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These medicinal power poured into Chu Fengmian’s body and was immediately swallowed by immortal crystals.

After a few breaths, a few 100 immortal crystals suddenly recovered.

This made Chu Fengmian feel a lot easier, although this injury only recovered a very small part.

But now there is no other Immortal Medicine to recover from the injury.

Without Immortal Medicine, Chu Fengmian could only absorb Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi a little bit to recover from his injury.

The Spiritual Qi of Three Great Saint Territories is much richer than the one in Nine Domains, and it is almost close to the Immortal Qi level.

No wonder Nine Domains has changed drastically. It just opened up some gaps connected with Nine Domains, which made Spiritual Qi richer. I don’t know how many times.

It is said that the Spiritual Qi of Nine Domains is richer than the Three Great Saint Territories. Such a strong Spiritual Qi is cultivation in the Nine Domains, but it is much faster than the Nine Domains.

No wonder Three Great Saint Territories, powerhouse as clouds, the cultivation conditions alone are nothing compared.

Moreover, with such essence of Spiritual Qi, many Immortal Medicine sacred medicines can also be grown.

The growth conditions of Immortal Medicine sacred medicine are extremely harsh. It can only grow in some places where the Spiritual Qi is rich, but in the Three Great Saint Territories, almost everywhere is where the Spiritual Qi is rich.

The resource gap in various aspects has led to the gap between Nine Domains and Three Great Saint Territories.

But it’s just Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi. I don’t know how long it will take to recover from his injuries. Decades or 100 years may not be able to recover all Chu Fengmian’s injuries.

Chu Fengmian also decided that when he recovered some strength, he would actively seek out Immortal Medicine to recover from his injury.

“Fortunately, nothing was lost.”

At this time, Chu Fengmian observed his body and found that his space ring was still there.

Entering the moment of the star cave storm, Chu Fengmian threw his space ring directly into an immortal crystal. The space ring is still there under the protection of the immortal crystal.

In the space ring, the things that Chu Fengmian took away from the hands of the Zero Sword Young Master are still there.

That king sword qi is still in Chu Fengmian’s body, but now these supreme sword qi are already extremely weak, hiding in Chu Fengmian’s body, even a little bit of power can’t move them.

In the star cave storm, Chu Fengmian almost exhausted all his means, he guarded himself, and the power of supreme sword qi was therefore exhausted in the star cave storm.

Fortunately, since supreme sword qi is still there, as Chu Fengmian restores his power, supreme sword qi’s power can also be restored.

Chu Fengmian’s battle with Zero Sword Young Master this time was extremely dangerous and almost fell. Fortunately, it was not nothing.

The sword qi from the Zero Sword Young Master, as well as the other supreme sword qi, can be said to be the biggest gain for Chu Fengmian.

Now the supreme sword qi on Chu Fengmian’s body is 2 1000 990 daos. Only the last ten supreme sword qis are needed to make up 3000 supreme sword qi.

Moreover, the king sword qi has also been controlled by Chu Fengmian. The ten supreme sword qi in the hands of the Zero Sword Young Master is no longer a threat. Without the king sword qi, the Zero Sword Young Master has nothing to Chu Fengmian. Threat.

“Just didn’t get the last ten supreme sword qi.”

Chu Fengmian was still a little disappointed.

If the last ten supreme sword qi in the hands of the Zero Sword Young Master can be obtained, and the number of 3000 is obtained, the power of this supreme sword qi will undergo a qualitative change.

3000 supreme sword qi come out together, the condense sword array comes, and the power of supreme sword qi alone can contend with the immortal saint.

It’s a pity that those ten ways are missing now, and the power of supreme sword array will be greatly reduced.

However, because of the Immortal Emperor’s move, Chu Fengmian didn’t have any chance. After all, if Chu Fengmian hesitated a little at that time, Chu Fengmian might have fallen on the spot, and it was impossible to escape into the star cave storm.

Chu Fengmian can escape, it is already nine deaths and still alive.

“When I regain my strength, I will look for Zero Sword Young Master and get the ten supreme sword qi!”

A few killing intent flashed in Chu Fengmian’s eyes.

He now controls 2 1000 990 supreme sword qi. It is not difficult to search for the last ten. Although the Three Great Saint Territories is huge, there is no Sword Young Master. Obviously impossible is an unknown character. If you want to find him, you should not difficult.

Chu Fengmian is only worried about the Immortal Emperor behind him.

However, the Immortal Emperor is also impossible to guard the Zero Sword Young Master all the time. After all, for an Immortal Emperor, giving body protection jade talisman is already a supreme grace, allowing an Immortal Emperor to guard all the time, even if it is them. His biological children do not have this qualification.

“The most urgent thing is to recover the injury first.”

Chu Fengmian shook the head and quickly transferred his thoughts back. His current power is even at the level of the emperor realm, not even the Celestial Realm.

Among the Three Great Saint Territories of powerhouse as clouds, this strength is not enough to see, and Chu Fengmian can’t fight back anybody.

You must restore your strength before you can think about other things.

Chu Fengmian opened the space ring of the Zero Sword Young Master. What is left in it is some Immortal Grade, materials, etc. During the star cave storm, Chu Fengmian will restore all the zero Sword Young Master space ring The injured medicinal pill was taken out and used to resist the star cave storm.

In the star cave storm, Chu Fengmian’s power was almost squeezed to the extreme, and he did not dare to have any reservations.

Most of the medicinal pills were exhausted in the star cave storm, but Chu Fengmian searched the space ring of the Zero Sword Young Master and found a few fish that escaped the net.

In the star cave storm, Chu Fengmian focused his attention on how to fight the storm strikes, without careful exploration, some medicinal pill hidden in the corner, Chu Fengmian did not carefully find.

Chu Fengmian rummaged through the space ring of Zero Sword Young Master and found 2 Immortal Pills and 3 Ancient Saint Dans.

This result made Chu Fengmian feel helpless. With his injuries, even the Immortal Pill, it would take at least 100 pieces to fully recover.

This medicinal pill is simply an utterly inadequate measure.

But for the current Chu Fengmian, there is nothing to fault.

He now comes to Three Great Saint Territories, in a completely unfamiliar place, he can increase his strength a little bit, and for Chu Fengmian, he can be a little safer.

Chu Fengmian took out the 5 medicinal pills and started the Swallowing secret technique. Suddenly these 5 medicinal pills were swallowed by the Swallowing secret technique. They were broken into pieces and turned into medicinal power. , Poured into Chu Fengmian’s body.

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