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Chu Fengmian’s current move is to unblock the blockade on the head of the sly eagle and let the blood essence flow out.

Chu Fengmian grabbed the palm of his hand suddenly, and the head of this sly eagle suddenly exploded. At the same time, continuous blood energy was emitted from the center of the explosion.

“Swallowing secret technique! Devouring!”

At the same time, Chu Fengmian had already mobilized the Heaven Devouring Force, shrouded above the head of this sly eagle.

The blood energy gushing from the head of this sly eagle was swallowed into Chu Fengmian’s body by the sky-swallowing secret technique, and it was all fuse into to the real life of the sky witch.

On the seventh day, it’s true fate, the embryonic form is already condense, as long as it is swallowing enough blood essence, it can be completely condense.

The blood essence of this sly eagle contains these huge powers. If it is another witch king, it takes at least 100 years to refining.

But for Chu Fengmian, who owns the Heaven Devouring Force, refining the blood essence of the hawk is nothing but a flash.

The blood essence of the wicked eagle’s head was completely swallowed by the sky-swallowing secret technique within a few breaths.

At the same time, in Chu Fengmian’s body, the Seventh Heavenly Witch’s true fate, after swallowing the blood essence of the wicked eagle’s head, had already begun to solidify.

But it has not yet been fully condense.

The blood essence of this treacherous eagle’s head alone is not enough to completely condense the seventh day.

For this result, Chu Fengmian was not very surprised.

The blood essence contained in the head of the wicked eagle is not as good as the head of Xuanqi.

Even if Chu Fengmian got the head of Xuanqi, he was not 100% sure that he could condense the seventh witch’s life, even more how, now he just swallowed the head of the wicked eagle.

However, this time Chu Fengmian has already swallowed the blood essence in the head of the wicked eagle. With the addition of the blood essence in the head of Xuanqi, Chu Fengmian is 100% sure that the seventh condense will come.

Chu Fengmian suddenly shot, grabbed the head of Xuanqi in front of him, and a wave of God’s Force condensed in Chu Fengmian’s palm.

The moment that Xuanqi head was caught in the palm of Chu Fengmian’s hand, it also exploded in an instant, turning it into incomparable blood energy, permeating Chu Fengmian’s front.

All blood energy was ruthlessly swallowed by the Swallowing secret technique and poured into Chu Fengmian’s body into the life of the seventh witch.

“It’s about to succeed!”

The embryonic form of the Seventh Heavenly Witch’s True Life, after swallowing more and more blood essence, has become more and more condensed, but the more this time, Chu Fengmian’s eyes are also more solemn.

Condensing the true fate of the heavenly witch is almost the most vulnerable moment for a witch clan. Once it is distracted at this time, it may directly backlash oneself.

Chu Fengmian didn’t dare to be careless, he was very serious, and cautiously controlled this seventh day.

Chu Fengmian could feel that the power of the seventh heavenly witch’s true fate can be said to be completely different from the power of the sixth heavenly witch’s true fate, far from being on the same level.

It’s like the gap between the Profound Sky Realm and the Heaven Realm.

The witch clan who condensed the seventh witch’s true fate can be regarded as a true powerhouse among the witch clan.

The witch kings who can condense the seventh fate of the witch are almost well-known figures among the witch kings. Compared with the witch kings with the condense 6 fate of the witch, they are much stronger.

The bloodline of the 6th level witch is only the blood of the king, while the bloodline of the 7th level is the blood of the emperor. This gap is precisely because of the death of the seventh witch.

So this condensing the seventh witch’s fate is also a top priority for Chu Fengmian.

But for this moment, Chu Fengmian had already made complete preparations. The seventh day of the dead, under the influx of endless blood energy, finally completely solidified, turned into a line, and condensed in Chu Fengmian. In the body.

Seventh Heavenly Witch’s fate, gather!

Chu Fengmian hadn’t had time to relax. Suddenly, at the moment of condense on the seventh day, his body was undergoing changes.

His 4 limbs, his body, and even the 129,600 immortal crystals, are all undergoing changes.

This seems to be a transformation.

The cohesion of the Seventh Heavenly Witch’s true fate has caused Chu Fengmian’s body to undergo transformation.

Chu Fengmian doesn’t know whether this kind of transformation is good or bad, but now he doesn’t have the ability to resist this kind of transformation.

All the power in his body was firmly suppressed by the power of the wizard god Bloodline. The wizard God’s Force, eroding this Chu Fengmian’s body, seemed to be transforming this Chu Fengmian’s body.

This transformation is extremely long.

Chu Fengmian didn’t know how long it took.

He could only feel that his body, under the transformation of God’s Force, had become more and more powerful.

Chu Fengmian’s body is transforming toward an unprecedented strength.

One day, two days, one month, two months, one year!

One and a half years.

Chu Fengmian sat cross-legged in the palace, his body has been transformed by God’s Force.

His 4 limbs, his body, and the 129,600 immortal crystals in his body have been completely transformed by God’s Force.

Hong long!

Finally, after the last immortal crystal was transformed, this transformation was finally over.

Chu Fengmian slowly stood up and looked at his body now.

The golden flames burned in Chu Fengmian’s body. The bronze skin was already covered with countless ancient inscriptions.

These ancient inscriptions all appeared suddenly during the transformation this time.

Chu Fengmian, who had just gotten up, felt that he now seems to have inexhaustible power, the power in his body is almost endless.

At this time, Chu Fengmian was noticing that the Divine Vein in his body was actually fuse together with his body.

Divine Vein is integrated into 129,600 immortal crystals. Now these 129,600 immortal crystals all possess the power of Divine Vein, and they are absorbing this power all the time and blending it into Chu Fengmian’s body.

This effect is 100 times stronger and 1000 times stronger than when Divine Vein is not yet integrated. The true power is unlimited.

Chu Fengmian can recover instantly no matter how much power bursts out.

Chu Fengmian is a little completely unprepared with this kind of change against the sky.

His strength seems to have only increased by about 30%, but this endless power brings the benefits of Chu Fengmian, more than this power increase by 30%?

Chu Fengmian this time condense Seventh Heavenly Witch’s destiny, the benefits that even Chu Fengmian never thought would be so amazing.

Just now, there was an additional message in his mind. This seventh day of witch life condensed, and the benefits brought to Chu Fengmian were the body of the witch god!

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