Of course, all of this is built on the strength of Chu Fengmian, enough to be on par with the Sword God, and can only be done.

If there is a gap in strength, this weak spot in swordsmanship is nothing at all.

The battle of the sword cultivator, although it is a collision on Sword Dao, but the Sword Dao of the Sword God Sovereign, in essence, is not weaker than Chu Fengmian, and he can’t take the advantage. He can only comprehend Heavenly Sword. At this point of secret technique, a weak spot can be found, and only by surprise can it exert unexpected effects.

No matter what, this time Chu Fengmian’s gain from entering Heavenly Sword to lead Holy Land is really big enough. It’s not just a surprise to get Yudi inheritance, Yu sword art, and even the Heavenly Sword secret. Weak spot in the technique.

Because Chu Fengmian himself mastered the swordsmanship of this Emperor, Lord of Sword Dao, his speed of comprehending the Heavenly Sword secret technique was much faster than Chu Fengmian predicted.

Two days have passed.

At the time of seven days and the last half day left, Chu Fengmian has fully comprehended the Heavenly Sword secret technique in this stone sword, and many of the mysterious have been integrated into the Sword Dao ancient book.

It’s just the Heavenly Sword secret technique in this stone sword. In fact, there are only eight types in total.

The true Heavenly Sword secret technique should actually have nine types.

Among the stone swords left by Emperor Sword God on this day, there is no record of the complete Heavenly Sword secret technique. This should also be done by Emperor Sword God, deliberately. After all, Emperor Sword God did not fall.

The stone sword he left was only to teach the Heavenly Sword secret technique to the martial artist of the Heavenly Sword imperial family, not to select Legacy descendants.

Naturally, there is no complete Heavenly Sword secret technique left, and if one is lost, this Heavenly Sword secret technique will not be able to exert its full strength.

Even now, Chu Fengmian has comprehended the first eight forms of the Heavenly Sword secret technique, and the strength that he can display is only two or three out of ten, which is already the limit.

This kind of swordsmanship can only burst out real formidable power when it is complete.

It’s like the Nine Domains Sword Technique created by Chu Fengmian. It is now incomplete, and the power of each style is actually far from reaching the eternal invincible level.

But once Chu Fengmian completes the creation of Nine Domains Sword Technique, all this will change qualitatively.

Heavenly Sword secret technique is incomplete. The mysterious part of it is integrated into the ancient book of Sword Dao. It also makes the Heavenly Sword leading swordsmanship stuck in the last step and cannot be truly perfected, creating a new type of Nine Domains Sword Technique is here.

The Last Style is absent, and the Heavenly Sword secret technique is also incomplete.

“If this is the case, then I will calculate this Last Style to complete the Heavenly Sword secret technique!”

Heavenly Sword secret technique, created by the Sword God Emperor.

This Last Style can be created by the Sword God Emperor, so Chu Fengmian may not be able to do it.

Since he can’t get it directly now, it’s his own comprehension, calculation, and creation.

When it comes to Sword Dao, Chu Fengmian is no worse than the Sword God. Even more how the mysterious of the first eight styles have been incorporated into the Sword Dao ancient book by Chu Fengmian, he just needs According to the first eight formulas, to calculate this Last Style.

in an instant, in Chu Fengmian’s body, the Sword Dao ancient book slammed into motion, and many mysterious forms of the first eight forms of the Heavenly Sword secret technique were all revealed at once.

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