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“Where is this? How can there be such a huge force in the fight, ten thousand li away from me, I can actually feel it clearly?”

“Too terrifying, this kind of power can be felt in the entire Divine Palace.”

“In Divine Palace, how long hasn’t such a fight erupted? It’s only more than ten years since it has been swallowed once in 100 years. Now someone wakes up early and started fighting?”

In the Divine Palace, many of the witch gods who were originally in retreat have now awakened and lifted the head looked towards the sky, feeling the power of the air collision.

Wu Divine Palace said that it is not small, but that it is not big. Now Chu Fengmian’s fight with the King of Jin Jue is enough to completely affect the wizards of the Wu Divine Palace.

“This kind of power is the only King Divine Palace 3 Witch. Could it be that King Divine Palace 3 Witch suddenly fought against each other?”

“One of these powers is the power of the King of Jinjue, indeed the King of Jinjue!”

“But the other force is not from the King of Commercial Land, nor from the King of Frost. Who is this?”

“Someone is challenging the King of Jinjue?”

“This is the power of the Fire Sorcerer God, among the Fire God Child, when did such a strong appear? Seeing his power, he is colliding with the King of Jin Jue, but he won’t fall into the wind?”

Among these two powers, one of them is no stranger to these witch god children, and this is the power of the King of Jinjue.

The King of Jin Jue is the King of Divine Palace 3, and everyone in the Divine Palace knows it.

But there is another force, extremely unfamiliar, and it does not belong to the other two Divine Palace overlords.

The powers of the witch god children are extremely unique. As long as they fight against each other, it can be judged that they belong to the power of the witch god Bloodline.

They can clearly judge that the one who is now fighting the King of Jinjue is a witch clan god son who owns the bloodline, the witch god of fire.

But in Divine Palace, they never heard of such a strong man.

The Bloodline of the Fire Sorcerer didn’t have much left in the northern realm, so the God of the Fire Sorcerer was the least, and there were not a few strong men at all.

Like the Flame Witch King and the Fire Mang King, they can all be regarded as the strongest in the ranks.

But their strength can only barely survive in the inner palace, and even when they encounter danger, they can only hide in the outer palace.

Suddenly, a strong man of Bloodline, the god of fire, appeared, and all the gods of the wizard clan were surprised.

But there are even more witch gods who feel more mysterious in this power collision.

“Sword Dao!”

“This is Sword Dao!”

“Among the Witch Clan, a strong Sword Dao appeared unexpectedly?”

“Go, let’s go over and see what is going on.”

Some witch god children, after talking a lot, turned into a light, and flew towards the Vulcan Forest.

And just outside the Vulcan Forest.

King Feng Hao, King Yan Witch and the others also noticed this, and their expressions were a little bad as they watched the arrival of the gods of the Witch Clan.

“This can be troublesome.”

In the Wu Divine Palace, the witch gods must arrange an array before they fight, so that the aura cannot be emitted, so as not to be noticed by other witch gods.

In the Divine Palace, all the gods of the wizard clan are essentially a competitive relationship. They compete for resources and each other’s flesh and blood.

If these two witch gods fought and fell into a situation where both sides suffer, they would never give up the opportunity to profit from somebody’s misfortune.

King Yan Witch and King Feng Hao also knew this, so when Chu Fengmian started, he hurriedly arranged Array.

But now the power of Chu Fengmian and King of Jin Jue is so strong that even if it is arranged by Array, it can’t hide everything, and it has attracted so many witch gods.

“Go, let’s hide first, even if we do it here, we can’t stop the other witch gods, we’ll wait for the adults and the king of Jinjue to decide the outcome!”

Yan Witch King immediately opened the mouth and said.

If they stay here, they can’t help anymore, so it’s better to hide aside and observe the situation.

King Fenghao and King Huomang were also nodded, body moved, and hurriedly retreated to the side.

All the witch god children who came to the vicinity of the Vulcan Forest are now noticing that a huge sea of ​​flames covering a full 100 kilometers.

Just in this sea of ​​fire, one after another surging power burst out, awakening them.

“Who is this King of Jinjue fighting against?”

“I don’t know, there has never been such a strong man among the witch god sons of Bloodline, the god of fire.”

“It seems that the two sides are even at a stalemate. The King of Jinjue can’t help the other?

Their eyes are cast into the sea of ​​fire, and many people are startled when they see the scene.

King of Jin Jue, in the fight with Chu Fengmian, did not take any advantage, the two sides even went back and forth, deadlocked together, which none of them expected.

Especially Chu Fengmian’s face is an extremely strange face.

Adding the complete flesh and blood on Chu Fengmian’s body, Chu Fengmian’s body is self-evident.

A newcomer.

Only the witch gods who have just entered the Divine Palace of the witches, and the newcomers who have not experienced the devouring catastrophe once in 100 years, can they have complete flesh and blood. Otherwise, even in the powerful witch gods, the flesh and blood on their bodies will be All are incomplete.

Wu Divine Palace 3 King, even is no exception.

A newcomer, the witch god child who has just entered the witch Divine Palace, is now actually fighting with the King of Jinjue, and he is not even letting go. I don’t know how many people are shocked.

“The status of the king of Divine Palace 3 has been tens of thousands of years, and no one has challenged it. Didn’t expect that this time the King of Jinjue has really met an opponent.”

“This person’s strength is definitely not much weaker than King of Jin Jue. You see, King of Jin Jue’s best skills, Martial Dao, the wizard god, have all been displayed. This is a real burst of strength.”

“How can this newcomer have such strength? What happened outside?”

“It is said that during this period of time, there was a lot of trouble in the outer palace, saying that there was a newcomer who unified the outer palace and even entered the inner palace. It seems that he should be this person.”

“Oh? I heard this rumor too.”

“Don’t worry about that many. Now that the King of Jin Jue meets his opponent, even if he wins this battle, he will consume a lot of strength. But this is our chance.”

“Why, do you dare to do something against King Jinjue?”

“Why not dare, a badly wounded king of Jinjue, what’s the deal? When we kill him, we can replace him. The treasure of Jinjue Palace, I have been coveting it for a long time.”

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