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A fairy sage, if he is in the starry sky of Foreign Domain, he can be called a strong man in mythology.

Even among the Three Great Saint Territories, it can be called a region’s Overlord, which is enough to establish the sect.

Only now, in this giant elephant temple, there are countless powerhouses from all sides in the northern border that make the immortal saint look so ordinary.

But their fierce fighting power, burst out, can destroy one after another planet.

In this accumulated battle, right at the center of the universe, there was a sudden change, and a huge black hole appeared in the center of the universe.

From this huge black hole, there seems to be something faintly discernible.

“Idol bones are about to be born?”

A bit of excitement appeared in Chu Fengmian’s eyes. What he had been waiting for was the moment when the bone of the idol was born.


From this huge black hole, a raging force burst out. This force directly forced out the nearby several Immortal Saint powerhouses.

Even the few immortal saints who reacted slowly were swallowed by the black hole in an instant, and their bodies disappeared in the black hole.

“It’s not the bone of an idol, it seems it’s something else.”

King Kong’s gaze was also looked towards the direction of the huge black hole, slowly opening the mouth and said.

“other things?”

The faintly discernible shadow in the black hole became more and more clear. The moment Chu Fengmian looked at the past, he also clearly saw what was hidden in the black hole.

This is a continent.

A continent that is dozens of times larger than a normal planet slowly emerged from this black hole.

The appearance of this continent immediately attracted all eyes to the past.

This black hole suddenly appeared from the center of the universe, and now this continent that suddenly emerged from the black hole is by no means a mortal thing.

This is the treasure place of the giant elephant clan. On this one after another planet, there are all treasures, even more how is the continent that suddenly appeared.

Just in front of a continent, after completely coming out of the black hole, several brave warriors immediately approached the past.

But when they were close to the edge of the continent, and they were about to enter it, one after another huge shadow flew out of the continent.

This one after another shadow looks large and small. The small one is only the size of a human, but the big one is as big as a planet. The moment it appears, it will be above the continent. Both account for more than half.

The witch warriors were all forced to retreat at the moment of confronting one after another shadow. Even the witch warriors were seriously injured, and their bodies were eroded by a force.

“This power?”

At the moment when one after another shadow appeared, Chu Fengmian’s eyes suddenly showed a bit of excitement.

From the shadow of one after another, Chu Fengmian actually felt a wave of Five Elements Spiritual Force! Power of Five Elements, a condensed Five Elements Spiritual Force.

This Five Elements Spiritual Force seems to have drifted out of this continent.

Five Elements Spiritual Force complements each other. If you want to fully control the Five Elements Spiritual Force and combine it into one, there are very few people who can do this even if they are strong in history.

And most of the opportunities to encounter the Five Elements Spiritual Force are where the Five Elements, born of Heaven and Earth, gather.

The place where the Five Elements that Chu Fengmian is looking for is now in this continent.

“Didn’t expect, in this giant elephant temple, there really is a place where Five Elements gather!”

There was a bit of excitement in Chu Fengmian’s eyes.

He first came to the Southern Desolate mountain forest, looking for the giant elephant temple, in fact, not only for the bones of the gods, but for the gathering place of Five Elements.

Chu Fengmian wants to refine Xiaoguiyuan Immortal Pill, and the only blind main medicine that is missing now is 5 Ctractylodes, this Immortal Medicine that only grows in the place where Five Elements gather.

With 5 atractylodes, Chu Fengmian can gather the materials to refine the Immortal Pill of Xiaoguiyuan, and successfully refine the Immortal Pill of Xiaoguiyuan, and he can recover the current Chu Fengmian’s injury in one fell swoop.

After arriving in the Northern Territory, Chu Fengmian had all kinds of fortuitous encounters, but his current strength was far beyond that before the injury.

However, for Chu Fengmian, the injury on his body will be hidden if he does not recover completely one day.

Once encountering the real battle of Life and Death, this kind of injury recurs, for Chu Fengmian, it is no different than fatal.

Chu Fengmian has stayed in Southern Desolate for a long time, did not leave, and went to other places, but he was concerned about his injuries.

As long as the injury is fully recovered, Chu Fengmian will no longer have any scruples, letting Chu Fengmian break through.

Originally on this road, Chu Fengmian did not find the shadow of the place where Five Elements gathered, and thought that it was just fake news.

But didn’t expect, at this time, the gathering place of Five Elements actually appeared, right in front of Chu Fengmian, in this Five Elements continent.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian looked over and saw the origin of one after another shadow. These shadows are all demons!

World’s All Living Things, all have spiritual nature, like some mysterious Sword Manuals, Sword Spirit can be born, Immortal Grade, Artifact Spirit can be born.

In Heaven and Earth Five Elements Spiritual Qi, demons can also be born.

This one after another silhouette is actually a demon born from Five Elements Spiritual Force.

However, such demons generally can’t become a climate, and it is not easy to condense their bodies. Most demons don’t even have much power.

But the demons on this Five Elements continent are different.

Because the Five Elements continent has been enclosed in the space, the Power of Five Elements has been condensed, and the devil is born from it, which can no longer be underestimated.

Chu Fengmian’s gaze looked towards the biggest one among them, a demon capable of shining the sky and the sun, and the power in him was no less than that of the immortal.

Chu Fengmian has never seen such a powerful demon even in the ancient book.

But even this powerful Five Elements demon is impossible to stop Chu Fengmian from wanting to enter it.

Chu Fengmian’s Spiritual Consciousness is shrouded in the Five Elements continent. Soon, Chu Fengmian discovered that all the Five Elements Spiritual Forces in the Five Elements continent are actually from a spirit stream in the center of the continent. Exudes.

On the edge of this spirit stream, Chu Fengmian found a growing strain of Immortal Medicine.

Among them, the 5 atractylodes that Chu Fengmian urgently needs are listed.

“Finally found it!”

At the moment when he saw 5 Atractylodes, Chu Fengmian was a little unable to bear, and he had the idea of ​​directly entering the Five Elements continent to collect 5 Atractylodes.

When seeing the sky over the Five Elements continent, the huge demon comparable to the powerful immortal, Chu Fengmian still endured it temporarily.

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