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Currently, the Five Elements Sword Art by Chu Fengmian, although it was just made up from the many sword techniques in the Sword Dao ancient book, the formidable power is actually the Emperor Sword Technique.


Five Elements Sword Art confronts Five Elements Sword Art.

Ten sword glow, collided in the air.

Power of Five Elements broke out frantically from it.

Sword glow collisions again and again.

In just a few breaths, we fought hundreds, thousands of times.

This Five Elements Sword emperor has displayed his sword technique time and time again. In his hands, the power of the Five Elements Sword is also vividly and thoroughly played out, sometimes turned into a sword array, sometimes used together, Beheaded towards Chu Fengmian.

It is worthy of being Five Elements Sword Emperor. This Five Elements Sword Emperor’s Five Elements Sword Art has indeed reached a peak.

If it weren’t Five Elements Law, it was just a low-level law among the Ten Grand Laws, the Emperor Five Elements Sword could not comprehend the high-level Two Great Laws.

His strength is even more terrifying.

However, no matter how powerful the Five Elements Sword emperor attacked, Chu Fengmian still just waved his sword to resist. Chu Fengmian had no intention of counterattack at all.

“What is this kid doing? Delaying time? This is not bringing about one’s own destruction?”

The Lord of Hell, watching the battle between Chu Fengmian and the Emperor Five Elements Sword, opened the mouth and said that he did not understand.

Fighting with sword slaves, especially challengers like Chu Fengmian, must kill the sword slaves quickly. The more delay, the more disadvantages Chu Fengmian is.

Because sword slaves are essentially part of the blood pool, their power is also derived from the blood pool, in this blood pool, they can continuously draw power for their own use, so there is no need to worry The consumption of power.

On the contrary, it is the martial artist who came to challenge. It will consume strength. The more procrastination, the more disadvantaged it is for Chu Fengmian.

Now Chu Fengmian seems to be blindly defensive and has no intention of offensive. It almost went beyond the Lord of the Inferno’s expectation. He didn’t understand what Chu Fengmian had planned.

Not only the Lord of the Hell, but also a few sword slaves made a confused voice.

This battle method does not conform to common sense.

Especially in the assessment of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, facing the sword slave is a kind of close to wheel warfare. After defeating a sword slave, there is only about five minutes, and there is no time to regain strength.

Many of them, when they were challengers, were exhausted under continuous battles, and eventually fell and failed, becoming sword slaves in this blood pool.

“He wants to use the Five Elements Sword Emperor to exercise the sword technique, but if this continues, I am afraid that he has to ask for trouble.”

Sneered Xingwu Sword Emperor said.

Chu Fengmian’s current goal is obviously that he is using the Five Elements Sword as a sparring partner and training his sword technique.

It can be said to be a sparring, this is a cruel assessment.

Chu Fengmian now seems to be able to do well, but he can continue to fight until the moment when Chu Fengmian’s power is about to run out, I am afraid he will fall in the sewer.

“Too arrogant.”

Many sword slaves agree with Sword Emperor Xingwu, nodded.

Only in Hunshi Sword Demon, still just staring at all this indifferently.

“Eternal Divine Body.”

He said silently, then closed his eyes again.

There is no suspense in this battle.

Five minutes, ten minutes.

The Five Elements Sword emperor’s offensive remains unabated. As a sword slave, although he has lost his life, lost his freedom, and is imprisoned in the blood pool, he is shaped by the power of the blood pool , But there is a little benefit, Undying Body, endless power.

In this pool of blood, supplemented by continuously power, he doesn’t need to worry about the consumption of power even if he fights with all his strength.

But it is strange.

In the face of the endless attacks of the Five Elements Sword Emperor, Chu Fengmian’s resistance did not weaken.

His power seems to be endless.

Even if it is an Immortal Emperor, under such a high-intensity battle, the power consumption is extremely fast.

even more how Chu Fengmian Now, it is not an Immortal Emperor, but an Immortal Venerable. With the Spiritual Force of an Immortal Venerable, Chu Fengmian will be exhausted if he fights like this.

But now it seems that Chu Fengmian’s body shows signs of exhaustion.

“What on earth is there in this kid’s body that is restoring his power? The medicinal pill? But…”

The Lord of the Hellfire said with some doubts.

The medicinal pill can restore strength pretty well.

However, Chu Fengmian did not swallow the medicinal pill, but he also noticed that Chu Fengmian’s power was indeed recovering.

Just when everyone was puzzled.

On the other side, above Chu Fengmian’s head, in the Sword Dao ancient book, a brand new page is slowly gathered.

The sword technique on this page is the Five Elements Sword Art, which belongs to the Five Elements Sword Emperor in front of him, Five Elements Sword Art.

When he first played against Emperor Five Elements Sword, Chu Fengmian was always comprehending the sword technique of Emperor Five Elements Sword. Although this kind of insight into the battle, he was far from directly getting the sword crystal and the sword technique. So direct.

But for Chu Fengmian’s current Sword Dao, it is no longer difficult to figure out the opponent’s sword technique and comprehend the opponent’s sword technique in battle.

Since the enlightenment has been completed and integrated into the Sword Dao ancient book, there is no point in continuing the battle.

Chu Fengmian played against the Emperor Five Elements Sword for such a long time. Naturally, it was not impossible to defeat the Emperor Five Elements Sword. If he did his best, this battle, within three moves, would be enough to end.

“It’s over now!”

Chu Fengmian muttered silently. As his voice fell, the aura on his body suddenly changed, and a power of Five Elements enveloped Chu Fengmian.


This power of Five Elements rises up into the sky, and is divided into five, which is transformed into five sword glow, Five Elements Sword glow. Each of these sword glows is as large as a hundred ten thousand zhangs.

The Power of Five Elements contained in it is extremely large. The formidable power of any sword glow must be many times as much as the Five Elements Sword of the Condense.

These five huge sword glows as big as ten thousand zhangs cover the sky and the sun. Everything you see is the color of Five Elements.


The Five Elements Sword mang, blasting down and drowning everything, the Sword Intent on the Five Elements Sword emperor was crushed almost in an instant. His scarlet silhouette was all submerged in this Power of Five Elements.

hong long long!

Everything in it was crushed by the Power of Five Elements in the Five Elements Sword. The body of the Emperor Five Elements Sword was no exception. Fleshy body was destroyed in the Power of Five Elements.

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