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“A few dead people that’s all, let them be brave for a while.”

Chu Fengmian said proudly.

“Young Master Chu, with such confidence?”

Hongyue opened the mouth and said a little surprised.

Kong Lin, Black Cinder King, and Jin Fanjing are all witch god sons with the witch god Bloodline. Their strength, the weakest one, can almost sweep the witch king realm.

Only among the Witch Kings, many closed-door cultivation of Old Antique which was hundreds of thousands years old, may fight against them.

Even more how this time, their three people are teaming up. It’s just that a witch emperor has to be more serious when facing them.

But now Chu Fengmian is so confident that Hongyue can’t understand it.

She has never seen Chu Fengmian do it.

But Chu Fengmian’s breakthrough in the realm of the Witch King was the most recent thing, but she knew it.

When Chu Fengmian was just born and was fighting for the bones of the gods, Chu Fengmian was only the realm of the immortal saint at that time. Later, in the giant elephant temple, he had the opportunity to step into the realm of the Witch King.

A newly promoted Witch King, even Chu Fengmian has the Witch God Bloodline, Ke Konglin, and the Black Ember King, but they also have the Witch God Bloodline.

On the Bloodline, Chu Fengmian does not have any advantage. On the realm, Chu Fengmian is even inferior to their three people.

Fighting alone, Hongyue has no certainty about Chu Fengmian, he can defeat any of them, even more how is an enemy 3.

As the god son of the Witch clan, it is extremely difficult to be able to defeat one of them alone.

“Don’t worry, since I have agreed to Wu Lin Pavilion, I will naturally not let you encounter any accidents. After the Wu Divine Palace opens for a while, you will follow me closely. You don’t need to act, just protect yourself.”

Chu Fengmian laughed and didn’t explain.

His eyes turned to look towards the direction of Wu Divine Palace.

He felt that there seemed to be something brewing in the Divine Palace.


Hong long!

In the witch Divine Palace, a loud noise was resounded, and then suddenly from the witch Divine Palace, a stronger witch God’s Force burst out, sweeping everything, this witch God’s Force, will destroy any existence without the witch God Bloodline.

Only the witch god son who owns the witch god Bloodline can enter the witch Divine Palace and compete for the witch god inheritance.

The outbreak of God’s Force is actually a screening.

Chu Fengmian knew this, and he didn’t even care that God’s Force swept past him.

This wizard God’s Force, after feeling the Bloodline of the wizard god on Chu Fengmian’s body, opened a gap directly far away, and walked around Chu Fengmian’s side. Chu Fengmian stood there, letting the wizard God’s Force swept away, unscathed. Not damaged.

“This should be the last screening of Divine Palace, and then the gate of Divine Palace will open.”

Hongyue said softly from the side.

The situation in the Divine Palace of the Witch, even the Emperor of the Witch, does not know that there has never been a god of the Witch Clan. He can come out alive after entering the Divine Palace of the Witch.

Everyone knows nothing about the information contained therein, but many people have discovered some rules about the events before the opening of Divine Palace.

According to the information provided by Wulinge, every time the Wu Divine Palace is born, there will be three outbreaks of Wu God’s Force.

This is a kind of screening, so as not to have other a fish that escaped the net into the Divine Palace.

Now this second outbreak of God’s Force is the second screening.

According to the records of Wu Lin Pavilion, the next step should be the opening of the gate of Wu Divine Palace.

It’s just that the red moon’s voice has not yet fallen, suddenly from the Divine Palace, another wave of God’s Force burst out, sweeping the surrounding area.

This wizard God’s Force burst out like a huge Array, covering everyone in it. Many wizard God’s Forces are all condensed together and turned into an ancient inscription.

Chu Fengmian recognizes that these ancient inscriptions are actually witch characters.

A total of 129,600 ancient witch characters are transformed into a great array, from which one after another witch God’s Force erupts, covering the bodies of Chu Fengmian and the others.

“What’s the matter? The third time the wizard God’s Force broke out, shouldn’t it only appear when we enter the Divine Palace? How could it appear early?”

Hongyue saw complexion greatly changed.

Every time the Divine Palace is opened, it is always the same.

In the previous dozens of openings, the process is unchanged.

But this time, there was a change. The third outbreak of Wu God’s Force was suddenly advanced.

And this great array of condense has never appeared before, it seems to be this time, it appeared suddenly.

The Divine Palace has been opened dozens of times. Inheritance millions and millions years has changed for the first time.

More than just the red moon.

Standing in front of Chu Fengmian, Kong Lin, King Black Cinder, Jin Fanjing, their expressions changed involuntarily.

The sudden mutation of Wu Divine Palace was unexpected.

Even in the distance, the few witch emperors standing outside the Vulcan collar were shocked when they saw the change in the witch Divine Palace.

“How is this going?”

9 Li Wu Imperial Capital unable to bear asked.

Wu Divine Palace is the most important place among the Wu people, and it is also the most mysterious place.

Except for the witch gods, no one can see through the Divine Palace of the witch, even those witch emperors, when looking towards the witch Divine Palace, are like looking towards a cloud of mist.

Only the witch god son who owns the witch god Bloodline is qualified to step into the witch Divine Palace.

Divine Palace has been opened dozens of times before, all of which are the same process without any changes.

This time, it is a sudden mutation.

“I do not know either.”

The Black Witch Emperor’s gaze stared at the Divine Palace, as if he wanted to see through everything.

“You don’t even know, you didn’t make this?”

Hearing the Black Witch Emperor’s answer, 9 Li Witch Emperor said in surprise.

Although the Black Witch Emperor is the youngest one among the Witch Clan today, he knows more about the Witch Clan than other Witch Emperors.

This time, it was precisely because of his action that the Divine Palace was dragged into the Vulcan collar.

Originally, Emperor Li thought that the changes in Divine Palace were also made by the Black Witch Emperor, but now looking at the surprise in the Black Witch Emperor’s eyes, he also understands that this matter seems to have nothing to do with the Black Witch Emperor. .

“Perhaps, the birth of Divine Palace this time will be completely different from dozens of times before, and this change will happen.”

The Black Witch Emperor thought for a while, and slowly opened the mouth and said.

“You mean, the witch god inheritance, will be born at this time?”

9 Li Wudi opened the mouth and said.

In the Divine Palace of the Witch, there is the inheritance of the Witch God. Any child of the Witch Clan who obtains the inheritance of the Witch God in the Witch Divine Palace can become a new generation of the Witch God.

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