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It is the Muyun Princess.

Mu Yun Princess, has also been outside the Book Collection Pavilion, waiting for Chu Fengmian.

When she saw Chu Fengmian walk out of the Book Collection Pavilion, she took the initiative to greet him. She looked at Chu Fengmian with a little surprise.

Chu Fengmian entered the Book Collection Pavilion. It took only four days, but when he looked at Chu Fengmian again, it was as if he had changed.

The auras on her body are all different. Although Mu Yun Princess has a low aptitude and low strength, she has an inherently sensitive Spiritual Consciousness that can detect a martial artist. Little changes.

Obviously, it is Chu Fengmian who has gained a great deal in it, and it will change the breath of the body.

However, Mu Yun Princess didn’t show it, his face was calm.

But there was a hint of surprise in the eyes of Mu Yun Princess, and he still didn’t hide Chu Fengmian’s eyes. He also noticed that Mu Yun Princess seemed to have noticed the abnormality of Chu Fengmian’s body.

After incorporating Yu sword art, the breath of Chu Fengmian’s body is indeed somewhat of Yu Di’s fierceness, but it is now covered by Chu Fengmian, and it is generally difficult to detect for Immortal Emperor.

This Mu Yun Princess can detect all this.

The Imperial Family disciple who can have a certain status in the Heavenly Sword’s Imperial Family, there really is no general.

Chu Fengmian couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

However, this Mu Yun Princess, at most, discovered a little change in him. The real secret in his body is not something that Mu Yun Princess can detect.

The real secrets of Chu Fengmian are already hidden by the robes of the gods. The ruler may not be able to detect them, even more how this Mu Yun Princess.

“Heavenly Sword Secret Realm’s Small World, is it open?”

Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said.

“Already turned on.”

After hearing Chu Fengmian’s question, Mu Yun Princess calmed down and replied.

“There are already a lot of Imperial Family powerhouses, and they have entered them.”

“Turned on? Go.”

Heavenly Sword secret technique, but the sword technique created by the Sword God Emperor, in which the mysterious, Chu Fengmian doesn’t know how long it will take to truly understand it.

Although Chu Fengmian played against you the Imperial Family disciple and the Imperial Family powerhouse before, he has seen the power of the Heavenly Sword secret technique, but these Imperial Family disciple, the Heavenly Sword secret technique exhibited by the Imperial Family powerhouse, tell the truth. The Heavenly Sword secret technique that Sword God really created, there must be a certain gap.

With less than three days left, Chu Fengmian must also fully comprehend the mysterious technique of the Heavenly Sword secret technique and incorporate it into the Sword Dao ancient book. This is the sword technique that truly completes the Heavenly Sword’s leadership.

Otherwise, Chu Fengmian must also look for an opportunity to enter Heavenly Sword again to lead Holy Land, which will be more troublesome then.

Mu Yun Princess also knew that the time was pressing and did not delay. She turned into a light and left the Book Collection Pavilion with Chu Fengmian.

The Small World, where the Heavenly Sword secret technique is located, is the center of the entire Heavenly Sword’s Holy Land.

Mu Yun Princess turned into a escape light, leading the way in front, Chu Fengmian also followed closely from behind, and at the same time, Chu Fengmian also noticed along the way, and several escape lights all flew in this direction.

The masters of these escapes are not weak, almost all of them are Immortal Emperors, Heavenly Venerate powerhouses, and only one of them is a law immortal, but the aura on this person is more than that seen by Chu Fengmian By the way, General Chigu, General Baiwu, a bit stronger, a uniform.

Apparently this is a martial artist of military genius.

Heavenly Sword leads Holy Land. Although it is under the control of the Imperial Family in name, the military martial artist can also enter the cultivation for a certain price.

Especially the No. 1 Legion, which has the closest relationship with the Imperial Family, can directly take out the Heavenly Sword to receive the Holy Land qualification card and put it out for auction.

These Immortal Emperors, Heavenly Venerates, some are Imperial Family powerhouses, and some are military powerhouses, and they are somewhat hostile to each other, even in their eyes.

The relationship between the military and the Imperial Family began to break 10,000 years ago. Although due to the Emperor Sword God, the two sides were impossible to fight against each other, they opened strife and veiled struggle. It is inevitable.

Chu Fengmian ignored these battles. He had been following Mu Yun Princess, and gradually came to a Transmission Array, entered the Transmission Array, and he was teleported to a giant Grand Plaza.

The north side of this giant Grand Plaza is a huge palace. Compared to any palace that Chu Fengmian has ever seen, this palace is more magnificent and magnificent. It is a great giant that covers more than half of the Small World. The array method is shrouded in the sky above this palace.

Even the palace of the 9th-order Immortal Emperor of the Tai Clan obtained by Chu Fengmian can’t be compared with the palace in front of him.

“This is Your Majesty’s bedroom.”

Mu Yun Princess reminded Chu Fengmian in a low voice.

“In this Small World, no fighting is allowed. Once it disturbs Your Majesty, it is a capital offense. If you are a prince, you will be killed on the spot.”

“Sword God’s bedroom.”

Chu Fengmian’s gaze fell into this huge palace, and even he could not see through the restrictions on this palace.

But under these layers of restrictions, Chu Fengmian still clearly felt a huge force, and this force made Chu Fengmian feel that he was afraid of it.

This is the power of Emperor Sword God.

The current Emperor Sword God sleeps in this palace.

After entering this Small World.

Some powerhouses that were fighting with each other all stopped one after another, and even did not dare to speak loudly, for fear of disturbing the Sword God Emperor.

The Sword God Emperor, is the only overlord among the Heavenly Sword collar, the supreme supreme.

Even if it is an Immortal Emperor who disturbs the Sword God, it is dead end.

“Heavenly Sword secret technique, on the other side of the square.”

Mu Yun Princess opened the mouth and said at Chu Fengmian in a low voice.

Chu Fengmian only glanced at the palace of Emperor Sword God this day for the last time, and followed this Mu Yun Princess to the other side of the square.

On the other side of the square, there is a stone forest with stone pillars standing in great numbers. All the stone pillars are moved towards one direction, stand in great numbers.

On these stone pillars, Chu Fengmian saw a lot of silhouettes. He was already sitting cross-legged on the stone pillar, looking towards the center of the stone forest, as if he was comprehending this.

Through these stone Lin Shi pillars, Chu Fengmian can also clearly see that in the center of these stone Lin Shi pillars, there is this stone sword.

Although it is a stone sword, it is lifelike. On the sword edge, there are many unknown lines. The densely packed line seems to contain an extremely ancient power. At first glance, it is a bit dazzling. .

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