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“My lord, once you enter the Divine Palace, all the gods of the wizard clan cannot leave.”

Hearing Chu Fengmian’s words, King Kong Zhen said with a bitter smile on his face, his face is extremely bitter.

“Once we enter the Divine Palace of the Witch, we will be marked with a brand. This brand is like a chain that locks us and the Divine Palace of the Witch together. Everyone can’t leave the Divine Palace of the Witch. Even if they belong to the Divine Palace. The door, open again, we can only watch it, we can’t get close at all.”

“This brand belongs to the power of the Witch Divine Palace. It cannot be countered by any witch god child. The strongest people in the Witch Divine Palace, it is said that their strength is already not under the Witch Emperor. Can’t resist the brand of Divine Palace.”

“All the witch gods who entered the witch Divine Palace have actually been imprisoned in the witch Divine Palace.”

“And once you enter it, you can’t leave it?”

“Witch clan god son, are all imprisoned?”

Chu Fengmian’s face is serious.

Except for the Divine Palace, which is devoured once in 100 years.

Chu Fengmian pays more attention to what the King Kongzhen said, since he is in the Divine Palace, the branded chains on every witch god child.

All the witch gods who enter the witch Divine Palace will be tied with this chain. This is all the witch god children. After entering the witch Divine Palace, it is the reason why they can no longer leave.

Chains, branding.

Chu Fengmian’s mind moved, and suddenly glanced at his body. Suddenly, behind Chu Fengmian, an ancient brand was reflected in Chu Fengmian’s Spiritual Consciousness.

“This is the brand of Wu Divine Palace?”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes were cold.

He simply didn’t notice when this brand appeared on Chu Fengmian.

If it hadn’t been this time that Chu Fengmian had caught Kong Zhen Wang, I’m afraid that Chu Fengmian would not be able to detect it in a short time.

Silently, Chu Fengmian’s body was also branded as Divine Palace.

This also means that now Chu Fengmian is already trapped in the prison of the Divine Palace, becoming one of the prisoners.

“Damn, what the hell is that?”

Chu Fengmian was extremely angry.

He tried to use God’s Force to dissolve this stigma, but all witch God’s Forces were completely blocked from the stigma, and it was impossible to dissolve this stigma.

Wu God’s Force can be said to be the most powerful force in Chu Fengmian’s body, but now it is completely impossible to shake this brand.

“All the witch gods who enter the witch Divine Palace cannot escape this fate, so I also said that death is actually a kind of relief.”

King Kong Zhen opened the mouth and said on the side.

“An inescapable fate?”

Chu Fengmian coldly snorted.

He didn’t believe that there was something in the world that could not be broken.

Wu God’s Force can’t.

Chu Fengmian mobilized Sword Intent and suddenly strikes the Divine Palace brand on him.

One after another Sword Intent, washed down.

The brand of Divine Palace seems to have a little fluctuation.

But it still cannot be resolved.

Compared to God’s Force, Chu Fengmian’s Sword Intent seems to be enough to brand and influence Divine Palace.

Only in terms of strength, there is still something lacking.

“In other words, this so-called Divine Palace brand should only restrain God’s Force, not unbreakable. At least my Sword Intent can indeed affect him, but it is not strong enough to break this Divine Palace. brand.”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes flickered.

He just washed with Sword Intent, which is actually an attempt.

He didn’t believe that there would be a power in the world that could not be broken.

Even the Supreme Beginning Strength that gave birth to Heaven and Earth is not invincible. The power of Divine Palace comes from the purest God’s Force.

It can be said that the witch Divine Palace brand is indeed the nemesis of all the witches Divine Race, and even the nemesis of all the witches. Among the powerful witches, it cannot compete with the power of the witch Divine Palace brand.

And all those who enter the Divine Palace of the Witch are the gods of the Witch clan. As the gods of the Witch clan, naturally there is only the God’s Force of the Witch. Of course, it is impossible to break the brand of the Witch Divine Palace.

But now, Chu Fengmian is a different kind. Although he is a god son of the witch clan, in his body, he still contains power that is no less than that of the witch God’s Force.

4 The power of Divine Beast Bloodline.

Innate Divine Beast, almost the same as the top ten wizard gods, is a strong man born with Supreme Beginning Strength.

The difference is that the top ten witch gods are considered to be the body of the witch clan and have received the Supreme Beginning Strength.

The innate Divine Beast is essentially an existence born from the beginning.

In terms of power, there is almost no difference between the two, and even the power of the innate Divine Beast is higher than that of the wizard god.

“Since Sword Intent is not in a hurry, try using the power of the innate Divine Beast!”

Chu Fengmian’s heart moved and he immediately urged the Bloodline Strength. The power of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon Bloodline rushed towards the witch Divine Palace branded strikes on his body.


The King Kong who saw this scene just shook the head.

I don’t know how many witch gods who tried to get rid of the witch Divine Palace.

Even the gods of the witch clan who had reached the power of the witch emperor, they all failed.

The witch Divine Palace brand is not something that the witch tribe can contend with.

This is almost recognized by Divine Palace.

After learning of this result, it also caused all the witch god children in the witch Divine Palace to fall into despair, and no one thought about breaking the brand of the witch Divine Palace.

Only some newcomers who have just entered Divine Palace will have naive ideas and want to break the brand of Divine Palace.

But in the end, they will still give up.

Become a member of the Kongzhen King, struggling to survive in the Divine Palace.

Kong Zhen Wang looked towards Chu Fengmian, just like looking towards those naive newcomers.


When King Kong Zhen shook his head, the power of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon Bloodline in Chu Fengmian’s body on the other side had been fully mobilized.

dragon roar roared.

Behind Chu Fengmian, a huge dragon shape condensed out. It was the illusory shadow of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon. Then the power of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon Bloodline exploded and burst into the brand of Divine Palace.

Hong long long !

Speaking of power, the power of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon Bloodline, I don’t know how many times stronger than the Sword Intent just now.

At the moment when it blasted into the brand of Divine Palace, the brand of Divine Palace shook suddenly. One after another God’s Force burst out of it and collided with the strength of Dragon.

“Witch Divine Palace brand, was shaken?”

The King Kongzhen next to him saw this scene and hardly believed his own eyes. He confirmed it again, but the scene in front of him remained unchanged.

On Chu Fengmian’s body, two forces are colliding fiercely.

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