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“This guy is actually practicing the sword technique?”

Above the blood pool, many sword slaves are looking towards Chu Fengmian below. They also saw the fight between Chu Fengmian and the sword slave just now.

This is another sword technique that Chu Fengmian has never used before.

Chu Fengmian used a different sword technique when facing each of these sword slaves. Chu Fengmian had already defeated thirteen sword slaves in succession. There was no sword technique on display. Repeated together.

Even the most powerful sword cultivator, it is impossible to specialize in so many sword techniques at the same time, especially the sword technique performed by Chu Fengmian, although it contains extremely powerful formidable power.

But from Chu Fengmian’s sword edge, they still saw a little unskilled trace.

The sword slaves present were once all the prestigious Sword Dao geniuses in the Nine Domains. Naturally, they could see this trace at a glance, which also saw through Chu Fengmian’s purpose.

“This kid, actually didn’t treat us as opponents.”

The sword slave who had been defeated by Chu Fengmian next to him was a bit unhappy in his eyes.

They used to be the famous powerhouse of Nine Domains, but now they are actually used as sparring partners by Chu Fengmian.

“So what? This kid has arrogant capital. This person doesn’t know where he came from. He actually mastered that many sword technique. I saw Lord of Sword Dao’s sword technique from his body, could it? He is the descendant of Lord of Sword Dao?”

Heart Sword Heavenly Venerate is also puzzled opened the mouth and said.

“It should not be. The sword technique on this person has traces of the Sword God secret technique.”

Another sword slave shook the head said.

The Sword God Emperor and the Lord of Sword Dao are mortal enemies, one mountain can’t be shared by two tigers, even more how among the gods of the Nine Domains, there are actually these two Sword Dao gods .

Since the birth of Lord of Sword Dao, the relationship with the Sword God Emperor has been extremely poor. There have been many battles between the two sides, and even later, the fall of Lord of Sword Dao, it is said It is also because of the Emperor Sword God.

“But, what is the sword technique on this person…”

The sword technique of two mortal enemies now appeared on Chu Fengmian’s body, which surprised these sword slaves and couldn’t understand them.

The discussion stopped for a while.

“Next, it’s me.”

A sword slave spoke slowly, breaking the silence.

His body moved, also turned into a scarlet rays of light, dropping from the sky.

“Are you here?”

On the other side, Chu Fengmian also slowly lifts the head. He can clearly see that a scarlet rays of light, dropping from the sky, this scarlet rays of light fell in front of Chu Fengmian. Gradually turned into a scarlet silhouette.

Another sword slave has arrived.

However, Chu Fengmian’s gaze is still looking towards the sky. His gaze seems to have seen through the sky and saw the real scene.

Above the sky, Chu Fengmian felt the breath of more than a dozen sword slaves. It should be said that they were 18 sword slaves.

Adding the sword slave in front of Chu Fengmian, there are 19 in total.

“Are there nineteen sword slaves in the blood pool?”

Chu Fengmian said silently.

As Chu Fengmian defeated a sword slave, acquired the Sword Dao of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, and integrated it into Chu Fengmian’s Sword Dao ancient book, he also felt more and more the scene around the blood pool, It became clearer and clearer.

The power of Chu Fengmian is more and more assimilated with the blood pool, which also makes the power of the blood pool no longer able to stop Chu Fengmian.

Originally, under the power of the blood pool, many areas that Chu Fengmian could not explore, the places that were invisible, are now clearly seen by Chu Fengmian.

He has already noticed the breath of the sword slaves above the sky of this blood pool.

Including the sword slaves who were beheaded by Chu Fengmian before, they are still in the sky now, even the sword slave who was just beheaded by Chu Fengmian, now seems to be reborn from the pool of blood.

Sure enough, even if these sword slaves are beheaded, they will be resurrected again. They are already fuse together with the blood pool and become a kind of existence that is almost Eternal Undying.

Even if they have been beheaded many times, under the power of the blood pool, they can still be resurrected. If you want to completely kill them, you can only destroy this blood pool.

“14th, next, are there five sword slaves?”

At this time, Chu Fengmian’s gaze looked towards the sword slave in front of him.

“Master Sword Demon, I want to fight with you, I hope you don’t let him down and lose in our hands!”

The moment the sword slave said a word, he burst out of his sword, his sword edge flickered, and five sword glows appeared behind him.

The five sword glow presents the colors of Five Elements, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the sword of Five Elements. The moment the five elements condensed in the air, the five swords came out together, slashing towards Chu Fengmian.

“Five Elements Sword Emperor?”

The moment Chu Fengmian saw this Sword Dao, he also recognized the identity of the sword slave in front of him, Emperor Five Elements Sword.

This was also the famous invincible powerhouse in the Nine Domains. He was born in the Heavenly Sword Leader, but now, he is only a sword slave in the blood pool.

These sword slaves, no matter how prominent their identities were, they are still just sword slaves, slaves of the blood pool.

Similarly, these sword slaves are also Chu Fengmian’s opponents, and his best companions.


At the moment when the Emperor Five Elements Sword shot, the sword edge in Chu Fengmian’s hands also moved. When his sword edge moved, it also split into five sword glows, which is the Power of Five Elements. The same The sword of Five Elements.

Power of Five Elements is one of the ten basic laws, and it is also the simplest and purest principle. Many martial artists in the world start their cultivation with Power of Five Elements.

Chu Fengmian got the sword technique, and there are many sword techniques created by Power of Five Elements.

Of course, these sword techniques are not qualified. They are comparable to the Five Elements sword displayed by the Five Elements Sword.

After all, the Emperor Five Elements Sword, but Five Elements Sword Dao, the figure who came to Peak, was a real Immortal Emperor of the seventh order.

However, these sword techniques are integrated into the Sword Dao ancient book, integrated by Chu Fengmian, and integrated into Chu Fengmian’s own Sword Dao, the formidable power is no longer different.

Even if it is a weak Sword Dao, once it is integrated into the Sword Dao ancient book, after the integration of Chu Fengmian Sword Dao, the formidable power that now bursts out is no less than a fairy Emperor Sword Technique.

Chu Fengmian is still in the realm of Xianzun, but his strength, his Sword Dao, is stronger than that of the seventh-order Immortal Emperor. He has created a sword technique casually now. The standard is the Emperor Sword Technique.

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