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The other 3 Heavenly Shadow Society blood shadow powerhouses, almost at the same time, turned into sharp blades, beheading at Chu Fengmian.

The four blood shadow powerhouses of the Sky Shadow Society don’t know how many powerhouses they have assassinated. They are almost familiar with the battle as instinct. After detecting that they can’t leave, they don’t panic and immediately counterattack.

4 blades, gathered together, slashed down in the air.

I saw that the sea of ​​flames that Chu Fengmian hit was forcibly cut out a gap. The four sharp blades squinted, press forward, and forced Chu Fengmian to beheaded.

“Really strong edge!”

Chu Fengmian expressions all have changed slightly. The strength of the four blood shadow powerhouses in the Sky Shadow Society is much stronger than Chu Fengmian expected. The strength of Danger Land’s counterattack is far beyond Chu Fengmian’s expectations.

Such a sudden counterattack, if you change to any powerhouse of Immortal Venerable Peak, I am afraid you will be suddenly beheaded.

But Chu Fengmian’s true strength is much more than that.

His true strength is no longer the powerhouse of Xianzun Peak, it can be compared.

“Boiling blood!”

Chu Fengmian gave a long whistle. In his body, God’s Force, a continuous burst, poured into Chu Fengmian’s body, and the secret technique of boiling blood suddenly spurred him.

In a flash, Chu Fengmian’s strength has reached ten times the previous level.

Chu Fengmian was holding the sword of Taichu, and the sword edge struck out suddenly. The power of this sword edge was ten times more powerful than before, and it collided with the sharp blades transformed by the four powerful blood shadows from the shadow society.


The surrounding space was forcibly torn apart under the force of this collision, and the sharp blades of the four blood shadow powerhouses in the shadow society were immediately forced to withdraw from the collision with sword edge.

Even the sharp blades of their incarnations have been unable to condense, and have returned to their original human shapes. After several dozen li tumbling, their body shapes stopped.

“What kind of power is this? The strength of the four of us together can’t actually shake him? How could it be possible to have such a terrifying power of the immortal, this is almost the same as those of Old Antique, which has been closed-door cultivation and I don’t know how long. , This person is just a newly emerging person, how can he have such a powerful force?”

Blood Kill looked towards Chu Fengmian and said in disbelief.

Chu Fengmian’s strength is far beyond their imagination.

“Damn, the people in the empty witch tower actually lie to us!”

The other blood shadow next to him was out of blood and also roared in anger.

“Sure enough, the empty witch tower found the people from the sky shadow society!”

When Chu Fengmian heard this, he knew who the mastermind behind it was.

Empty Witch Tower.

Chu Fengmian hadn’t troubled him first, he actually came to deal with Chu Fengmian first, and he invited the powerhouse of Three Great Saint Territories.

This has violated the taboo of the Wu clan.

Although there are internal struggles among the witches, they are all fights among the witches, and it is never allowed to use other foreign forces.

This is a taboo within the entire witch clan, whoever dares to do this will be attacked by the entire witch clan.

The unity of the Wu clan in the external world has been taught by Chu Fengmian since the time of the Colossal Temple.

So much so that Chu Fengmian didn’t expect that Kongwu Tower would dare to invite human martial artists to deal with Chu Fengmian.

It seems that the empty witch tower has made Chu Fengmian’s hatred intent so that they don’t care about this taboo.

But today this was caught by Chu Fengmian, and he could use this, fiercely to deal with the empty witch tower, but before taking revenge on the empty witch tower.

Chu Fengmian did not let go of the four blood shadows of the Sky Shadow Club.

While Chu Fengmian was thinking about it, the four Heavenly Shadows and Blood Shadows were also communicating with each other, as if they were thinking about it.

“This person’s strength is not something we can deal with, hurry up, we have the leader jade talisman, and it should be able to break the space around this!”

The blood is loudly roared, the figure of 4 blood shadows, flashing again and again, flies towards the edge of the space blockade.

The four of them had already given up the idea of ​​assassinating Chu Fengmian and wanted to flee.

“Want to go?”

Chu Fengmian sneered, body flashed, and immediately chased up.

The blood shadows of the four Heavenly Shadows came to assassinate Chu Fengmian, how could Chu Fengmian make them retreat.

The wings of the witch god unfolded, and Chu Fengmian’s retreat was much faster than these four heavenly shadows. He caught up with them in an instant, but at this time, from the bloody palm of his hand , A blood color jade symbol suddenly appeared.

The moment he saw this jade talisman, Chu Fengmian’s escape came to a halt.

“Immortal Emperor jade talisman! Immortal Emperor jade talisman again!”

Chu Fengmian’s face was a bit ugly.

It can be said that for Chu Fengmian, the thing that makes Chu Fengmian most afraid of now is the Immortal Emperor.

His strength, even though facing the 4 powerhouses of Xianzun Peak, all have the ability to be one enemy 4.

But when facing the Immortal Emperor, Chu Fengmian’s strength was still not enough. Even an Immortal Emperor jade talisman, the Immortal Emperor incarnation, could not be dealt with by Chu Fengmian.

Behind the Sky Shadow Society, there is the existence of Immortal Emperor. These 4 Sky Shadow Society blood shadows actually have the Immortal Emperor jade talisman in their hands.

“Damn it, as soon as the Immortal Emperor jade talisman comes out, I’m afraid I will have a lot of trouble, but now letting them go, I am even more unwilling!”

These four Heavenly Shadows will be Blood Shadows and come to assassinate Chu Fengmian. If they let them go, Chu Fengmian will not be reconciled.

“Isn’t it the Immortal Emperor jade talisman? Kill!”

Chu Fengmian moved his mind and immediately made a decision.

What about Immortal Emperor jade talisman?

An Immortal Emperor jade talisman wants to retreat all over, absolutely impossible!

Even if Chu Fengmian is seriously injured today, at least 2 of them will be killed.

After the decision was made, even though he felt the terrifying power on that Immortal Emperor jade talisman, Chu Fengmian’s escape light remained undiminished, and he chased after him suddenly.

In an instant, Chu Fengmian approached the blood killer, and the sword fell directly from the beginning.

“Is this person not afraid of Immortal Emperor jade talisman? Isn’t he afraid of being bombarded and killed by Immortal Emperor jade talisman?”

Seeing Chu Fengmian chasing him, the complexions of the four blood shadows changed drastically.

Immortal Emperor jade talisman is almost the strongest life-saving trump card in the entire Three Great Saint Territories. Once Immortal Emperor jade talisman comes out, no one is willing to stand up to the power of Immortal Emperor jade talisman except for the Immortal Emperor.

Even if it’s just the power of the Immortal Emperor’s one blow, no immortal Venerable can compete.

This is two levels of power.

This Immortal Emperor jade talisman is also the strongest trump card of these four blood shadows. I don’t know how many powerhouses have been pushed back and how many times have been dangerous.

But now, Chu Fengmian was not afraid of this Immortal Emperor jade talisman, and rushed directly, far beyond their plan.

Just when these four blood shadows hesitated, Chu Fengmian’s sword edge had already fallen. His goal was the weakest blood kill among the four.

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