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With the influx of this medicinal power, the immortal crystals in Chu Fengmian’s body began to recover and reshape.

Chu Fengmian deliberately injected medicinal power into those immortal crystals that were slightly injured, so as to temporarily restore some immortal crystals.

A total of 30 minutes have passed, and all the immortal crystals of the 5 medicinal pill’s medicinal power have been completely swallowed. The immortal crystals on Chu Fengmian’s body have also recovered about 1000.

This is also equivalent to Chu Fengmian’s restoration of its heyday, about 1% of power.

However, due to the injury, Chu Fengmian’s strength is actually less than 1% of his Peak, but this is also equivalent to Celestial Realm’s strength, and it can be regarded as a little self-protection.

I just don’t know, who really saved Chu Fengmian, where is this place?

Chu Fengmian also learned something about Three Great Saint Territories through the memory in the sword emperor’s crown.

Three Great Saint Territories, between different regions, the strength is completely different. In some remote places, a martial artist of Celestial Realm is already a good powerhouse.

If Chu Fengmian were in those remote places, his current strength would be enough to settle down.

But once it is Chu Fengmian’s current prosperous place in the Three Great Saint Territories, then this strength is not enough. Several giant sects in the Three Great Saint Territories, a few random disciplines, are more powerful Chu Fengmian now.

“you’re awake?”

While Chu Fengmian was still thinking, suddenly the door of the house was pushed open, and a huge body walked back from the outside.

Chu Fengmian glanced over, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

Because the person in front of him is too tall.

This person is a giant with a height of close to 100 meters. He is dressed in clothes made of animal skins. He is muscular and bulging. He stands there like a big tree in the sky.

For Chu Fengmian, a giant with a height of 100 meters is not surprising. After all, the Emperor Realm and the martial artist Demon God of Celestial Realm have the ability to control their own size. If Chu Fengmian wants to, he can also change at once. It becomes as large as 1000 meters.

But what surprised Chu Fengmian was that the posture of the giant in front of him was exactly what he looked like.

Like Chu Fengmian, although his body can be changed to the size of 1000 meters, his body is still the size of an ordinary person.

But the giant of 100 meters in front of him, his body, is enough to have such a size.

Although Chu Fengmian learned a lot of foreign race information from the sword emperor crown, he had never seen such a tall person.

And what makes Chu Fengmian feel even more strange is that at the moment when the giant walked in, Chu Fengmian was actually connected to him, and the feeling of bloodline connection seemed to belong to the same kind.

“Immortal body? This person has also condensed the immortal body?”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes suddenly changed. He saw that under the 100-meter giant’s high bulging muscles, there were also crystal clear crystals, a total of 129,600 immortal crystals. The giant in front of him, like Chu Fengmian, condenses. The immortal body.

And compared to Chu Fengmian’s condensed immortal body, they are only slightly different. The strength of the giant in front of him must at least be at the level of the fairy king.

“It’s worthy of being Three Great Saint Territories. If you meet any person, you have this strength.”

Chu Fengmian couldn’t help but think of it.

After condensing the immortal existence, the only living person Chu Fengmian encountered in the starry sky of Foreign Domain was Chu Fengmian himself. He didn’t expect to come to Three Great Saint Territories and met so soon.

When Chu Fengmian looked at the giant in front of him.

The giant also walked in, came to the bed, saw Chu Fengmian wake up, and said with some joy.

“When I saw you, your body was about to shatter. I thought you were almost out of help. Fortunately, I went to the witch druggist and asked for some medicine.”

When the giant spoke, the joy in his eyes made no secret.

“Many thanks to save.”

When Chu Fengmian heard the giant’s words, he also knew that it must be this giant and saved Chu Fengmian.

Although the fairy bloodweed did not save Chu Fengmian’s life, without the medicinal power of the fairy bloodweed, Chu Fengmian didn’t know how long he would be in a coma.

This can be considered helped Chu Fengmian a big favor.

“You don’t need many thanks, everyone is the same race, don’t be so polite.”

The giant heard Chu Fengmian’s thanks and said hurriedly. He looked at Chu Fengmian carefully again, opening the mouth and said.

“Looking at you, you are very strange, unlike a member of our tribe. Which tribe do you come from?”

“Same race?”

Hearing these two words, Chu Fengmian was stunned.

He looked at the giant in front of him, then at himself, Chu Fengmian couldn’t tell how he looked at him, he was of the same race as the giant in front of him.

But listening to the tone of the giant in front of him, it didn’t look like he was joking.

Moreover, tribes are generally called this way only in the Desolate Ancient era, when Primal Chaos was opened.

Chu Fengmian asked involuntarily.

“Tribe? Where is this place?”

“This is the Kunwu tribe. Oh, it should be said that it belongs to the southern part of Southern Desolate in the north. The ten thousand li around here belong to our Kunwu tribe.”

The giant touched his head, it seemed that it was a memory to think of this.

“According to patriarch, the Southern Desolate where our clan is located is an extremely desolate place. It is also the first time I have met my fellow clan outside, so I brought you back.”

“Northern, Southern Desolate?”

Chu Fengmian brows tightly frowns, search the memory of this sword emperor crown, these two terms are a bit strange to Chu Fengmian.

Obviously, it was rarely mentioned in the memory of the sword emperor crown. After searching for a long time, he found the record about the northern border.

The Northern Territory, one of the Three Great Saint Territories, belongs to the Forbidden Land. It is said that the Northern Territory belongs to the area where Desolate Ancient Continent was once broken and transformed into a fragment.

All of them are very similar to Desolate Ancient Continent, so they have always been occupied by alien races who survived the Desolate Ancient catastrophe.

Because the 100 races of alien races are hostile to humans, Monster Race, once they rush into the North, it is very easy to encounter siege.

Therefore, the Northern Territory is also listed as one of the forbidden places of Li Hentian, and all Great Sects do not allow Direct Disciple to step into it.

Therefore, even in the memory of the sword emperor crown, there are only a few records about the north, and Chu Fengmian also looked for it carefully and found this little record.

So this giant should be the Desolate Ancient 100 clan?

Chu Fengmian looked towards the giant in front of me, can’t help but think of it.

The Desolate Ancient 100 clan is the overlord of the Desolate Ancient era, with different shapes, some are as high as a mountain and some are as small as dust.

When Chu Fengmian didn’t explore the memory, he also guessed, but according to the records of the sword emperor’s crown, the Desolate Ancient 100 clan in the northern realm should be extremely hostile to humans.

But the giant in front of Chu Fengmian was extremely polite.

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