the Blood. Slaughter Demon Sword, fuse together.

On top of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, countless purple and weird lines have actually begun to gather together.

It wasn’t until this time that Chu Fengmian noticed that the purple line on the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, at first, was incomplete and broken.

It’s just that Chu Fengmian’s previous strength can’t tell that this Blood Slaughter Demon Sword is actually just a broken sword, and this jade bead, the sword core of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, is truly integrated into the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword. After Demon Sword, the current Blood Slaughter Demon Sword contains his real formidable power.

“The power of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword has increased by at least ten times.”

Chu Fengmian’s gaze narrowed, he slowly extended the hand, and held the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword in front of him. This Blood Slaughter Demon Sword is even bigger than Chu Fengmian, and it still emits With that crazy killing intent.

It’s just that the killing intent of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword now has no effect on Chu Fengmian, but instead has a feeling that makes Chu Fengmian extremely comfortable.

Such Blood Slaughter Demon Sword is worthy of the Sword of Domination, the Soldier of Domination.

The power that Chu Fengmian tried to motivate the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, with his current power, is less than 1% of the true power of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword.

But this is still an amazing number.

“My current strength is around the seventh-order Immortal Emperor Peak. It should be almost on par with the king of Thailand. However, if I use the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, my strength will increase dozens of times and kill Tai The king, with no difficulty, definitely reached the Immortal Emperor level of the Eight Tribulations.”

Chu Fengmian also calculated about his true strength.

If you don’t use the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, his current strength has reached the seventh-order Immortal Emperor Peak. This is mainly because Chu Fengmian has suffered a lot from the inheritance of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword. The battle memory of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword.

Chu Fengmian integrated countless powerhouse battles, comprehensions, into the Sword Dao ancient book, and made the formidable power of the Sword Dao ancient book a qualitative leap, which made his strength rise to this step .

He doesn’t use the strength of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword now, just like when he used the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword in Qixian Mountain, it was almost the same.

Under such circumstances, Chu Fengmian is using the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword. His strength can definitely reach the realm of the eighth-order Immortal Emperor. Even among the eighth-order Immortal Emperor, he is definitely not weak.

It’s just that there hasn’t been a real battle, and Chu Fengmian is not sure about his current strength.

The battle in the blood pool has a huge impact after all, and in essence, the competition is still the control of the blood pool, can’t be considered true strength, only to the outside world, to fight against the real eighth-order Immortal Emperor, Chu Fengmian can judge where his strength has reached.

However, for Chu Fengmian to enter the blood pool this time, he has gained a lot. It not only completely solved the threat of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword killing intent, but also passed the test of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword directly. Master the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword.

If it is said that Chu Fengmian mastered the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword before, it was essentially just a borrowing. If you are not careful, you will be backlashed by the killing intent of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword. Even if you use it for a long time, Flehy The body is in danger of collapse.

But now Chu Fengmian is using the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, but he has no such scruples, unless he wants to kill himself, forcefully activate far beyond the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword he can control, otherwise, no matter it is How long the battle will not burden Chu Fengmian’s body.

This is the perfect mastery of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword and become the real master of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, not the Sword Demon Blood Slaughter controlled by the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword killing intent.

Chu Fengmian slowly put away the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, after thinking for a while, he was about to leave the blood pool.

Entering the blood pool at this time, Chu Fengmian’s goal is completely achieved, and he doesn’t need to stay in the blood pool anymore. Sword Dao and Chu Fengmian of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword have fully understood it, but this is after all To dominate Sword Dao, it will take a while to reach the Great Accomplishment, and even more battles.

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