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Witch Cliff King is not an ordinary Witch King powerhouse.

If it is an ordinary wizard king, it is naturally not worthy of Chu Fengmian’s wooing.

However, the strength of this Witch Cliff King was tyrannical. Even when using the secret technique of boiling blood, Chu Fengmian was not sure that he could kill the Witch Cliff King.

It is possible to defeat the Witch Cliff King, but Chu Fengmian himself is not confident whether he can kill him.

This is still based on the current strength of King Wuya.

In fact, the true strength of King Wuya was far more tyrannical than what it showed now.

There has always been a witch God’s Force on Witch Cliff King’s body, which is eroding his body, so that Witch Cliff King has always needed to consume a certain amount of strength to suppress his injuries.

Once the strength of the Witch Cliff King is fully restored, I am afraid that it will be no less inferior to the Great Elder Witch Gen in the Empty Witch Tower.

Once it is a complete battle with the empty witch tower, the help of the witch cliff king is also a big help.

And more importantly, this Witch Cliff King has always been alone and does not belong to any party’s power, no matter who it is shot against, will not have any scruples.

This is what Chu Fengmian values ​​most.

There are a lot of things that need to be considered for the witch king powerhouses who come from Great Influence, especially the enemy of the northern overlord like the empty witch tower.

But for King Wuya, he didn’t care about it at all.

These two conditions, although difficult for King Wuya, are not unacceptable.

Chu Fengmian is confident, this Witch Cliff King will definitely accept Chu Fengmian’s conditions, because only Chu Fengmian has a solution for the God’s Force of Witch Cliff King.

Before Wuya King, he could not see any hope, so he had no desire to improve, and he barely made a living with Wucoin.

But now once he sees hope, let Wuya Wang lose hope, but Wuya Wang does not want to see things.

“Well, these two conditions, I promise you.”

King Wuya thought for a moment, and said nodded.

“These two are for you.”

With that said, King Wuya threw out two things and threw them towards Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian took the thing thrown by King Wuya and saw at a glance that these were two heads.

One is the Xuanqi head that Chu Fengmian has seen before.

And the other one is also the head of the Xianzun Desolate Beast, the head of a type of desolate beast called the sly eagle.

There was actually more than one desolate beast head in the hands of King Wuya.

Chu Fengmian was slightly surprised.

This Witch Cliff King is capable of killing. He now has 2 heads of the Immortal Venerable in his hands. I don’t know how many Immortal Venerable Wild Beasts that Witch Cliff King has killed.

Chu Fengmian is a bit absolute, he wants less, but he has already said what Chu Fengmian has said. Naturally, Chu Fengmian will not breach the contract. He put the two heads of wild beasts directly away and put them in the space ring.

I am going to find some time to refining the blood essence of the beast, to condense the life of the seventh witch.

“The remaining one, I will give it to you in a few days. As for one shot for you, if you need it, you can come directly to the Black Witch City to find me. I am usually in the Black Witch City.”

King Wuya looked towards Chu Fengmian and said coldly.

Although the tone was cold, Chu Fengmian heard a sense of expectation from it.

For Witch Cliff King, the Witch God’s Force in his body has already become his nightmare, and now this nightmare finally has a moment to be eliminated, even if it is him, he will look forward to it.

“it is good.”

After the transaction was concluded, Chu Fengmian was not wasting time either. Suddenly, from the palm of Chu Fengmian’s palm, a wave of God’s Force was condensed and enveloped in the body of the Witch Cliff King.

Feeling the approach of Witch God’s Force, Witch Cliff King’s body is trembling instinctively, this kind of restraint from Bloodline, but no Witch Clan can resist.

Some witches with weak strength may kneel to the ground when the witch God’s Force approaches.

This Witch Cliff King was not so uncomfortable, but God’s Force still made him extremely uncomfortable.

Naturally, Chu Fengmian would not care about Wuya King’s uncomfortableness. His purpose was to solve the witch God’s Force on Wuya King.

I saw that the Wu God’s Force played by Chu Fengmian was shrouded in the body of Wu Ya King.

From the body of Witch Cliff King, a force suddenly burst out, colliding with Chu Fengmian’s Witch God’s Force.

Wu God’s Force is also one mountain can’t be shared by two tigers.

The ten great witch gods, although they are called together in later generations, in the Desolate Ancient era, there are always battles between the ten great witch gods.

They will unite only when facing alien races.

So the witch God’s Force in the body of the Witch Cliff King, the moment when he saw the witch God’s Force played by Chu Fengmian, he left from the body of the Witch Cliff King and collided with Chu Fengmian’s Witch God’s Force. .

“This is the power of the Earth Wizard God.”

An incomparably heavy, earth-like power radiated from the body of the Witch Cliff King.

Infiltrating into the body of Witch Cliff King is the Witch God’s Force left by the Earth Wizard God.

The power of this earth witch god, and the witch God’s Force played by Chu Fengmian, are on the edge of the body of the witch cliff king, and they clash again and again.

Within a few rounds, the power of this earth wizard god began to weaken.

The power of the witch god of earth in the body of the Witch Cliff King is actually just a power left in Heaven and Earth. Once consumed, it will only become weaker and weaker.

The God’s Force on Chu Fengmian’s body is actually from the Bloodline of Chu Fengmian, and it can be said to be endless. As long as Chu Fengmian is immortal, the God’s Force will be continuously.

Half an hour passed.

The power of the earth wizard god in the body of Witch Cliff King was already extremely weak.

At this time, Chu Fengmian suddenly moved his mind. The Wu God’s Force he controlled turned into a big hand and suddenly grabbed the Wu Ya King’s body.

I saw a drop of blood essence showing the color of Primal Chaos, which was grabbed from the body of King Wuya.

The source of the divine force of the earth wizard on the Witch Cliff King is the blood essence of this drop of earth wizard god.

The blood essence of the witch god of earth was directly caught by Chu Fengmian, and it was immediately suppressed by the witch God’s Force. The beating power on it continued to calm down and finally turned into the original appearance, lying quietly in Chu Fengmian. In the palm of his hand, it is no longer beating.

At the same time, at the moment when the blood essence of the witch god of soil left his body, King Witch Cliff felt an extremely comfortable feeling, and his whole body was refreshed.

In his body, the feeling of being eroded by God’s Force completely disappeared, making him like a new life.

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