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Suddenly, from Chu Fengmian’s body, a shocking Sword Intent burst out. This Sword Intent burst into the sky and collided with the golden giant sword.

Originally under the suppression of the golden giant sword, Chu Fengmian, who had been retreating steadily, launched a counterattack. Chu Fengmian’s body recovered instantly. Under the suppression, there was only a few centimeters of Chu Fengmian left, and suddenly recovered. Normal appearance.

A demonic intent radiated from Chu Fengmian’s body and enveloped Chu Fengmian’s body. I saw that Chu Fengmian’s body began to grow bigger, and it turned into the appearance of several dozen meters high, on the back grows a pair of wings, a red flame is burning on the bronze skin.

The endless Sword Intent burst out from Chu Fengmian’s body. At this moment, the aura on Chu Fengmian’s body was completely different from just now.

The Primal Chaos tribulation thunder was finally completely swallowed by Chu Fengmian’s Life Source Sword Origin.

In Chu Fengmian’s body, most of the power used to suppress the Primal Chaos tribulation thunder burst out in this brief moment, exploding his strongest posture.

Even in Chu Fengmian’s body, there is still a lot of power, continuously rising, and Chu Fengmian’s whole body is beginning to sublimate, his realm is officially transforming towards Celestial Realm.

The great calamity of heaven and man is the biggest threshold for all martial artists.

Once through the tribulation of heaven and man and stepping into the Celestial Realm, it is the difference between heaven and man, evolving to the immortal, among countless continents, there are rumors of evolving to the immortal, this is the Peak that most martial artists expect.

And now Chu Fengmian has finally reached this step, transforming all into immortals and becoming immortal.

At this moment, Chu Fengmian waited too long for too long.

In this star hole, Chu Fengmian finally stepped into the Celestial Realm. Suddenly Chu Fengmian’s body seemed to be transformed into a huge vortex, and the surrounding Power of Heaven and Earth, Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, continuously turned towards Chu Fengmian flew in the direction and was madly swallowed.

Chu Fengmian’s current strength is growing and sublimating almost every moment.

A large amount of Power of Heaven and Earth poured into Chu Fengmian’s body. Chu Fengmian’s internal organs, his Divine Vein, his fleshy body, those 129,600 immortal crystals, are all devouring a large amount of Power of Heaven. Under and Earth, the power is growing wildly.

“Zero Sword Young Master, I don’t care what identity you are or your origin. Since you provoke me today, there is only one dead end!”

Chu Fengmian looked towards Zero Sword Young Master, and his eyes showed boundless killing intent.

“You also have many sword techniques that I haven’t seen before, and I won’t kill you easily. I will suppress you, torture you well, and remove all of your sword techniques just like you think. Ask it out.”

“You, you still hide such power?”

Zero Sword Young Master looked towards Chu Fengmian’s eyes suddenly changed.

The indifferent posture of his until now has changed.

He could see that Chu Fengmian’s strength was definitely dozens of times stronger than just now, 100 times stronger. This kind of change is not like a person.

Especially seeing the appearance that Chu Fengmian has changed, he is even more like seeing a ghost.

“Witch clan? Are you a witch clan? In a place like the lower realm, why is there a witch clan, or the witch clan of the ancestral witch Bloodline?”


Hearing this name, Chu Fengmian suddenly became frowned.

But before Chu Fengmian could continue to speak, the expression on the zero Sword Young Master’s expression was a bit hideous.

“What about the Wu Clan? This is the Star Cave. No one can detect what happened here. I killed you. Those Old Guys are also impossible to know!”

“A witch who actually cultivated Sword Dao to such a level, there must be a bigger secret in your body! Very good, I came to the lower realm this time, I came here to find supreme sword qi, didn’t expect to touch At such a great opportunity, supreme sword qi! Suppress!”

Suddenly, the strength of Zero Sword Young Master’s body skyrocketed again, and he used the golden giant sword to suppress it again.

“Want to suppress me? Ridiculous!”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes were a little cold, and the Sword Intent was injected into the sword of the beginning, and a sword soared into the sky. This sword edge collided with the golden giant sword in the air.

At the moment of this collision, the golden giant sword exploded directly.

Now Chu Fengmian’s power is countless times stronger than it was during the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Man. After the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Man, Chu Fengmian does not know what level his current power has reached.

But now Chu Fengmian’s strength will never be below this Zero Sword Young Master.

After the golden giant sword was directly blasted by Chu Fengmian with a single sword, Chu Fengmian shot a few more sword lights in an instant, all directions beheaded towards Zero Sword Young Master.

The Zero Sword Young Master has been pressing Chu Fengmian just now, making Chu Fengmian feel angry. Now it is time for the Zero Sword Young Master to taste what it is like.


Chu Fengmian’s sword light flickered again and again, and the surrounding space was shattered under the sword light.

Chu Fengmian’s current strength has finally reached a level that can break the space again. It’s close to the Three Great Saint Territories. The Law of Space is almost the complete Law of Space of the Three Great Saint Territories. Only the power of the Immortal Monarch Peak has it. Qualification breaks the space.

Now Chu Fengmian bursts out sword light, which can break the space, which means that the sword light played by Chu Fengmian already has the power of Immortal Monarch Peak.

“pèng! ”

The power contained in these few sword light made the Zero Sword Young Master a little unexpected. He originally wanted to casually release the sword to resolve, but found that the power contained in this sword light was not under his full strength.

An oversight, in which a sword light pierced directly behind the Zero Sword Young Master, although it was just 3 inches away from the Zero Sword Young Master, it was stopped by the Zero Sword Young Master.

The burst of power still pushed the Zero Sword Young Master back several dozen li, making his clothes shattered and looking very embarrassed.


Zero Sword Young Master’s expression was extremely angry, and seemed to be completely irritated.

There was a blood-red killing intent in his eyes.

Suddenly from his eyebrows, a sword light flew out.

This golden light, only 3 inches long, turned into a golden Spirit Sword.

When the sword light flew out, Chu Fengmian felt that in his body, the 2 1000 815 supreme sword qi were all agitated, even about to fly out. The acknowledge allegiance was in that sword light. under.

Wang sword qi!

This a sword light is the king sword qi of supreme sword qi.

Around this king sword qi, there are still 184 sword lights, which are surrounded by the remaining 184 supreme sword qi.

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