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The moment Chu Fengmian noticed these silhouettes, he quietly replaced his incarnation with its original position and flew towards the edge of the ancient territory.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian’s silhouette has always been hidden near this incarnation, ready to take action at any time.

With Chu Fengmian’s Dao of Space, I did all this quietly. Even these four silhouettes are experts who control Dao of Space deeply, and I didn’t notice it at all.

An incarnation seduced them all.

“They are actually the 4 powerhouses of Xianzun Peak. Who are they, so great generosity, ask them to kill me?”

Looking at the horrible imposing manner contained in these four silhouettes, Chu Fengmian’s complexion changed slightly. These were not simply four immortals, but the powerhouses of the immortal peak.

Above the Immortal, there is the Immortal 9-level Peak, Immortal Emperor.

Therefore, the gap between the Immortal Venerables is huge compared to any of the Immortal 9th ​​Tier. A strong person who can be called the Immortal Peak, their strength is more than ten times that of ordinary Immortal Venerables. .

Such powerhouses, even in the ancient territory of powerhouse as clouds, are extremely rare. No matter which power they are in, they are all giants.

But this time, four powers of Xianzun Peak were dispatched to assassinate Chu Fengmian.

Not assassination, or even wanting to capture it alive.

Chu Fengmian’s face was even more gloomy when he saw the chains played by the four silhouettes. He knew the origin of the chains. This is an Immortal Grade called Feng Xian Suo. In terms of power, it is almost exclusively in Extreme Dao. Under Immortal Weapon.

4 Dao Feng Xian Suo came out together, and only Immortal Emperor could break free. As for the Immortal Venerable, even the most powerful Immortal Venerable could not break free.

If Chu Fengmian had not been cautious just now and replaced his body with incarnation in advance, the current Chu Fengmian would have been caught in this immortal cable.

At that time, Chu Fengmian would lose all the power to fight back and be at the mercy of others.

“With this kind of power, these people are not witches, they are humans, they are actually human martial artists?”

Suddenly Chu Fengmian saw these four silhouettes clearly. These four silhouettes are not witches, but humans. Even among human martial artists, they are all small in stature.

But in their small bodies, there is a surge of power, it seems that everyone is like a sharp saber.

Be like a saber!

This is the way of assassination, which is almost the form that Great Accomplishment can show.

They almost abandoned the fleshy body, turned the fleshy body into a saber, fuse together with the surrounding space, and sneaked into Chu Fengmian’s side silently, even at first Chu Fengmian did not notice their existence.

“This is the 10000 Hell Killing Way! The rumored supreme assassination way! These people are members of the Sky Shadow Society, and even the most powerful blood shadow in the Sky Shadow Society!”

Suddenly, from Chu Fengmian’s mind, Star Profound’s voice was resounded, and his tone was incredibly unbelievable.

“Who the hell actually asked them to kill you? This Heavenly Shadow Club has been the biggest killer force among the Three Great Saint Territories in the past nearly hundreds of thousands. It is rumored that they have been assassinated by even the imperial Imperial Capital. The assassination was not successful, but the Immortal Emperor was also severely injured.”

“These 4 people are all the highest middle-rank blood shadows in the Sky Shadow Club. Ask them to shoot. Any one is a high price. Now someone has asked 4 blood shadows to kill you. Did you provoke who? “

“Sky Shadow Club?”

Chu Fengmian quickly searched his memory. He also got a lot of information about Three Great Saint Territories from Wuling Pavilion.

Among them, the Celestial Shadow Society is one of the powers mentioned in the intelligence. The Celestial Shadow Society does not belong to any of the Three Great Saint Territories. Their power is spread throughout the Three Great Saint Territories. It is definitely an Assassin Organization. Money doesn’t recognize people.

As long as it pays a large enough price, there is no one who would not dare to kill without this sky shadow, and even the fairy Imperial Capital would dare to assassinate.

Originally Chu Fengmian was half-believing the description in this information, but now he completely believes it.

The people of the Sky Shadow Club are indeed brave. You must know that this is the ancient territory, the core of the northern territory. As human martial artists, they actually dare to enter the ancient territory. I don’t know whether they used it. What method actually escaped the detection of the ancient territory.

However, Chu Fengmian had a way to let Kun Peng this one beast into the ancient territory, and the Sky Shadow Society obviously had its own way.

Chu Fengmian 1000 counts as 10000, which is also impossible to think of. In the ancient territory, he would be assassinated by the Sky Shadow Society.

“Empty Witch Pagoda, it must be the people of the Kong Witch Pagoda, only the Kong Witch Pagoda hatred as deep as the sea to me, will favor the people of the Sky Shadow Club!”

Chu Fengmian’s heart moved, almost guessing, but right now, who invited the Sky Shadow Club is not important to Chu Fengmian. How to deal with the four blood shadows in this Sky Shadow Club is Chu Fengmian’s most important thing. of.

“The 4 powerhouses of Xianzun Peak, this is the best blood essence, now they are all delivered to the door, just right!”

The strongest of the Sky Shadow Society, the cultivation is the way of assassination. Their most powerful thing is a sudden assassination. But now the assassination of the 4 Blood Shadows of the Sky Shadow Society has been easily carried out by Chu Fengmian’s incarnation. Resolved.

This is equivalent to, these four strong blood shadows of the Sky Shadow Society have lost their strongest means.

Chu Fengmian doesn’t know how many Life and Death battles he has experienced. In an instant, he understood that for Chu Fengmian, it was a huge opportunity, a huge opportunity, to kill 4 Heavenly Shadows. Xianzun Peak powerhouse, at least equivalent to Chu Fengmian, collect more than a dozen copies of the blood essence of ordinary Xianzun.

This is also the reason why Chu Fengmian noticed the four blood shadows of the Heavenly Shadow Society, and instead of fleeing, he broke out of the strength of Dragon of the ancestor, sealing the surrounding space.

No matter who hired the Sky Shadow Club, since the Sky Shadow Club dared to come, Chu Fengmian dared to let them come back.

“Sword out! Rage flames!”

Chu Fengmian moved the palm of his hand, and the sword of the early days was unsheathed in an instant. In an instant, the sword suddenly faced one of the blood shadows and killed him.

The witch god Martial Dao has been perfectly integrated into the Sword Dao ancient book by Chu Fengmian, and turned into a sword technique that belongs only to Chu Fengmian. With a single sword in his hand, it contains supreme power, endless flames, turning into a sea of ​​fire, and sweeping. Heaven and Earth.

“I can’t go now. We can’t break this person’s space blockade. We can’t break it, so we just turned around and killed him! He is just an immortal, who dares to fight against the four of us, he is simply courting death!”

Seeing Chu Fengmian’s shot, the blood of the head was destroyed, and he suddenly shouted loudly. His figure turned into a sharp blade, and he slashed towards Chu Fengmian.

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