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This is a legend and a word left by the ten great wizard gods.

In the North, among the witches, no one would question the words of the witch god.

Dozens of times before Divine Palace was born, but there was no witch god son who really got the inheritance of the witch god. It is very likely that the witch god inheritance was not born at that time.

The sudden change of the Divine Palace at this time may herald the inheritance of the wizard god, which will be born soon.

Of course this is just the Black Witch Emperor’s guess.

“Am I really betting right?”

The black witch Imperial Capital opened the mouth and said involuntarily.

His choice of Chu Fengmian is actually a gamble, a high gamble.

He put everything on Chu Fengmian’s body, relying on his own feelings.

Originally, the Dark Witch Emperor didn’t have much hope for Chu Fengmian. For him, this gamble can only be a glimmer of survival.

But now Wu Divine Palace’s sudden mutation gave him a lot of confidence in his heart.

“Hmph, even if the witch god inheritance is really going to be born, it will definitely fall into our hands in the end, black witch emperor, do you really think that the kid who suddenly appeared may be the opponent of Kong Lin and the others? Right?”

The empty witch emperor on the side suddenly coldly snorted and said.

The conversation between the Black Witch Emperor and 9 Li Witch Emperors was also in their ears.

“Then wait and see.”

The Black Witch Emperor didn’t want to quarrel either, so he said casually, that is, does not pay attention to the empty Witch Emperor.

His gaze was always looked towards the direction of Divine Palace.

The Wu Divine Palace has not been opened yet. The sudden mutation has already attracted the attention of many people. The millions and millions of years of the unchanged Wu Divine Palace, suddenly changed, it must be the imperial envoy.

Chu Fengmian also had this feeling in his heart.

I felt that there seemed to be something in the Divine Palace that was attracting him, and wanted him to enter it and get that thing.

Only now, the gate of Wu Divine Palace is still closed and has not been opened yet.

Instead, it was Wu God’s Force, but it broke out again, sweeping toward the surroundings.

The impact of the 4th witch God’s Force!

Divine Palace has always had the impact of only 3 God’s Force.

This time even the impact of the 4th Witch God’s Force appeared.

However, before the Divine Palace, there was something wrong with the changes. For the sudden appearance of the 4th God’s Force, everyone was already quite surprised.

Chu Fengmian stood in front of the Divine Palace, ignoring the impact of God’s Force.

Wu God’s Force can’t hurt him.

He stood in front of Wu Divine Palace, his gaze was always looking towards the direction of the gate of Wu Divine Palace.

Time passes by one minute.

One hour’s time.

Wu God’s Force had another impact three times.

A total of seven witches the impact of God’s Force.

The birth of Divine Palace at this time was longer and more complicated than any previous one.

Just after the seventh witch God’s Force impact ended.

The gate of the Divine Palace standing between Heaven and Earth suddenly began to move slowly.

The surrounding space is shattering.

From the gate of Divine Palace, an ancient Desolate Force exudes.

“Witch Divine Palace, it’s open!”

Looking at the changes in Wu Divine Palace, Chu Fengmian’s face became serious.

The power in Divine Palace is almost profound and bottomless.

Chu Fengmian originally wanted to explore the scene in the Divine Palace, but all his power entered it and disappeared invisible.

This Divine Palace gives Chu Fengmian a mysterious feeling everywhere.

And a feeling of danger.

Standing in front of Wu Divine Palace, Chu Fengmian could feel a sense of danger.

This is the instinct of being a strong witch king.

The strong witch king already has the instinct to distinguish good and bad.

On the Chu Fengmian side, the red moon, and the empty forest on the opposite side, and the others, they are also aware of the danger, and many people are browsing tightly frowns.

Only at this time, no one will shrink back.

“No matter that many, go, go straight in!”

Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said, his figure rushed in the direction of Divine Palace.

The gate of the Witch Divine Palace has been opened for a little while, and it is already large enough to hold the body of the Witch Clan and enter it.

Chu Fengmian did not hesitate at all, carrying a red moon, rushed directly in the direction of Wu Divine Palace.

“Let’s go!”

Kong Lin, Jin Fanjing, and Black Ash King all set off at the same time.

The five silhouettes flew in the direction of Divine Palace.

“Brother Jin, King Black Cinder, let’s take action together and stop them outside, how about?”

At the same time, Kong Lin suddenly opened the mouth and said.

At present, the gate of Divine Palace has not been fully opened yet, and only one person can enter it first.

No one knows where the witch god inheritance is, but whoever enters the witch Divine Palace first is to seize the opportunity, and no one wants to lag behind.

“Don’t waste time so much, I will just take action and solve them first!”

Upon hearing Kong Lin’s words, Jin Fanjing said with disdain.

Originally, he was incredibly disdainful of Chu Fengmian and Hongyue. Now he is naturally unwilling to join forces with the other two witch gods. He directly body moved and rushed in the direction of Chu Fengmian.

I plan to kill Chu Fengmian and Hongyue first.

He had promised Jin Jue Wudi before that he would kill Chu Fengmian and Hongyue first.

As for the later, we will fight for the inheritance of the wizard god.


Jin Fanjing’s figure suddenly flew towards Chu Fengmian, like a golden light, this golden light is extremely sharp, and the space where it passes is shattered.

The Bloodline of the Golden Witch God brought them the sharpness of the body. Jin Fanjing’s body is much sharper than Immortal Grade.

In an instant, this golden light came straight at Chu Fengmian strikes.

Chu Fengmian originally wanted to enter the Divine Palace first to deal with the three Jin Fanjing, but suddenly, he stopped a golden light and beheaded to Chu Fengmian.

“Jin Fanjing!”

When Chu Fengmian saw this golden light, he also recognized who did it first.

“Kid, die!”

Jin Fanjing didn’t mean to talk to Chu Fengmian either. In the golden light of his incarnation, there was just a cold voice, the next moment the golden light locked Chu Fengmian’s body and killed him. .

For Jin Fanjing, he never cared about Chu Fengmian from the very beginning. In his eyes, Chu Fengmian was already a dead person. Since he is a dead person, there is no need to talk.

“Jin Juejieshi!”

At the moment when this golden light approached Chu Fengmian, Jin Fanjing exploded his true power. I saw this golden light suddenly expanded and turned into a golden ocean, in this golden ocean. In, toss these countless sharp edges.

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