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On this day, Chu Fengmian will never let him come.


When Chu Fengmian talks to himself.

The sword art in front of him suddenly changed.

This sword art, as if he understood Chu Fengmian’s words, suddenly a sword light emerged from it and burst out.

This a sword light is very similar to the sword light in the sword art just now, but it is much clearer.

Just now, Chu Fengmian realized that a sword light, and he gave him an extremely mysterious and abstruse feeling, as if through a veil, it was impossible to detect the true appearance.

It’s just that Chu Fengmian thought that this is the characteristic of Yu sword art. After all, Yu sword art, but the Martial Dao of the feather clan has some gaps with human swordsmanship. It’s hard to comprehend. Chu Fengmian didn’t think it was strange of.

But this a sword light is much clearer at once. This a sword light seems to be the true and pure Sword Dao in the sword art, which is thoroughly revealed and displayed in front of Chu Fengmian .

This is what Yu sword art really looks like.

The a sword light just now seemed to cover up all this deliberately. It was only after hearing Chu Fengmian’s words that Yu sword art showed its true posture.

“This, is it because Emperor Yu has already arrived, he will fall in the future, in this sword art, he moved his hands and feet?”

This sudden change made Chu Fengmian feel a little surprised for a while. In this sword art, it seems that he has done his hands and feet long ago, and the real Sword Dao has been hidden.

I don’t know if I heard Chu Fengmian’s words, which revealed the real Sword Dao.

merely this change made Chu Fengmian even more convinced that this emperor should have fallen into the hands of Emperor Sword God and even Ten Thousand Realms, but he may have noticed some clues before leaving such an arrangement. .

“Since you are willing to incorporate this sword art into the Sword Dao ancient book, I will definitely help when I meet the feather clan in the future.”

Chu Fengmian said silently.

The Yu Emperor spent his entire life fighting for the feathers.

The Emperor Yu has fallen, and Chu Fengmian now has the inheritance of Emperor Yu. All he can do is to take care of the Yu clan.


After saying this, Chu Fengmian sat cross-legged on the ground, and all his consciousness began to comprehend the mysterious in this sword art.

Even now, Yu sword art has shown the real mysterious, but it is not easy for Chu Fengmian to realize it.

This sword art is, after all, the swordsmanship of a 9th-order Immortal Emperor, and it also contains the Martial Dao of the feather clan.

Chu Fengmian doesn’t know how long it has been until a trace of mysterious in this sword art finally began to be integrated into the Sword Dao ancient book, and turned into a new chapter in the Sword Dao ancient book.

This sword art was integrated into the Sword Dao ancient book, and almost instantly became the strongest sword art in the Sword Dao ancient book, formidable power.

Like stronger swordsmanship, such as first sword art, and Taizu swordsmanship, have actually been separated and become a part of Nine Domains Sword Technique. Among the remaining sword art, this sword art is just It is the well-deserved number one and the number one swordsmanship.

“Unfortunately, there is no way for this sword art to directly condense into one of the Nine Domains Sword Techniques. Compared with the Tai clan, the Martial Dao is still too far behind.”

It was not until Yu sword art was completely integrated into the Sword Dao ancient book that Chu Fengmian opened his eyes again. This sword art still has not really condensed into a form of Nine Domains Sword Technique.

Although the Yu Emperor is strong enough, the Martial Dao of the Yu clan is still far from the Martial Dao of the Tai clan. Chu Fengmian can directly understand the Martial Dao of the Tai clan and turn it into the one of the Nine Domains Sword Technique.

The Martial Dao and sword art of this feather clan still have a slight gap.

However, Chu Fengmian also noticed that this sword art has no real perfection yet. Although Yudi’s strength is comparable to the 9th-order Immortal Emperor, it has not yet stood at the top and end of the 9th-order Immortal Emperor.

Compared with Emperor First Sword, Emperor Sword God, Lord of Sword Dao and the others, there is still a gap. This gap may be the reason why his sword art has not been perfect.

Wait until this sword art is truly perfect, it can also condense into one of the Nine Domains Sword Techniques.

Of course, now that Emperor Yu has fallen, Chu Fengmian can do all this.

Yu sword art has been thoroughly integrated into the Sword Dao ancient book, becoming the strongest sword art among them. Yu sword art is enhancing the power of this Sword Dao ancient book.

But similarly, the Sword Dao ancient book is also gradually improving the power of Yu sword art. What Chu Fengmian needs to wait for is the moment Yu sword art is completely perfected, he can condense it into Nine One style of Domains Sword Technique.

“Very well, didn’t expect this time, I actually got the sword art.”

Chu Fengmian got up, with a bit of joy on his face, and got the sword art. For Chu Fengmian, it was another surprise.

After comprehending Yu sword art, he put the ancient book back in place, and the power of Yu sword art also returned to the original blurry appearance of Primal Chaos.

Chu Fengmian did not pay attention to him either, but stepped out.

Heavenly Sword led the Book Collection Pavilion 7-Layer’s swordsmanship. Chu Fengmian has already realized it, and it is time for him to leave.

“Four days have passed?”

At this time, Chu Fengmian counted the time and was shocked. He didn’t expect that four days had passed since Chu Fengmian entered the Book Collection Pavilion.

Chu Fengmian studied the sword art of Yu Yu. I thought it didn’t take long, but the four days passed in a flash.

Of course, this is because Chu Fengmian was recognized by Emperor Yu. Yu sword art showed the real Sword Dao. It was unguarded. Only in just four days, Chu Fengmian realized Yu sword. The mysterious of art is integrated into the Sword Dao ancient book.

If the Emperor Yu hasn’t approved it, let alone the four days, even if it takes all seven days, Chu Fengmian would not be able to understand the fur of Yu sword art.

This Yudi can be regarded as a great help to Chu Fengmian.

“Four days have passed, the Small World where the Heavenly Sword secret technique is located should also be opened.”

Chu Fengmian can still remember that his biggest purpose in entering Heavenly Sword to lead Holy Land this time is the Heavenly Sword secret technique.

When Chu Fengmian stepped out, he left the Book Collection Pavilion. Compared to before entering the Book Collection Pavilion, Chu Fengmian’s Sword Intent seemed to be a bit more aggressive.

This is the change brought about by the integration of Yu sword art into the Sword Dao ancient book.

Of course, Chu Fengmian quickly calmed down the Sword Intent on his body, and it seemed to be no different from before.

“Master Songluo, you are finally out.”

As soon as Chu Fengmian walked out of the Book Collection Pavilion, a silhouette greeted him.

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