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“No wonder the power of the King of Commercial Land suddenly skyrocketed so much, Shan Haizhu is actually Shan Haizhu!!”

The moment Chu Fengmian felt the surging power contained in the mountains and sea beads, his face changed suddenly.

He also understood why the power of the King of Commercial Land suddenly soared so many times.

This is not the power of the king of business, but the power of mountains and seas.

The King of Shangtu awakened the power contained in the mountains and sea beads, blessed him, and exploded ten times more powerful than himself.

The Supreme Treasure of the Earth Wizard God, Shan Haizhu, is actually in the hands of the King of Commercial Earth.

This is the first time that Chu Fengmian has seen other people’s hands, possessing the power of Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon.

Although Chu Fengmian possesses the Sword of the Beginning, this is his Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon, and Chu Fengmian has never experienced the huge pressure he has to face in the face of Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon.

Now from the mountain and sea pearl in the hands of the king of business and land, Chu Fengmian has realized for the first time how terrifying the power of Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon is.

Just a force of blessing on the King of Commercial Land, the power of King of Commercial Land skyrocketed tenfold, which made Chu Fengmian a little completely unprepared.

Fortunately, the 129,600 immortal crystals on Chu Fengmian’s body have already swallowed a large number of witch God’s Force and reached the level of imminent transformation. Compared with the previous time, it is not known how much stronger it is, and this has resisted the king of Shangtu A palm.

If you change it to Chu Fengmian who just entered the Divine Palace in Wugong.

Even if the palm just fell, Chu Fengmian would be seriously injured even if he was immortal. Most of the 129,600 immortal crystals on his body were broken.

“Sure enough, you can’t underestimate the Divine Palace 3 king of the witch, the king of business and land, still has such a hole card.”

Chu Fengmian’s heart moved, one after another Bloodline Strength also burst out from Chu Fengmian’s body, blessing on the body, helping to resist the power of mountains and sea pearls.

It took a full three breaths before the power of the mountain and the sea bead gradually dissipated.

And Chu Fengmian actually consumed 3% of his power in this short 50 breaths time.

The consumed God’s Force was okay. Under the blessing of the eternal Divine Body, it quickly recovered. The expendable Bloodline Strength, but it was difficult to recover in a short time.

This is also Chu Fengmian’s immediately, condensing all the power to protect himself, otherwise, Chu Fengmian’s situation will be worse than it is now.

“Don’t die?”

On the other side, the king of Shangtu also fell on Chu Fengmian’s body, and said with some surprise.

“Boy, after I got the mountain and sea pearl, no one has ever forced me to use the mountain and sea pearl. You are the first one. Didn’t expect you to be able to resist an attack by the mountain and sea pearl.”

The king of business land looked towards Chu Fengmian, coldly said.

Shan Haizhu, also his strongest hole card, can burst out ten times his own strength.

Failing to kill Chu Fengmian this time, it made him a little surprised.

However, the King of Shangtu clearly felt that Chu Fengmian’s strength was weak, obviously Chu Fengmian, and it was difficult to withstand the attack of Shan Haizhu. It was blocked this time, but it was only tolerable.

Next time, it won’t be so easy.

Although it would consume a lot of the power of the King of Commercial Land to operate the mountain and sea pearl, even he could not use the power of the mountain and sea pearl several times.

But to defeat Chu Fengmian, it is far enough.

The king of Shangtu stared at Chu Fengmian steadily, and at the same time he was recovering his own power.

As for the other gods of the Witch Clan, they can also clearly feel that the power of the King of Shangtu urging the mountain and the sea pearl just now is almost an invincible force, a force that people can’t resist at all.

“Is this the power of Shan Haizhu?”

“Did you just feel it?”

“Ten times! Ten times the power of the King of Commercial Land!”

“This is the power of Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon!”

“The king of business and land has hidden so deeply!”

“Now, this kid is over!”

“The King of Divine Palace 3 is not that easy to challenge. It seems that this person brought about one’s own destruction this time.”

“I can’t say that. This person has already defeated the King of Jin Jue. He has the power to challenge the King of Divine Palace 3, but no one can think that Shan Haizhu is in the hands of the King of Commercial Land.”

The concealment of the King of Commercial Land is beyond anyone’s guess.

He has a Supreme Treasure like Shan Haizhu, but he has never used it, and he didn’t even want to challenge the other two Divine Palace 2 kings. If the king of business and land starts early, I am afraid that there will be a unified Divine Palace. Capable

The King of Jin Jue, who is also one of the kings of Divine Palace 3, is at least impossible to be the opponent of the King of Business and Land, who owns mountains and seas.

With such strength, the king of business and land has always been hidden.

No one can guess the depth of this concealment.

“Boy, you can’t think of it. Shan Haizhu is in my hands. If I don’t have Shan Haizhu today, maybe I really may not be your opponent. Unfortunately, I have been prepared for this. Take destruction.”

Even if it is the king of business and land, Chu Fengmian’s strength is already recognized in his heart now. In terms of strength, Chu Fengmian’s strength even exceeds him.

However, Shan Haizhu can make up all the power gaps.

“Do you think you can defeat me today?”

Chu Fengmian looked towards King of Shangtu, his face was surprisingly calm.

Even facing this mountain and sea pearl, his expression did not show any panic or fear.

This made many witch gods look at it and feel very strange.

Even the king of business and soil does not know what Chu Fengmian has to rely on, but with Shan Haizhu in his hands, he is not afraid of anyone.

“Boy, it seems that you still don’t understand the power of Shan Haizhu, the power between you and me, how big the gap is.”

The king of business and land sneered again and again, and once again started Shanhaizhu Road.

“The power of mountains and sea pearls, let you see and see! I want you to understand that in the face of absolute power, all your calculations are not turned upside down by mountains and seas! Heaven and Earth are shaking!”

At the moment when the King of Commercial Land spoke, he also injected a force of power into the mountain and sea bead, and saw that the huge power contained in the mountain and sea bead slowly awakened with the injection of the power of the King of Commercial Land.

The surging boundless power radiated from the mountains and sea beads, and once again turned into a huge palm print, dropping from the sky, strikes down.

“Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon, do you think it’s only you? The sword came out at the beginning! Supreme sword power!”

At the same time that the King of Shangtu screamed, Chu Fengmian also screamed, and suddenly a Spirit Sword appeared in Chu Fengmian’s palm.

When Chu Fengmian held the hilt of the sword, supreme Sword Intent, dropping from the sky.

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