
You can search “Nine Domains Sword Emperor Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

This time, after really seeing the stone sword left by the Sword God Emperor, Chu Fengmian was able to determine that Sword Dao’s Sword Dao indeed took the last step, half step into the origin of Sword Dao level.

However, the Sword God Sovereign on this day is the same as Chu Fengmian. Although he has stepped out of this step, it is still a long way from truly mastering the origin of Sword Dao. If Sword God Sovereign has mastered Sword Dao Originally, he will be dominated by first Sword Dao.

At this time, you should not be called the Sword Dao God Emperor, but Sword Dao dominates.

As for which step the Sword God Sovereign has come to, it is difficult for Chu Fengmian to judge now. After all, this stone sword only contains Sword Intent of Sword God Sovereign Sword.

Chu Fengmian can use this to calculate that the Sword God Emperor has taken this last step, which is already the limit. As for which step his Sword Dao has reached, it is only after Chu Fengmian has played against the Emperor Sword God. It can be calculated.

Sword Dao is mutilated.

Since this epoch, there has not been any sword cultivator, and has not yet fully taken the last one after another step.

Whoever achieves this is almost a sign that whoever can monopolize the origin of Sword Dao, once the master is achieved, it may suddenly become the invincible powerhouse among the masters.

Chu Fengmian also needs to race against time to improve his strength. Once the Sword God emperor has truly stepped out of this step and achieved dominance, then Chu Fengmian wants revenge, and there is almost no chance.

“You, is that Songluo Demon Lord?”

Suddenly, when Chu Fengmian was enlightening, a cold voice came from the side.

This caused Chu Fengmian to look over.

This is a middle-aged man, dressed in a prince’s robe, suddenly standing in front of Chu Fengmian stone pillar, standing in the air, looking at Chu Fengmian.

This middle-aged man, two meters tall, a sturdy figure, and a pair of eyes, stares at Chu Fengmian firmly.

He just spoke.

“Who are you?”

Chu Fengmian frowned, coldly said.

The appearance of this middle-aged man, Chu Fengmian has never seen him before. It is not his enemy, but someone he has never met.

Chu Fengmian is now comprehending the Heavenly Sword secret technique in the stone sword. He is suddenly interrupted by someone. His tone is naturally not much better.

Almost all of the martial artists in this stone forest came for the Heavenly Sword secret technique in this stone sword, and to understand the Heavenly Sword secret technique, naturally, a quiet environment is needed.

So almost everyone will abide by a rule, not to talk in this stone forest, even if there is some conversation, it is very quiet.

This middle-aged man now asks directly, even interrupting Chu Fengmian’s thoughts.

“I’m here to warn you, people who shouldn’t help, don’t help, don’t be nosy, lest you get burnt and suffer the consequences!”

This middle-aged man did not answer Chu Fengmian’s question, but instead opened the mouth and said each minding their own business. His tone was unceremonious, with a sense of reprimand.

This makes Chu Fengmian’s eyes become colder.

This middle-aged man suddenly appeared and interrupted his thoughts. Now he still dares to reprimand him?

In this Heavenly Sword led the Imperial Family, almost no one dared to speak to him like this.

And the middle-aged man in front of him said that he was a prince, and his strength was only the fifth-order Immortal Emperor, and he was considered to be the weakest among the princes, so he uttered such wild words.

“get lost! ”

Chu Fengmian coldly snorted.


The middle-aged man, after hearing Chu Fengmian’s words, all complexion changed.

It seems that Chu Fengmian didn’t expect that Chu Fengmian would dare to refute his words, his face changed again and again, and he had not had time to speak.

“If you want to do it, hurry up, if you dare, get out.”

Rather than waiting for the middle-aged man to speak again, Chu Fengmian directly coldly shouted.

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand directly, condensing a restriction, surrounded by this stone pillar, isolating all sounds, and sitting cross-legged on the ground, does not pay attention to this middle-aged man .

“Good, good!”

The middle-aged man looked at Chu Fengmian’s actions, his face flushed, showing his heart, his anger was extreme, but he was angry in his heart, but he didn’t dare to do it.

Because he also knows where this is, this Small World, but the palace of the Sword God Emperor, who dares to do anything in it, even if he is a prince, only has a dead end.

“Songluo Mozun, I remember you! Don’t think that you have taken refuge in the first Imperial Princess, you can be in the Imperial Family of Heavenly Sword, regardless of the law and of natural morality, hmph!”

The middle-aged man finally shouted coldly, and he didn’t stay in the stone forest anymore, he turned around and left.

Since he can’t do anything in this stone forest, staying here is also inviting humiliation to oneself.

The other side.

Chu Fengmian never paid attention to this middle-aged man.

A small fifth-order Immortal Emperor.

Even the prince of Heavenly Sword in the Imperial Family, there is nothing at worst.

There was no threat to him at all, and he didn’t even have the qualifications to make him care. In contrast, Chu Fengmian was irritable, because such a person actually wasted his precious time.

To know this time, the time left for Chu Fengmian to understand the Heavenly Sword secret technique in the stone sword is only more than two days. He must understand the Heavenly Sword secret technique in more than two days. The mysterious, integrated into the Sword Dao ancient book.

This is the goal of Chu Fengmian’s trip to lead Holy Land this time Heavenly Sword.

Time is as expensive as this treasure, and Chu Fengmian naturally does not want to waste it in the hands of such a person.

He sat cross-legged on the ground, and devoted himself to the stone sword. The many mysterious aspects of the Heavenly Sword secret technique were gradually understood by Chu Fengmian and incorporated into the Sword Dao ancient book.

“Is that the real prince?”

“The true prince, why did he come to this stone forest? Isn’t he unable to comprehend the mysterious of this stone sword?”

“It seems that it came for the Loose Demon Lord.”

The real prince’s noise just now also interrupted the enlightenment of many Imperial Family disciples, the prince, and the grand prince. Their faces were not pretty, but they were not easy to get angry.

After all, no one wants to offend a prince for no reason because of this little thing.

Now that I wake up, someone is using Spiritual Consciousness and discussing with each other.

The true prince has left.

All their eyes fell on Chu Fengmian.

“Songluo Mozun? Is the first Imperial Princess, the newly drawn that powerhouse?”

“Yes, it is him. He was once known as a Heavenly Venerate powerhouse. I don’t know why he was drawn to the first Imperial Princess. Now he has become the Imperial Family disciple, and he is mixed into Heavenly Sword’s Holy Land. Come.”

“This true prince, what kind of grudge is there with this loose devil?”

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