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In the Divine Palace, not all the gods of the witch clan have no prying heart about the status of the aloof and remote of the witch Divine Palace 3.

Only in the face of absolute strength, they all suppressed their ambitions.

King of Jinjue, if they were in Peak, they would never dare to be greedy.

But now, the King of Jin Jue has met his opponent, and now the King of Jin Jue is full of strength, and there is nothing to do with Chu Fengmian in front of him. In this battle, no matter who wins, I am afraid that he will have to pay a great price. .

At that time, it was when they caught the fisherman both.

“It seems that our battle has already attracted a lot of people, boy, as long as you hand over how to dissolve the stigma of Divine Palace, I will not be against you, but can join hands with you. , How about catching the black hands behind the Divine Palace?”

In the sea of ​​fire, the King of Jin Jue also noticed that there were more and more witch gods around. The conversations of these witch gods and their greedy eyes were all seen by the king of Jin Jue. He looked towards Chu Fengmian said solemnly.

“In the fight, none of us will benefit. We can only end up with both sides suffer.”

“Really? Both sides suffer? I don’t think you have this ability.”

Chu Fengmian calmly opened the mouth and said when he heard the words of the King of Jin Jue.

His tone was extremely relaxed.

But to the King of Jin Jue, these words were extremely harsh, his face was furious, and this time he was really angry. Chu Fengmian’s words were simply provoking his dignity.

He is the king of Jinjue, the king of Divine Palace 3. Now he actively asked to stop, but he was rejected by Chu Fengmian. Even in Chu Fengmian’s words, there was a slight disdain. In his tone, he was not released. In the eyes.

“Boy, it seems that you really don’t know the immensity of heaven and earth. Do you think I only have this power? I just don’t want to use my full strength, but today it’s you who forced me to die. Today you must die. Everyone is impossible to stop!”

King Jin Jue roared, his words seemed to announce the death penalty.

Suddenly on the body of the King of Jinjue, one after another golden light burst out, this one after another golden light gathered together and turned into a long river, in which sharp and surging power are accumulated.

“The River of Jinjue!”

“This is the most powerful move of the King of Jin Jue, and it is also the one that he has become famous. It is precisely because of this move that the King of Jin Jue is called the King of Jin Jue.”

“This trump card’s trump card, the king of Jinjue has used it?”

“It is said that this move is the most powerful move among the Martial Dao left by the Golden Witch God. Non-witch emperors cannot fully grasp it. Even the King of Jinjue will consume most of the energy once it is activated. Strength, falling into weakness, it’s only a dozen years since the devouring once in 100 years, the King of Jin Jue did not hesitate to consume his own strength, but also to use this move?”

“Did you feel it? The anger of the King of Jin Jue almost filled the entire Divine Palace. What did this person do that angered the King of Jin Jue to such a degree.”

“As soon as this move comes out, this battle is completely over. Except for the King of Frost and the King of Commercial Land, no one can block this move.”

At the moment when the golden river emerged, many witch gods muttered to themselves.

In their view, from the moment the river of Jin Jue appeared, the outcome of this battle was already doomed.

“But this person can force the King of Jinjue to perform this move, which is enough to be proud, especially if he is a newcomer. If he keeps a low profile and does not provoke the King of Jinjue, he is cultivation tens in this Divine Palace. Of thousands of years, his strength in the future may really be comparable to the King of Jinjue.”

“It’s a pity that this newcomer is too arrogant. He provokes King Jin Jue when he comes up. His fall is already doomed.”

There are also some witch gods who feel sorry for Chu Fengmian.

In the Divine Palace, hundreds of thousands of years, finally a witch god son who can challenge the Divine Palace 3 king of the witch has arrived, but he is about to fall here today.

Even King Yan Witch, King Feng Hao and the others couldn’t help showing a look of despair.

At the same time, in the fire.

The power of the Jin Jue River was accumulated in a flash. Suddenly, the King of Jin Jue gave a long roar and waved his hand. The Jin Jue River swept away in the direction of Chu Fengmian.

In this golden river, there is pure golden divine force, if a Person blocks, then kill the Person, if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas, nothing can stop this golden river.

Everything that falls into the river of Jin Jue will be reduced to ashes, and any existence is no exception.

The fire of the witch gods around Chu Fengmian were all extinguished at the place where the river of Jin Jue passed. Even if it was the fire of the witch god, they could not resist the river of Jin Jue.

“Boy, it’s already your honor to die under this move!”

The King of Jin Jue looked towards Chu Fengmian, his face was full of smiles.

Once the river of Jin Jue came out, he was not afraid that Chu Fengmian would have any power to fight back. This was his strongest move as the King of Jin Jue, one of the Divine Palace 3 kings.

Except for the other two of Divine Palace 3 kings, the King of Shangtu and the King of Frost, any remaining wizards of the Divine Palace are impossible to resist this move.

He burst out of this move Jin Juezhi River, but the most powerful move of the Jin Jue God is Martial Dao. Even the King of Jin Jue, every time he uses it, he must pay a certain price, which will have his power. influences.

So when it is not as a last resort, the King of Jinjue will not show this move.

This time the King of Jin Jue was completely irritated by Chu Fengmian, and he would do whatever it takes to display the River of Jin Jue.

The power of the river of this move, even a real witch emperor, must have a strategic withdrawal when facing it. As for those witch Divine Races, even a little bit of rays of light will be completely exposed. Tear to pieces and fall on the spot.

“Jin Juezhi River, I only heard about this move in the rumors. I didn’t expect to see it with my own eyes this time.”

“Everything is over, there is no hope anymore.”

“Martial Dao’s strongest trick, I don’t know when I can comprehend.”

When a god of gold looked towards the river of Jin Jue, he couldn’t help but show a bit of longing in his eyes.

This move Jin Jue Zhi River is a move that all the golden gods dream of wanting to control.

“How is it possible, this move Jin Jue River, but only the Witch Emperor can fully control it. Look at Jin Jue King, he dare not use it at will. As for you and me, even if it is a comprehend this move, it is difficult to use and consume the power. We can’t be used for draining us.”

Next to him, there was another god of gold who opened the mouth and said disdainfully.

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