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The demon, although not conscious, is like a wild beast, only instinctive action.

But the power of this giant monster is something that cannot be faked. It is definitely another power of Immortal Venerable Level.

Chu Fengmian rushed into it, facing the giant monster, not necessarily the giant monster’s opponent.

Moreover, Chu Fengmian noticed that the demons that appeared this time are not all the demons in this Five Elements continent.

Chu Fengmian looked over, and he could see it. In this Five Elements continent, there was a weird silhouette one after another.

These silhouettes, half-virtual and half-real, are all demons turned into by Power of Five Elements.

The entire Five Elements continent is the devil’s lair, and Chu Fengmian rushes into it, which is extremely dangerous.

Now 5 Cangshu is right in front of him, but Chu Fengmian has no good solution for a while.


Similarly, the domain masters of the Black Witch Hall nearby, the Southern Desolate King, the Golden Desolate King and the others, also recognized the origin of these shadows at a glance.

“These demons are not easy to deal with.”

They took a look at these demons, and then at the center of the Five Elements continent. They all stood in place and didn’t have the slightest plan to make a move.

Among the Five Elements continent, the one with the highest value is the Five Elements spirit stream.

But for the witch clan, the witch clan itself can only inherit the Bloodline of a witch god, and they have the impossible second Power of Five Elements.

Even the spirit stream gathered by Five Elements does not make much sense to them.

This Five Elements spirit stream is indeed a Supreme Treasure to the martial artist Demon God of the cultivation Dao of Five Elements.

However, in this northern realm where desolate beasts and witches are respected, such a Five Elements spirit stream has no meaning, and is equivalent to an ordinary spirit stream.

An ordinary spirit stream, naturally, I don’t know that the domain master of the Black Witch Hall, the Southern Desolate King, and the powerful immortal Venerable Witch King, go to work hard with the demons in it.

If these demons are weak, they don’t care about charging an extra spirit stream.

However, the strength of the giant demon was close to the level of the immortal, even if it was not a true immortal.

But the domain master of the Black Witch Hall, the Southern Desolate King, it is not easy for such a powerful immortal to solve that demon.

After spending so much effort, just for a spirit stream, naturally no one wants to go.

In addition to such a spirit stream, the rest are also some Immortal Medicine specialties in the land of Five Elements. The Witches are not good at refining medicine, and the Desolate Beasts are completely ignorant of refining medicine.

These Immortal Medicines are not of much value to them.

In this Five Elements continent, there is no benefit worthy of their action, and naturally no one is willing to do it.

As for Chu Fengmian, although he wanted to enter it urgently, no one else did it. Now Chu Fengmian can’t do it.

For Chu Fengmian, the only thing he can do now is wait.

Since the Five Elements continent has been born, it shouldn’t be hidden again. Chu Fengmian will wait for it, and he will definitely wait for the opportunity.

Time passes by one minute.

The birth of Five Elements continent is not the end, but the beginning.

The huge black hole appeared again.

From the black hole at this time, there is another continent, slowly flying out of it, but the moment this time this continent appeared, it suddenly attracted everyone’s attention.

This continent is almost like a continent made up of bones. The bones in it are as large as ten thousand zhang as well as human bones.

It is simply a Bai Gu continent made up of 100000000 10000 dry bones.

“This should be the giant elephant temple, the creatures that have always been sacrificed, the bones left behind!”

King Kong Kong was on the side and slowly said when he saw this Bai Gu continent.

“The giant elephant family often sacrifices. Every time they sacrifice, they have to capture the strong of other races. Didn’t expect the bones of this sacrifice to be filled with a whole continent!”

At the moment when he looked towards this Bai Gu continent, King Kong’s eyes showed a look of shock.

Not only King Kong, Chu Fengmian, King Jinmei, Lord of the Black Witch Hall, King Southern Desolate and the others were all shocked at the moment they looked towards this Bai Gu continent.

This Bai Gu continent seems to pile up the bones of the world’s creatures.

“This is the evil race, this is Gu Mang, this is the wing race!”

Many skeletons of the race that Chu Fengmian had only seen in the ancient book are now piled up on this Bai Gu continent.

Even the names of many bones, Chu Fengmian could not be called.

Even with the memory of inheritance in the Exalted Sword Sect crown, Chu Fengmian could not recognize all the races on the Bai Gu continent.

At a glance, there are at least 10000 bones of creatures piled up on the Bai Gu continent.

“The giant elephant clan, how many powerhouses they have caught, is really crazy.”

Each of these skeletons, the master before his death, was not weak in strength.

To be able to be immortal for millions and millions of years, the master of this skeleton has at least reached the immortal realm before his life, and condensed the immortal bones, only then can millions and millions of years be immortal.

From these many bones, Chu Fengmian can even clearly feel a powerful and surging force.

“Many bones also contain the power of life!”

Chu Fengmian’s face changed suddenly.

Among these bones, even if there is only one tenth, there is still this part of the strength in life.

Such a Bai Gu continent is also a huge treasure house, because there are too many bones on the Bai Gu continent, and even Chu Fengmian can’t count it at a time. How many are there?

Even in the gap between the bones, Chu Fengmian even saw the Demonic Core of Demonic Beast Clan.

This kind of Demonic Core is an excellent material for refining Immortal Pill. It can be swallowed directly, and you can also directly gain the power of Demonic Core.


I don’t know who it is, the first one is Unable to bear, and he shouted directly, and saw that among the witches, several witch warriors rushed into it first.

Their goal, is a bone of a desolate beast, this one bone of a desolate beast, which is as huge as ten thousand zhang, and is definitely an extremely powerful desolate beast in his lifetime.

In his bones, one can clearly feel a quintessential power, this power is now a masterless power, it is an excellent item of great nourishment.

Once it is devouring refining, it will greatly improve its own strength.

Now the treasure is right in front of you, no one can bear it.

Whiz whiz whiz !

one after another silhouette, suddenly rushed into Bai Gu continent, and collected the bones of which one after another still had power.


Seeing the bones below, even the powerful witch king like the Southern Desolate King was unable to bear. He also observed that among these bones, many of the bones’ masters were not inferior to him. .

The power contained in these bones is of great use to him.

The Southern Desolate King, the domain master of the Black Witch Hall, almost instantly rushed into this Bai Gu continent.

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