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Red Moon finished speaking and left.

Chu Fengmian took over the jade talisman, and infused it with the power of the witch clan at will, and controlled this jade talisman.

Above this Heaven Level palace, there is a huge Array running at all times, and this Array, even the moment Chu Fengmian saw it, felt a little frightened in his heart.

This array, even if it is Chu Fengmian’s full attack, without more than ten minutes, it is impossible to attack.

Chu Fengmian’s strength can already be regarded as the strongest among the Witch Kings. If you are an ordinary Witch King, even if it is one or two hours, it may not be able to break this array.

With such an Array guardian, the cultivation of the Witch King, even if it encounters an Immortal Emperor’s shot, has an instant reaction time, which is not completely unprepared.

“Heaven Level Palace is really expensive and there is a reason for it. This Array has been reinforced by a witch emperor.”

From this array, Chu Fengmian even saw a little trace of Emperor’s Power.

Immortal Emperor, but with Xianzun, a completely different realm, Chu Fengmian can also be regarded as someone who has seen two Immortal Emperors before.

For some traces on this array, Chu Fengmian could see that they were definitely arranged by a witch emperor.

Of course, this is only a part of the Array, which was arranged by the witch emperor. For the witch emperor who took the shot, it was just a small matter, not the entire Array, which was arranged by the witch emperor.

As the witch emperor, if an Array is arranged, the price of the Heaven Level Palace will be ten times more expensive.

However, the Heaven Level Palace Array in Wulin Pavilion can be arranged by a Witch Emperor. Behind this Wulin Pavilion, there may be a Witch Emperor standing.

Even if it is not, it must be closely related to which witch emperor.

With such an Array guardianship, Chu Fengmian’s cultivation in it is indeed extremely safe.

Chu Fengmian observed for a few times, and then he urged the jade talisman in his hand. The Array above the palace suddenly opened a gap.

After Chu Fengmian and Kun Peng entered the palace from this gap, Chu Fengmian urged jade talisman. This array was completely closed, and no one could disturb it.

Entering the palace, Chu Fengmian looked over and saw that there was something else in it.

What Chu Fengmian saw at a glance was a large cauldron in the center of the palace. From this cauldron, I didn’t know what was burning. One after another the incomparably essence of Primal Chaos radiated from it.

“This is Primal Chaos Celestial Stone? Primal Chaos Celestial Stone is burning inside?”

Chu Fengmian glanced over, his face was a little surprised.

“What a big handwriting, Primal Chaos immortal stone, in our desolate beast clan, they are all extremely valuable things. They can be used as trading currency, but are they directly burned here?”

Kun Peng also exclaimed out loud behind Chu Fengmian.

Compared with the Witch Clan, the Desolate Beast Clan is more like a plate of scattered sand. Therefore, there is no currency similar to the Witch Coin in the Desolate Beast Clan.

Primal Chaos celestial stone is said to be a kind of celestial stone produced in the oldest celestial veins. This kind of celestial veins was formed from the extremely ancient Desolate Ancient era.

As Desolate Ancient shattered, the Primal Chaos aura disappeared. Now in the Northern Territory, although the Primal Chaos aura is strong, it is still quite different compared to the real Desolate Ancient.

And this Primal Chaos Celestial Stone is the crystallization of pure Primal Chaos breath.

The Primal Chaos immortal stone burns in the cauldron, and the pristine Primal Chaos aura exudes from it, making Chu Fengmian feel refreshed all over.

“The Primal Chaos atmosphere here, I am afraid that compared to the ancient Foreign Domain, it is dozens of times richer, and the speed of cultivation in it is at least ten times faster than outside. No wonder Wu Lin Pavilion dared to drive such a high price.”

When Chu Fengmian wandered around at will, he understood the Heaven Level palace at such a high price, and it is indeed worth it.

What Chu Fengmian sees now is only the tip of the iceberg. In fact, in this palace, every plant and tree is not a mortal thing, and many things are hard to find even for ordinary witch kings. .

Kun Peng also had a look of excitement. He directly found a place where the breath of Primal Chaos gathered, sat down cross-legged, swallowed the breath of Primal Chaos, to recover from his injury.

Kun Peng’s injuries have only recovered 60%.

His injury is serious, even in the place where the ancient territory Primal Chaos breath is strong, it will take at least decades to fully recover.

But in this Heaven Level palace, the Primal Chaos aura is so strong, Kun Peng only needs more than ten years to fully recover from his injuries.

This recovery speed is 100 times faster than outside, 1000 times faster.

This Heaven Level palace has such a powerful Array guardian, Chu Fengmian didn’t worry about his own safety, and simply let Kun Peng happen to be here, recovering from his injuries.

Moreover, such a strong Primal Chaos breath is wasted if it is not swallowed.

Primal Chaos breath has great benefits to Immortal Venerables, and even Immortal Emperor. Swallowing the refining Primal Chaos breath can enhance their strength.

But for Chu Fengmian, this Primal Chaos breath is not of much use. It can only make Chu Fengmian feel comfortable, but it can’t improve Chu Fengmian’s strength.

Chu Fengmian is already the Bloodline of the 4 Divine Beasts, and his strength now is very close to the Supreme Beginning Strength.

The Primal Chaos breath is nothing but a force derived from Supreme Beginning Strength. Turning to Chu Fengmian’s power, it is much more refined than the Primal Chaos breath.

Swallowing the breath of Primal Chaos does not benefit Chu Fengmian at all.

Even if the Primal Chaos breath is strong, it is useless for Chu Fengmian.

Therefore, the strong Primal Chaos aura in the Heaven Level Palace is useless to Chu Fengmian. It is better to let Kun Peng recover from his injuries.

Chu Fengmian just took a casual look at the Heaven Level palace, and his attention was taken back. He chose this Heaven Level palace for the purpose of condense seventh heaven.

Chu Fengmian sat cross-legged on the ground.

With a move of his mind, he opened the space ring and took out the heads of the two immortal beasts.

Xuanqi head, tricky eagle head.

Among the two heads, the blood essence contained in the head of the sly eagle seems to be less, and the bloodline of the sly eagle is slightly inferior to the bloodline of the mysterious beast.

Therefore, the power of blood essence is slightly weaker.

With these two heads, Chu Fengmian plans to start with the weak one first.

Chu Fengmian grabbed the head of the wicked eagle, a force of the witch clan condensed from the palm of Chu Fengmian’s hand, and penetrated into the head of the wicked eagle.

The blood essence of this sly eagle was completely sealed in the head with the power of the witch clan.

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