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When you came to the depths of the Southern Desolate mountain forest, almost all the beasts you encountered were those that had stepped into the realm of the fairy sage.

Even Wu Shi, Wu Hao, they must do their best to contend with them, so every time they enter the depths of the Southern Desolate forest, they are extremely careful.

Chu Fengmian also cheered up and paid close attention to the surrounding area.

Before Chu Fengmian slaughtered the desolate beasts in the Southern Desolate mountain forest, some desolate overlords had already spotted him.

According to the previous routine, as long as Chu Fengmian enters the depths of the Southern Desolate mountain forest for a period of time, there will be powerful wild beasts, directly to kill Chu Fengmian.

But this time, it seems a bit strange.

Just when the Chu Fengmian 3 had arrived in the depths of the Southern Desolate mountain forest for half an hour, they didn’t even see any desolate beasts.

According to Chu Fengmian’s previous experience in the depths of the Southern Desolate mountain forest, even those desolate beast overlords have already given up their plan to kill Chu Fengmian. After such a long time, they should be able to encounter a desolate beast.

After all, the wild beasts in the Southern Desolate mountain forest all have their own territories, and the Chu Fengmian 3 people are not idle, but have been walking deeper.

The walking distance has already been through the territory of several desolate beasts, but no desolate beasts have appeared.

“It seems that something is wrong.”

Wu Shi is browsing tightly frowns, and he also found anomalies in it.

“Those wild beasts seem to have disappeared.”

If they entered the depths of the Southern Desolate mountain forest before changing, they would still feel lucky if they didn’t encounter the desolate beast, but this time, the desolate suddenly disappeared, and all they felt was weird.

Even Chu Fengmian is observing everything around him attentively, for fear of sudden danger.

The depths of the Southern Desolate forest are extremely mysterious. It can be said that no one has completely solved the veil of secrets in the depths of the Southern Desolate forest.

In such an unknown place, Chu Fengmian didn’t dare to be too impudent, and walked forward cautiously.

Deep in the forest of Southern Desolate, the silence is surprising.

Chu Fengmian 3 people’s footsteps are all heard very clearly.

“Look, there are signs of battle ahead.”

Wu Hao’s words suddenly broke this strange silence.

Wu Hao suddenly pointed to the front, opened the mouth and said.

Chu Fengmian and Wu Shi looked at them immediately, and they saw a water pool in front of them. They said it was a water pool, but in this water pool, there was already blood red, as if it had been soaked in blood.

Near this water pool, you can also see a lot of broken scales. The one after another giant tree nearby seems to have all been torn apart because of the impact of this one after another force.

Around the entire waterhole, there seemed to be a big battle.

“It seems that there are at least a dozen desolate beasts participating. It seems that a desolate beast overlord has taken action, and there is even more than one desolate beast overlord.”

Chu Fengmian looked at these bloodstains, and he could clearly see that these bloodstains came from at least a dozen wild beasts.

There are more than a dozen wild beasts who have participated in this battle.

Desolate beasts have always been alone. This is the characteristic of desolate beasts. If the only thing that can break all this is the desolate beast overlord.

Only the overlord of the wild beasts can order other wild beasts to fight together.

For example, before Chu Fengmian hunted wild beasts aggressively, he has been fine. It is also because other wild beasts will not join forces to deal with Chu Fengmian.

One-on-one Chu Fengmian hunting is naturally very easy.

Know that Chu Fengmian provokes a desolate overlord.

The desolate beast overlord can order other desolate beasts and can be called the commander of the desolate beast clan.

Some desolate beast overlords are not powerful, but they can command other desolate beasts, such as these dozens of desolate beasts, who have participated in the battle together, and it is obvious that the desolate beast overlord has taken action.

And even, not just a Desolate Beast Overlord.

Chu Fengmian has learned that most of the overlords of the wild beasts can control 5 to 6 wild beasts, and 7 to 8 beasts, which is the limit.

More than a dozen desolate beasts jointly shot, obviously there are at least 2 desolate beast overlords, get involved.

“It seems that someone, one step ahead of us, entered the depths of the Southern Desolate mountain forest, but encountered the overlord of the desolate animal and fought a battle.”

For the Desolate Clan, this Southern Desolate forest is their territory. They will never let other creatures step into it. Even more how is the deadly enemy of the Desolate Clan, the Witch Clan.

Once a witch clan enters the depths of the Southern Desolate forest, it will arouse the siege of the desolate overlord.

It’s no wonder that Chu Fengmian 3 didn’t encounter any desolate beasts along the way. It should be the desolate beasts nearby, and they had all been summoned by the desolate overlord.

“There is no corpse, so this battle shouldn’t be over yet, but I don’t know who it is, and actually rushed ahead of us.”

Wu Hao took a closer look and said in surprise.

He should be the first to know the news of the birth of the Colossal Elephant Temple. After all, the Evil Stone Tribe is on the edge of the Southern Desolate Mountain Forest and is the closest Wu tribe to the Southern Desolate Mountain Forest.

Generally speaking, the first thing that happened in the Southern Desolate mountain forest was the evil stone tribe.

But now, there seems to be someone, the early bird catches the worm.

“Regardless of who, as long as they are fighting for the bones of the gods, they are all enemies.”

Chu Fengmian coldly said.

Chu Fengmian also has the heart to win the bones of idols, unless it is compelled by circumstances, otherwise Chu Fengmian doesn’t plan to give up such divine objects.

“keep going.”

When Chu Fengmian spoke, his figure walked toward the depths of the Southern Desolate forest again.

The more you enter the depths of the Southern Desolate mountain forest, the surrounding Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi becomes more dense, and at the same time a cloud of mist has been shrouded in the Southern Desolate mountain forest.

This mist is not an ordinary mist. Chu Fengmian tried to dispel the mist with his strength, but with little effect.

The fog itself seems to be one with the Southern Desolate forest. Even if Chu Fengmian disperses part of it, it will soon be enveloped by the fog.

After a series of useless work, Chu Fengmian did not try to disperse the fog again.

However, this fog has brought Chu Fengmian and the others a lot of trouble. First, it cuts off the line of sight. The most tricky point is that the fog can actually cut off the Spiritual Consciousness.

Chu Fengmian wanted to use his Spiritual Consciousness to explore the distance, but he couldn’t do it. His observation range was compressed to about 3 miles.

Of course, this is only possible with Chu Fengmian’s extremely defying Spiritual Consciousness.

Like Wu Shi, Wu Hao and the others, they barely maintain a Spiritual Consciousness of about one mile. Such a distance is absolutely fatal to a powerhouse of the Immortal Saint level once someone suddenly sneaks an attack.

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