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“This King of the Witch Cliff is brave enough to take the initiative to integrate into the blood essence of the witch god of the earth. As a result, he was unable to swallow the blood essence of the witch god of earth at all. Instead, he was backlashed by the power of the blood essence of the earth witch god. “

The moment he saw the blood essence of the witch god of earth, Chu Fengmian guessed how the blood essence of the witch god of earth was in the body of King Wuya.

It is only possible that King Wuya took the initiative to incorporate the blood essence of the wizard god of earth into his body.

The blood essence of the witch god of this drop of earth does not contain much power in itself. It is absolutely impossible to forcibly invade the body of a witch king.

This Witch Cliff King, as the bloodline descendant of the Earth Wizard God, now the God’s Force in his body is another bloodline descendant of the Earth Wizard God.

Chu Fengmian immediately guessed the reason for this incident. King Wuya should have obtained the blood essence of such a drop of earth witch god by chance.

He intends to integrate the blood essence of the sorcerer god of earth into his Bloodline, and promote his Bloodline to a higher level.

Compared to most witch kings, the bloodline aptitude of the witch cliff king can’t be considered actually, it is only level 7 imperial blood.

Among the Witch Clan, the power limit that can be reached by Level 7 Emperor Blood is the Witch King.

It can be said that the strength of the Witch Cliff King has reached the peak of his Bloodline, level 7 emperor blood, if there is no chance against the sky, it is impossible to step into the Witch Emperor level.

The bloodline of the witch clan almost determines their future achievements.

However, King Wuya didn’t dare to do this. He wanted to improve the Bloodline and impact the Wudi realm. Therefore, he planned to integrate this drop of blood essence of the wizard god into his own Bloodline to promote the Bloodline.

This is true. If Witch Cliff King really succeeds in integrating this drop of earth’s blood essence into his own Bloodline, his Bloodline can indeed be promoted and go further.

But Witch Cliff King underestimated the horror of Witch God’s Force.

This drop of blood essence of the witch god, instead of being incorporated into his bloodline, was eroding his body.

Witch God’s Force is not something that the Witch clan can resist. Even if it is just a drop of Witch God blood essence, the Witch God’s Force emanating from it makes Witch Cliff King unable to resist.

Even later, Witch Cliff King could only use the Witch God’s Force that burns Witch Coins to resist the Witch God’s Force in his body.

But this is nothing but struggling on whilst at death’s door. Without Chu Fengmian, this Witch Cliff King would have been completely eroded by God’s Force for decades at most.

At this time, the only thing waiting for Witch Cliff King is the end of the fall, but it is still the end of Witch Cliff King reap what you have sown.

Seeing Chu Fengmian’s hand calming down the witch god blood essence, in the eyes of the witch cliff king, there is love and fear. This little earth witch god blood essence once gave him hope of promotion.

But later, it brought him endless suffering, making him almost tortured to death.

“This drop of witch god blood essence, if you don’t want it, I will take it away.”

Chu Fengmian looked towards Witch Cliff King opened the mouth and said.

“You take it.”

King Wuya glanced at Chu Fengmian, then said with a sigh.

After experiencing the pain before, King Witch Cliff didn’t want to try to blend into the blood of the Witch God again.

In this way, the blood essence of the witch god of this drop of earth is of little use to King Wuya.

Chu Fengmian nodded, is to collect the blood essence of the sorcerer god of earth into the space ring.

The blood essence of the earth witch god is useless for King Wuya, but Chu Fengmian stays in his hands, but it is still useful. The above witch God’s Force can be said to be an unavoidable existence for other witch races. For Chu Fengmian, it’s nothing.

This drop of earth’s blood essence, in the hands of Chu Fengmian, may still play a great role.

But this can only be waited for Chu Fengmian to study slowly in the future.

“Your injury has been cured by me. I hope you remember what you promised before.”

After putting away the blood of the Witch God, Chu Fengmian looked towards Witch Cliff King opened the mouth and said.

“Also, I hope you help me keep a secret.”

Chu Fengmian has Level 9 divine blood. Although it will not last long, it is good to keep it for a while.

“I know.”

Wuya Wang nodded opened the mouth and said at Chu Fengmian.

“I will do it for you once. If you need it, you can directly find me through this jade talisman.”

While speaking, King Wuya had a jade talisman in his hand and suddenly flew in the direction of Chu Fengmian.

This jade talisman is very similar to the jade talisman refined by the martial artist, except that it contains pure power of the witch.

However, this refining technique is exactly the same.

“It seems that the Northern Territory and Three Great Saint Territories are not completely disconnected. At least for these witches in the ancient territory, they should have been in contact with Three Great Saint Territories.”

Seeing this scene, Chu Fengmian couldn’t help but think of it.

Although it seems that there are two completely enclosed areas between the North Border and Three Great Saint Territories, Chu Fengmian has found a connection between the two in many clues.

Obviously, the relationship between these two sides is much closer than on the surface. In this ancient territory, perhaps Chu Fengmian can also find some news about Three Great Saint Territories.

The northern border is not a place to stay for a long time. Chu Fengmian will leave the northern border sooner or later and go to Three Great Saint Territories. Knowing some news about the Three Great Saint Territories in advance is also beneficial to Chu Fengmian.


After taking over the Jade Talisman of the Witch Cliff King, Chu Fengmian was not staying, body moved and left directly in the Witch Cliff King Palace.

“My lord, don’t you worry about the Witch Cliff King, leaking your affairs?”

After leaving the palace of King Wuya, Kun Peng was beside him and asked Chu Fengmian in a low voice.

“Leak out? If he dares to leak out, since I can save the Witch Cliff King, I can also kill him.”

Upon hearing Kun Peng’s words, Chu Fengmian said with a sullen smile on the corner of his mouth.

Chu Fengmian didn’t take it carelessly either. I believe a person who just met, at the moment when he helped the Wuya King take out the blood essence of the soil wizard god, Chu Fengmian had already placed a heavy insurance on Wuya King.

If the Wuya King dared to leak out the Chu Fengmian Level 9 divine blood, it would be his death date.

But this Witch Cliff King should be a wise man and would not do that kind of self-destructive thing.

Looking at Chu Fengmian’s expression, Kun Peng shuddered, and at the same time he had a deeper understanding of Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian is not as harmless to humans and animals as it seems on the outside.

However, everything that Chu Fengmian did was for a layer of insurance. If the Wuya King did not make a dangerous move, Chu Fengmian would never harm him.

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