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Within the realm, all Martial Dao are controlled by major countries. The strongest Martial Dao is naturally this big Feng State, so Chu Fengmian came directly into this big Feng State.

After staying in the capital of the Grand Feng State, Chu Fengmian had already figured out many situations of the blood military continent and the Grand Feng State in one day.

The Great Feng State is the strongest country in the bloody continent for thousands of years. Its prosperity has even surpassed many countries in history. It is prestigious and even has the potential to unify the bloody world.

The other countries in the bloody life within the realm have already united and joined forces to fight against the big Feng State, but they are still suppressed and miserable.

“The blood martial world is the world born from the beginning. Since the world seed can be born, it means that this blood martial world within the realm has never been set foot in it, then Where did this Martial Dao come from?”

Chu Fengmian looked outside the inn.

On the street, there are endless silhouettes. In the entire Dafeng Capital, there are more than 100000000 million people. This city is big and boundless, and there are many martial artists, emperor realms, and even Celestial Realm on the street. The strong are everywhere.

In a Smaller Thousand Worlds, Martial Dao is so prosperous, it really makes Chu Fengmian unimaginable.

Even though this Feng State royal capital is the place where the powers of the entire blood martial world converge, the overall strength of this blood martial world is still a bit astonishing, much stronger than the Foreign Domain starry sky world.

“Xiansheng, there are more than a dozen of them.”

Chu Fengmian can feel it, in this Feng State capital.

“The Spiritual Qi here can be even better than the strongest Spiritual Qi in the Foreign Domain starry sky. It’s almost close to immortal strength. No wonder so many powerful people can be born.”

“Such a strong Spiritual Qi, within the realm of blood and martial arts, gave birth to many treasures with probability, which is much greater than many Smaller Thousand Worlds.”

This bloody world is indeed the most prosperous Smaller Thousand Worlds that Chu Fengmian knows. The emperor realm on the road and the martial artist of Celestial Realm are not a few.

Interestingly, in a Smaller Thousand Worlds, so many powerhouses can be born.

In the Feng State capital alone, there are more than a dozen immortal saints, and Immortal Monarch, immortal kings, are even more than 100. The number of strong ones is higher than that of the same Smaller Thousand Worlds. Foreign Domain Star World, which is more than 100 times more powerful, is indeed somewhat unusual.

And the strangest thing is that the World Source of this bloody world is gone.

Chu Fengmian came to this bloody world, the first purpose is to find the World Source among them, to comprehend the ten basic rules.

As for the later Chu Fengmian wanted to collect some Martial Dao of this bloody world, he just saw the prosperity of the bloody world Martial Dao, and he suddenly became interested.

A World Source of Smaller Thousand Worlds is mostly on top of Nine Heavens, in the core of a Smaller Thousand Worlds, but Chu Fengmian inspected it before and found that it was empty.

The World Source of this bloody world has actually disappeared.

It should not disappear, but hid.

World Source is the root of Smaller Thousand Worlds. Once World Source disappears, Smaller Thousand Worlds will also begin to decline.

But the current blood martial world, it seems that there is no sign of decay. On the contrary, Martial Dao is becoming more and more prosperous. Obviously World Source impossible has disappeared, but I don’t know where to hide, or is attached to who.

In many worlds within the realm, there are legends of the chosen person, Child of Destiny.

The so-called luck, illusory, but the selection of heaven, is real, like in the Desolate Ancient era, many strong people were selected by Supreme Beginning Strength, such as the top ten wizard gods and the others.

And in the ancient territory, there are also gods of the wizard clan selected by God’s Force.

Among Smaller Thousand Worlds such as the Blood Martial World, there are also some peerless genius who have risen suddenly. It is very possible that they are all selected by the World Source of the Blood Martial World.

Now that the World Source disappears, it is very likely that it is hidden in the body of a martial artist within the realm.

“In this way, it’s troublesome.”

Chu Fengmian frowned, World Source is hidden, and it is difficult for him to detect it.

However, the person selected by World Source must be the genius with the highest and most monster aptitude in the blood martial world within the realm. In this way, if you look carefully, who is the most famous genius in this blood martial world within the realm? , That many semi-probability, this World Source is on him.

But to find someone, relying on Chu Fengmian alone is not enough.

And Chu Fengmian is also very interested in the Martial Dao in this bloody world, and the truly profound Martial Dao within the realm is in the hands of the Imperial Family of various countries.

As for the Martial Dao circulating outside, most of them are incomplete. With the current identity of Chu Fengmian, I naturally look down on it.

What he needs is naturally within the realm, the most profound Martial Dao, which is useful for his Sword Dao ancient book.

“The easiest way is naturally to grab, but there are more than a dozen immortal saints in the number of powerhouses within the realm of blood and martial arts, and I can only use the power of the immortal saint level at most, with one enemy ten. Maybe it’s ok, but there are too many, I’m afraid I’m not good at parrying.”

Chu Fengmian thought to himself.

If he uses his full strength, Chu Fengmian sweeps the bloody world, all with no difficulty, but once he uses his full strength, he will inevitably be suppressed by the World Strength, and may even be driven out directly.

At the time, for Chu Fengmian, it was a waste of world seed opportunity.

If you can’t grab it hard, then Chu Fengmian can only go the other way.

Whether you are looking for Martial Dao or the World Source of this bloody world, Chu Fengmian needs manpower.

Manpower, Chu Fengmian is now alone. It is not easy to form a force now.

The simplest thing is to find a power in this Feng State capital and use it for him. This power cannot be too weak. If it is too weak, it will be difficult to find a decent Martial Dao.

“Among the big Feng State, the most powerful ones are the Imperial Family, several Kings, and the princes. Most of the strong people in the big Feng State have devoted themselves to them.”

Chu Fengmian muttered to himself, with an idea in his heart, he body moved and left the inn.

Chu Fengmian left the inn and wandered around in the Feng State capital, sometimes buying some roadside food to eat, which can be considered at ease.

“It’s been a long time since there was such peace.”

Chu Fengmian couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

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