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Most of Chu Fengmian’s power is now suppressing the power of Primal Chaos tribulation thunder, so much so that facing this Zero Sword Young Master, he cannot do what he wants.


While Chu Fengmian was still thinking, it was a sword light again, and the invisible sword slashed towards Chu Fengmian.

“3 Yang Lie Yan Sword!”

Chu Fengmian also moved the sword in his hand to condense the supreme flames, and suddenly cut out with a sword, turning into a boundless sea of ​​fire, guarding the front of Chu Fengmian and colliding with this invisible sword.

“3 Yang Lie Yan Sword? First sword Emperor’s sword technique?”

Zero Sword Young Master looked towards the sword edge displayed by Chu Fengmian, a little surprisedly said.

Chu Fengmian controls the sword technique of Emperor First Sword and has performed countless times in Nine Domains, but no one can see the true origin of this sword technique.

However, this Zero Sword Young Master recognized it at a glance.

This person’s knowledge of Sword Dao is far from comparable to those of the sword techniques in Nine Domains.

Seeing the 3 Sun Fiery Swords displayed by Chu Fengmian, Zero Sword Young Master’s eyes were full of surprises.

“Didn’t expect that you not only inherited the sword technique of Exalted Sword Sect, but also got the sword technique of the first sword emperor. It really has Great Destiny. It’s a pity that you met me today, and all your opportunities will belong to me. !”

Zero Sword Young Master made a backhand with a backhand, and a dazzling sword light burst out. It immediately penetrated into the boundless sea of ​​fire. Suddenly, the boundless sea of ​​fire was shattered under the sword edge of Zero Sword Young Master.

“Another sword technique?”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes shrank suddenly.

In a short period of time, this Zero Sword Young Master actually performed a third sword technique.

Zero Sword Young Master has performed 3 completely different sword techniques in a short period of time. The first sword technique is the sword technique that contains Murder Dao, endless killing.

The second sword technique is the invisible sword.

As for the current third sword technique, it is a sword of ultimate strength.

The mysterious, completely different, and even the contained Sword Dao of these 3 sword techniques are completely opposite, but now that the Zero Sword Young Master displays it, each of them contains extremely terrifying power.

Chu Fengmian has some doubts about the origin of this Zero Sword Young Master, and how can he know so many sword techniques.

Moreover, each of these sword techniques is at least the Emperor Sword Technique level, and is definitely the Immortal Emperor level sword technique, which is capable of creating.

Immortal Emperor Sword Technique, even in the inheritance of Exalted Sword Sect, is enough to rank the supreme sword technique level, in Exalted Sword Sect, there are only six.

But now this Zero Sword Young Master, three kinds of Emperor Sword Technique broke out casually.

You must know that even in the Three Great Saint Territories, even in the Nine Domains, the Emperor Sword Technique is absolutely secret, and only in those formidable sects that have been inherited for a long time can you have it.

Zero Sword Young Master can control 3 Immortals Emperor Sword Technique alone. The origin of this person is absolutely shocking.

However, the origin of this Zero Sword Young Master is not important to Chu Fengmian anymore. As long as he is an enemy, no matter what the origin, he can only be a dead person.

Chu Fengmian performed countless sword techniques to clash with this Zero Sword Young Master. Every moment, it was enough to collide dozens of times.

The Zero Sword Young Master has always used the sword technique to attack Chu Fengmian, but he has never used his full strength and is comfortable enough. When he comes to Chu Fengmian’s sword technique, he exclaims from time to time.

“The sword technique of Emperor First Sword, the sword technique of Exalted Sword Sect, and the sword technique of Lord of Sword Dao. Such an opportunity actually fell into the hands of a lower realm ant. It is indeed too wasteful.”

Zero Sword Young Master stared at Chu Fengmian with a bit of jealousy in his eyes.

Chu Fengmian’s Sword Dao inheritance makes him very jealous. Whether it is the first sword emperor, the Lord of Sword Dao, the Exalted Sword Sect, they are all famous in the history of Sword Dao, and they are well-known in the world.

Their inheritance is now inherited by a Little Brat like Chu Fengmian.

“Since you don’t want to hand it over obediently, then I will suppress you, torture you a little bit, and see how long you can hold on!”

Suddenly Zero Sword Young Master sword edge flashed, suddenly a sword light soared into the sky, turning into a golden giant sword, dropping from the sky, above this golden giant sword, contains the power of suppression, it is a suppression technique .

The Zero Sword Young Master finally had no patience and shot directly, intending to suppress Chu Fengmian once and for all.

Hong long long !

The power contained in this golden giant sword is completely different from the sword technique performed by the Zero Sword Young Master.

This power is already very close to Desolate Ancient White Wolf level.

The true strength of the Zero Sword Young Master in front of him has actually reached close to the Immortal Monarch Peak level.

The golden giant sword came down, and Chu Fengmian was under great pressure for a while.

Chu Fengmian also didn’t expect that this Zero Sword Young Master actually reached such a level, the golden giant sword was suppressed, and Chu Fengmian felt his Bloodline Strength, and it was boiling.

Chu Fengmian’s Bloodline Strength is the Bloodline of the three innate Divine Beasts. The inborn Divine Beast is not afraid even if it faces Heaven and Earth. It comes from the dignity in the Bloodline and is not allowed to be suppressed at all.

I saw the Bloodline of the 3 Divine Beasts, stimulating Chu Fengmian’s body to the extreme. From behind Chu Fengmian, the ancestor Heavenly Dragon, Black Whale, Swallowing Heaven Beast, and the illusory shadow of the 3 Divine Beasts soared to the sky. Up.

These 3 Divine Beast illusory shadows, all looked towards the sky, looked towards the golden giant sword that came down, roaring frantically, and competed with the golden giant sword with Bloodline Strength.

“Sword Town World!”

Seeing all this, the Zero Sword Young Master disapproved, and once again urged the sword edge, a Sword Intent came down and injected into the golden giant sword.

I saw this golden giant sword, which was countless times greater, and the power contained in it was also slowly suppressed before far surpasses.

The three major congenital Divine Beast illusory shadows behind Chu Fengmian were all squeezed crazily, and in the face of this terrifying force of suppression, they were slightly reduced.

Bang bang bang!

Under the continuous force of suppression, even the space around Chu Fengmian began to be consolidated.

This solid space is even harder than the real Immortal Grade. The solid space turns into a huge cage by Chu Fengmian’s side.

Chu Fengmian is in this cage, even under constant resistance, he is still a little backlogged.

After a few breaths, Chu Fengmian’s figure was overstocked, only a few centimeters in size. In front of this golden giant sword, it was extremely small, and he could be completely suppressed by this golden giant sword at any time.

Chu Fengmian was suppressed, almost a foregone conclusion.

But at this time, Chu Fengmian’s body suddenly moved.

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