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One of them is the power of Divine Palace.

This was the first time King Kong Zhen saw that the mark of Wu Divine Palace was actually shaken by people, even vaguely, already being forced out of Chu Fengmian’s body.

In Chu Fengmian’s body, there is another force no less than that of the Divine Palace, which is branding and colliding fiercely with the Divine Palace.

“Only the Bloodline Strength of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon can’t help the power of Divine Palace?”

Chu Fengmian observes the changes in the brand of Divine Palace in his body.

The power of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon Bloodline did indeed shake the brand of Divine Palace.

However, the distance to completely brand the witch Divine Palace and completely remove it from Chu Fengmian’s body seems to be somewhat insufficient.

But originally Chu Fengmian only urged the power of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon Bloodline alone. It was a temptation. Since it was a successful test, then Chu Fengmian didn’t hide any power.

Idol, black whale!

The power of these two innate Divine Beast Bloodline also exploded, so that the power in Chu Fengmian’s body against the witch Divine Palace brand has skyrocketed three times.

In an instant, the power of these two innate Divine Beasts was injected into it, breaking the deadlock.

The power of the witch Divine Palace brand is dissipating crazily.

The power of the Wu Divine Palace brand, unwilling to be expelled by Chu Fengmian, is still frantically resisting the attack of the innate Divine Beast power.

“Break for me! Swallowing the sky secret technique! swallowing the world!”

At this moment, Chu Fengmian gave a long whistle.

In his body, the Heaven Devouring Force also burst out completely. This is the brand of Chu Fengmian against the witch Divine Palace. The most powerful trump card, Heaven Devouring Force, swallows the heavens.

There is nothing that Heaven Devouring Force cannot swallow.

If it is the entire Divine Palace, then the Heaven Devouring Force contained in Chu Fengmian now is indeed difficult to fight.

But what Chu Fengmian needs to fight now is the power branded by the Divine Palace.

The secret technique of swallowing the sky turned into a huge black hole, shrouded above the witch Divine Palace brand. I saw that in the witch Divine Palace brand, continuously power was deprived and swallowed mercilessly.

The wisps of God’s Force were swallowed up, turned into the essence of power, and poured into Chu Fengmian’s body.

The God’s Force contained in the brand of Divine Palace is much more refined than Chu Fengmian’s own God’s Force.

The moment he was swallowed into his body by the Swallowing secret technique, he was quickly swallowed by Chu Fengmian’s body of the witch god. After swallowing the witch’s Divine Palace brand, his body seemed to have faint power. The growth of the contract.

Chu Fengmian’s mind moved, and he also detected the changes in him now.

Today’s Chu Fengmian, after all, is only the witch god child, not the real witch god, and the power of the witch Divine Palace is left by the ten great witch gods.

“This witch Divine Palace brand seems to be an extremely pure witch God’s Force, which is of great benefit to the body of the witch god!”

Chu Fengmian moved his mind and couldn’t help but observe his own body.

In Chu Fengmian’s body, the witch Divine Palace brand had disappeared and was completely swallowed, and the witch God’s Force contained in it had also been swallowed by the body of the witch god.

From Chu Fengmian’s body now, there is no longer any power of Divine Palace.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian also had an extremely relaxed feeling. It seemed that he had a shackle and was suddenly opened.

“Witch Divine Palace brand, swallowed?”

The King Kong Zhen next to him, watching what Chu Fengmian had done, was stunned, and even distrusted his eyes countless times.

If he hadn’t been from Chu Fengmian now, and could no longer feel the power of Divine Palace, he would not believe it.

For the Divine Palace of the witches, all the gods of the witch clan, the stigma of the witch Divine Palace, regarded as a nightmare, were so easily dissolved and swallowed.

This is something that all witch gods cannot do.

In front of Chu Fengmian, it was so easily resolved.

“Many thanks for your reminder.”

Chu Fengmian observed his body, looked towards King Kong Zhen, said with a smile.

If it weren’t for King Kong Zhen telling Chu Fengmian about the Divine Palace branding, at least for a short time, it would be difficult for Chu Fengmian to detect the existence of the Divine Palace branding.

“It seems that all the gods of the witch clan who enter the Divine Palace of the witch will be branded with the Divine Palace at the moment of entering the witch Divine Palace. The red moon, the empty forest, the black ember king, and the Jin Fanjing should be the same. .”

Chu Fengmian suddenly thought of Red Moon.

He promised Wu Lin Pavilion to protect the red moon.

It’s just that this time when they entered the Divine Palace, the two of them were separated directly.

The most dangerous thing in the Divine Palace is the witch god child who has just entered. This will become the prey of all the witch Divine Race in the witch Divine Palace.

Even if I am afraid of the red moon, I will encounter many troubles.

However, Chu Fengmian is not too worried about the safety of the Red Moon. After losing their flesh and blood, the gods of the Witch clan in the Witch Divine Palace, their strength is actually at most 30-40% of Peak’s time.

Just like the King Kong Zhen in front of him, his true strength should be with Kong Lin, in almost on par, but in actual battle, he is only 30% of Kong Lin’s strength at most.

As a witch god child, Hongyue also has her own trump card. If even these witch god children who have lost their fleshy body can’t resist, then she is not qualified to be a witch god child.

However, in the Divine Palace, the battle between the gods of the witch clan is not a real danger.

The real danger was the one mentioned by King Kongzhen before, swallowing once every 100 years, this is the reason why countless witch god sons fell.

After dissolving the witch Divine Palace brand, Chu Fengmian is also in a good mood.

This is to resolve Chu Fengmian’s worries.

Without the shackles of the witch Divine Palace branding, now Chu Fengmian has no worries at all. At least even if Chu Fengmian does not get the witch Divine Palace inheritance, he now has the ability to retreat completely.

Among the Divine Palace, the most difficult point has been solved by Chu Fengmian.

With no worries, Chu Fengmian is now very interested in the Divine Palace. The Divine Palace was created by the ten great wizard gods and should be left behind for the inheritance of the wizard clan.

It’s a treasure.

But from the conversation with King Kongzhen, this Divine Palace is not a treasure, but a cage, prison, trapping all the gods of the wizard clan in it and devouring its power.

This is not in line with common sense.

If anyone is impossible to harm the witch race, then only the ten great witch gods, the Divine Palace left by the ten great witch gods, impossible so strange and dangerous.

Among them, there must be secrets.

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