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Since he came back from rebirth, he has almost never rested. Almost every moment, he is preparing for a fight.

Coming to this bloody life within the realm, Chu Fengmian can relax a little after a long absence.

However, Chu Fengmian also knew in his heart that this rest was only temporary, and Nine Domains was always a sword oppressing Chu Fengmian’s head.

Unless it is to destroy Seven Great Sects of Nine Domains, Chu Fengmian will never have a peaceful day.

But for the time being, I can relax.

The blood martial world advocates Martial Dao.

On the streets of the capital of Feng State, you can often see two martial artists competing and competing.

On the street of the Feng State king’s capital, many arenas are built. These arenas are all built from a very strong rock called Tiangangyan. On it, some powerful people have carved Array prohibitions. .

Generally, Celestial Realm’s martial artists will not be able to break this kind of ring. The ring will all around the onlookers, and they are not worried that the power of the fight will affect them.

“The Martial Dao of the bloody world is somewhat interesting. It is a lineage of its own and seems to have some shadows of the Battle King clan.”

Chu Fengmian was also in the crowd, watching the arena where two Celestial Realm martial artists played against each other. Their Martial Dao, in the eyes of Chu Fengmian today, was naturally like a child playing with 2 holes.

However, their Martial Dao is somewhat interesting, with a supreme domineering, dominance of Heaven and Earth, and cultivation Body Refining Technique.

All martial artists in the entire blood martial world within the realm seem to have the cultivation Body Refining Technique, and their Body Refining Technique has also reached a very high level of attainment. In addition to this Martial Dao, and the rumored Battle King One family is indeed somewhat similar.

“The Battle King clan is the Royal Family of the humans in the Great Ancient Era, but there are very few records of the Battle King clan in later generations, very vague, and the Martial Dao of the Battle King clan has long been lost. It is said that among the Battle King clan, many powerful men of amazing strength have been born, and even the Immortal Emperor has been born.”

“Martial Dao in this bloody world, if it really has something to do with the Battle King clan, it’s really worth looking for.”

Chu Fengmian also noticed that within the realm of blood martial arts, almost all the martial artists he saw and the Martial Dao cultivation belonged to the same lineage. Although there are some differences, they all belong to the same lineage.

It seems that the Martial Dao of the whole blood martial world is derived from the differentiation of the same Martial Dao, which also intensified Chu Fengmian’s guess.

When Chu Fengmian thought about this, the ring was a winner.

Chu Fengmian didn’t care about the result of this battle. While thinking, he continued to wander in the Feng State capital, and finally stopped in front of a tall building.

This tall building has a total of 100 zhang high. It is considered to be one of the tallest tallest buildings in this Feng State capital. It occupies a large area and it has a whole street.

In front of this tall building, there is a huge plaque hanging.

“Ocean Chamber of Commerce.”

Chu Fengmian said silently.

This ocean-going Chamber of Commerce is said to be the largest Chamber of Commerce in the capital of Feng State. In the entire Feng State, the ocean-going Chamber of Commerce is scattered in various cities and is extremely powerful.

It is said that behind the Sino-Ocean Chamber of Commerce, it has a 1000-wire 10000-thread relationship with the Imperial Family of the Great Feng State.

Of course, all these are just rumors that Chu Fengmian heard.

He is not interested in the back of the Ocean Chamber of Commerce. He just feels that there is an attraction in this Ocean Chamber of Commerce. It seems that there is something in it that attracts Chu Fengmian.

Although Chu Fengmian is still the realm of the Witch King, his true strength is no different from that of the Witch King.

General treasures have no meaning for Chu Fengmian. Only those treasures that are useful for Immortal Emperor are valid for Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian just passed by the door of the ocean-going Chamber of Commerce, and he actually felt such a huge attraction. There must be some treasure in it that is attracting Chu Fengmian.

“Go in and see.”

Chu Fengmian took a casual look and stepped into it.

“This adult, please.”

Chu Fengmian had just stepped into the Ocean Chamber of Commerce, and a boy next to him greeted him and walked in with Chu Fengmian.

As the boy of this ocean-going Chamber of Commerce, he doesn’t know how many guests he receives in a year. You can tell at a glance that Chu Fengmian is dressed out of the ordinary, and he has a superior temperament.

This is impossible to pretend. Obviously Chu Fengmian has been at the top for a long time.

Blood martial world, took martial arts as honor, only with the strength, can he have this long-standing capital, so when he saw Chu Fengmian, he was very respectful and ignored other guests, and took the initiative to walk Chu Fengmian upwards.

Ocean Chamber of Commerce, a total of nine layers, first 3-floors, are all commonplace, everyone can visit.

The middle 3 floors must have strength, at least a martial artist of the Emperor Realm, to be eligible to step into it.

As for the top 3 floors, at least the martial artist of Celestial Realm is qualified to step into it, and even some noble identities are qualified to step into it.

This boy took Chu Fengmian all the way to the 5th floor.

“Somewhat interesting, there are many treasures in the ocean-going Chamber of Commerce that have disappeared from the Middle Ancient era. It seems that this bloody world is indeed a treasure. In the Middle Ages, the treasures of Ancient Era have all bred Quite a lot.”

Chu Fengmian followed this boy all the way, looking at the treasures placed on the counters. With Chu Fengmian’s gaze, he could recognize the origin of this treasure at a glance. These many treasures, even the current Three Great Saint Territories Among them, it’s hard to see them, and they are all in the Ocean Chamber of Commerce.

Of course, this is also because the Ocean Chamber of Commerce, the entire Feng State, and even the largest Chamber of Commerce within the realm, will have so many treasures.

Among other Chamber of Commerce, there are not so many treasures. The treasures of the entire Feng State are almost all gathered in this ocean-going Chamber of Commerce.

“I don’t know what kind of treasure do the adults need? Immortal Grade? Immortal Pill? Or some refining materials?”

The boy looked at Chu Fengmian all the way and just watched at will, but he didn’t have the idea of ​​buying, so he couldn’t help but ask.

He did not dare to neglect the temperament of Chu Fengmian, but he had never seen it in many martial artists of Celestial Realm. Although he could not see the true strength of Chu Fengmian, the weakest was at least Celestial. Realm’s strong.

A Celestial Realm strong, once he angers the opponent, the opponent may directly kill him. Facing the strong, he must be respectful. Even if Chu Fengmian has not bought anything now, he dare not be dissatisfied.

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