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Chu Fengmian is also very cautiously along the way, observing all around, moving forward a little bit.

Along the way, Chu Fengmian also saw a lot of traces of battles. Obviously, it was the traces of the battle just near the water pool, but the tip of the iceberg.

The real battle has continued to the depths of the Southern Desolate mountain forest.

“It looks like Martial Dao, the wizard god of the Nanwu tribe.”

Observing the traces of battle around here, Wu Shi suddenly said.

When he saw the traces of these battles, he suddenly recognized the origin of some of them.

The Southern Witch Tribe is the largest Witch Tribe in the entire Southern Desolate, and it is also the king of Southern Desolate in name. Among them, the patriarch of the Southern Witch Tribe is the only Witch King powerhouse in Southern Desolate, the Southern Desolate King.

Witch Stone was once from the South Witch tribe, so I am very familiar with Martial Dao, the wizard god of this South Witch tribe.

So when he saw the traces of these battles, he suddenly recognized the origin of some of them.

“South Witch Tribe?”

When Wu Hao heard this, his face changed slightly.

“Compared to the one we arrived first, is it the Nanwu tribe?”

Hearing Wu Shi’s words, Chu Fengmian was not at all surprised.

The Evil Stone Tribe can be regarded as one of the largest tribes near the Southern Desolate Mountain Forest, and the news of the incident in the Colossal Elephant Temple was actually known to someone earlier than Wu Hao.

Obviously it was the power that knew the news, but it was much larger than the Evil Stone Tribe.

It is not surprising that the Nan Wu tribe, as the largest tribe in Southern Desolate, is more informed than Chu Fengmian.

“Wu Shi, how strong is the Nan Wu Tribe?”

Chu Fengmian suddenly looked towards Wu Shi and asked.

Wu Shi came from the Nan Wu tribe. Among the 3 people present, only he knew the Nan Wu tribe best.

Originally, Chu Fengmian and Nanwu tribe could be regarded as everyone minds their own business, after all, the two parties are far away.

Southern Desolate is so big that it is not only the area of ​​Southern Desolate Mountain Forest, but the Southern Witch Tribe is in another area of ​​Southern Desolate.

Originally, under Chu Fengmian’s prediction, he could only truly come into contact with the Nanwu tribe after he unified the Wu tribes near the Southern Desolate mountain forest.

But didn’t expect, this time the emergence of the Colossal Elephant Temple actually attracted the people of the Southern Wu Tribe into the Southern Desolate forest.

know yourself and know your enemy can emerge victorious in every battle.

even more how The South Witch Tribe came to the Southern Desolate Mountain Forest this time for the purpose of coming to the Southern Desolate Forest. It hardly needs to think about it, and it is certain that it must have come for the bones of the gods in the giant elephant temple.

As a result, Chu Fengmian and this Nanwu tribe will definitely have a dispute, and no one has given up on Supreme Treasure like the Bone of Idols.

Chu Fengmian also plans to look at the strength of the Nanwu tribe before thinking about countermeasures.

After all, for Chu Fengmian to give up fighting for the bone of the idol because of his name, Chu Fengmian would not be willing.

“In the southern witch tribe, in addition to the witch king Southern Desolate, there are also these 5 witch warriors. The strength of these 5 witch warriors, the weakest, should be about the same level as mine. As for the strong, compared to I want to be stronger.”

Wu Shi recalled opening the mouth and said.

“The witch warlord of the Nanwu tribe, so strong?”

When Chu Fengmian heard this, he was a little surprised.

Wu Shi’s strength is no longer considered weak among the witch warriors, at least it is much stronger than that of Wu Hao.

But now Wu Shi said that the witch warriors of the Nan Wu tribe, the weakest, are almost his level.

“The Martial Dao inheritance of the witch god of the Southern Witch tribe is far more numerous than our tribes. The more the witch god Martial Dao inheritance, the more powerful the witch tribe born in this witch tribe.”

Wu Shi explained to the side.

“How strong is the Southern Desolate King?”

Chu Fengmian asked again.

Compared with those witch warriors, Chu Fengmian is most concerned about the strength of the Southern Desolate King.

With Chu Fengmian’s strength, almost no witch warrior can be seen in his eyes. Once he is inspiring the secret technique of boiling blood, his strength soars tenfold, almost reaching the level of the fairy sage Peak.

Even if it is a witch warrior who is stronger than the witch stone, it is still not worth mentioning in Chu Fengmian’s eyes. Chu Fengmian is most worried about the Southern Desolate King.

This is a real witch king.

Among the Witch Clan, but only the Witch Clan who stepped into the Immortal Venerable Realm world are qualified to be called the Witch King.

Chu Fengmian has never faced a powerhouse at the Xianzun level.

Even after subduing the Evil Stone Tribe and acquiring a group of witch god Martial Dao, Chu Fengmian’s strength is much stronger than when he experienced in the Southern Desolate forest last time.

But in the face of a Immortal Venerable Witch King, Chu Fengmian is still not sure.

“The strength of the Southern Desolate King is unknown to his subordinates, but it is said that the 5 witch warlords of the Southern Witch Tribe have joined forces. In front of the Southern Desolate King, none of them can survive 3 moves, and it is said that at that time, the Southern Desolate King, but the most used 30% strength.”

Wu Shi thought about opening the mouth and said.

“30% strength is enough to easily defeat 5 wizards and join forces…”

Chu Fengmian meditated silently, thinking about the power of the Witch King.

After stepping into the heavens, there is no realm gap, it is like a chasm that cannot be crossed.

Immortal Saint, Immortal Venerable, Immortal Emperor.

The gaps in this third realm are all worlds apart.

Chu Fengmian has seen the power of Immortal Emperor’s moves. It is definitely a terrifying power that is 100 times and 1000 times higher than that of the Immortal Saint.

Even the current Chu Fengmian, if he played against that Immortal Emperor again, he couldn’t survive.

“The King of Southern Desolate is difficult to deal with, but this time I am not trying to be an enemy of him. If I can find the opportunity to seize the bone of the idol and I will leave directly, then the King of Southern Desolate is also impossible to find that it is me. Do all of this.”

Chu Fengmian thought for a moment, and thought to himself in his heart.

The giant elephant temple, where the bones of the gods were born, attracted more than the Southern Desolate King.

For the desolate beast clan, the bones of the idols are equally attractive.

The battle traces that Chu Fengmian saw along the way should be the traces of the Wu clan of the Nanwu tribe and the desolate beast clan.

The two sides are now fighting fiercely, and for Chu Fengmian, it is an extremely rare opportunity.

As long as the Southern Desolate King was delayed, Chu Fengmian would not pay attention to the other Wu tribes of the Southern Wu tribe.

“Go, let’s go in and see, you two, if you are in danger, you can leave directly and go back to the Evil Stone Tribe.”

Chu Fengmian turned his head and looked towards Wu Shi, Wu Hao said aloud.

One thing is that Chu Fengmian does not have the ability to keep the two of them when they meet other strong people at Immortal Venerable Level. If it is in danger, it is better to let them leave directly.


Wu Shi, Wu Hao hurriedly replied, and the two of them are not indifferent.

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