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Even though the witch god of the earth is known for his strength, now that he is fighting against Chu Fengmian one after another, the king of business and earth feels that his power is rapidly consuming.

On the other side, the power of Chu Fengmian’s body seemed to be endless, with no end in sight. This made the King of Commercial Land’s expression extremely embarrassing.

Until now, he is known for his strength and tyranny, but today he is going to lose to Chu Fengmian in pure strength.


The King of Commercial Land gave a big hand.

Many witch gods who immediately supported the King of Commercial Land, heard the words of the King of Commercial Land, and suddenly countless light locked on Chu Fengmian’s body. Behind this one after another gaze, they are all surging accumulated for a long time. power.

Before Chu Fengmian defeated and suppressed the King of Jin Jue, the King of Commercial Land had already known that he would naturally not underestimate Chu Fengmian’s power, so he had already attracted many witch gods and prepared to besiege Chu Fengmian together.

Only at first, the King of Commercial Land still disdains to join forces with other witch gods to deal with Chu Fengmian.

But now Chu Fengmian’s strength is really too terrifying, reaching a level that is difficult to beat even if the king of business land is exhausted.

This also made the king of business and land unconcerned about face-to-face disputes. If he loses to Chu Fengmian today, then everything is meaningless.

Moreover, in the fight with Chu Fengmian, the King of Shangtu also vaguely noticed some sources of power in Chu Fengmian.

“Supreme Beginning Strength, this person actually has the Supreme Beginning Strength. He has already achieved the Heaven and Earth Alien Species. After not expecting million years, someone else has survived the great catastrophe and integrated into the Supreme Beginning Strength. , Made Heaven and Earth Alien Species.”

“Witch God’s Force, although it is one of the most Peak powers, it is essentially differentiated by Supreme Beginning Strength. If I can kill this person and take the Supreme Beginning Strength from him, what is the God’s Force? , I will become an existence beyond the wizard god.”

“You must kill him!”

The eyes of the king of business land are killing intent again and again.

Looking at the other witch god sons, who had already accumulated good power, he loudly roared.

“Now, do it!”

Hong long long !

Martial Dao, the shaman god hiding the sky and covering the earth, is coming towards Chu Fengmian strikes.

More than a dozen witch gods came together to strike Chu Fengmian strikes, and among the countless witch gods, Martial Dao, the power of the king of business land was the most powerful.

All the forces, gathered together, directed at Chu Fengmian and killed him.

Facing the dozens of strikes of Martial Dao, Chu Fengmian’s face did not change in any way. He was extremely calm. He mobilized the power of Bloodline, the god of fire, and blended into the fist wind, and suddenly struck out with a punch. .


Chu Fengmian’s punch turned into a large sea of ​​fire in the air, sweeping across the sky, and all Martial Dao, the shaman god who came towards Chu Fengmian strikes, were enveloped by this sea of ​​fire.

One after another Martial Dao, the witch god, broke into it, and was ruthlessly drowned by this sea of ​​fire, and the witch God’s Force contained in it disappeared.

The Martial Dao, the sorcerer god, jointly played by more than a dozen sorcerer gods, were all resolved by Chu Fengmian with no difficulty.

Seeing Chu Fengmian standing there unscathed, the faces of the wizard gods who had just started, each and everyone’s face was so gloomy that they couldn’t think of it, even if they joined hands, they would not cause any damage to Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian’s realm, although he has not yet reached the level of the Witch King, his power has already surpassed the level of the Witch King. For Chu Fengmian, most of the power of the Witch King is like an ant.

A group of ants teamed up to hurt Chu Fengmian, which is impossible.

Among the witch gods present, in addition to the king of Shangtu, only the other two Dark Valley Kings, King Qingtian, can also put pressure on Chu Fengmian.

As for the remaining witch gods, for Chu Fengmian, it is not worth his effort to be distracted.

Even Chu Fengmian’s fleshy body could not be defeated by the attacks of these wizard gods.

“The king of business and land, acknowledge allegiance, no one can defeat me, Divine Palace is destined to be unified by me, and destined to be me, breaking everything!”

Chu Fengmian calmly opened the mouth and said.

Although this tone is calm, anyone can hear the domineering Chu Fengmian’s words.

This is almost an announcement that Chu Fengmian will become the only supreme existence in the Divine Palace.

And the era of Divine Palace 3 king will end.

“Invincible? Boy, do you really think you can beat me? Do you think my King of Jinjue is like a trash? Tell you, even if your power is ten times stronger, you will definitely lose today!”

Hearing Chu Fengmian’s words, the King of Commercial Land did not get angry and said with a smile.

In the palm of the king of Congshang, an earth-yellow bead suddenly appeared. From this earth-yellow bead, one could feel the extremely surging essence of God’s Force.

This witch God’s Force is much larger than the sum of all the witch God’s Forces on the scene, and it is like a world power hidden behind this bead.

Suddenly, God’s Force was condensed in the palm of the king of business land, he struck down, and Heaven and Earth shook.

Chu Fengmian felt a surging force suddenly strikes him down. He condensed the power of 129,600 immortal crystals to the extreme in his body, completely blessed it on the fleshy body, and slammed against this palm force. The advent.

Bang bang bang!

The continuous power, strikes down, Chu Fengmian’s previous offensive was completely suppressed. All the power in his body was gathered in his body, protecting himself, and resisting the impact of one after another power.

No one could have expected.

It seems that he is the king of business and land with all his cards, but he still hides such terrifying power.

The power of this palm is ten times more powerful than the power that the King of Commercial Land broke out before.

“what happened?”

“How could the power of the king of business and land soar suddenly?”

“The bead, look at the bead in the hands of the king of business land.”

“Shan Haizhu!”

“It’s Shan Haizhu!”

“The Supreme Treasure of the Earth Wizard God, now actually fell into the hands of the King of Commercial Land?”

The gods of the Wu clan who were present were shocked and shocked the moment they saw the earth-yellow bead that appeared in the palm of the king of business land.

Shan Haizhu!

Chu Fengmian has also heard of this name. This is the Supreme Treasure among the witches. It is rumored that the top ten witch gods all have their own Supreme Treasure, and Shanhaizhu is the Supreme Treasure belonging to the earth witch god.

The Supreme Treasure of the top ten wizard gods, all rumored to be Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon.

It’s just that the Supreme Treasure of the top ten witch gods, in the rumors, all disappeared a long time ago and disappeared.

No one would have thought that the Supreme Treasure of the Earth Wizard God, Shan Haizhu, is now in the hands of the King of Business and Earth.

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