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With one move to defeat Haishi 3, many disciplines in Hai Sword Sect are talking about it.

Along the way, Chu Fengmian also felt countless gazes, such as envy, jealousy, respect, and so on, representing the different thoughts in the heart of Sword Sect disciple.

Chu Fengmian didn’t bother to bother, after all, he is not the real Sea Ten 4, this time he came to Sea Sword Sect, Chu Fengmian’s purpose is only for Sword Dao Totem.

As long as he gets Sword Dao Totem, Chu Fengmian can leave. From then on, he has nothing to do with Sword Sect.

Chu Fengmian walked all the way, and soon came to a great hall.

This is the Mission Palace, the place where the mission is released in the Sword Sect.

Mission Palace is considered to be the most prosperous place in the Sword Sect. The disciplines who received missions and returned to pay missions, seeing the arrival of Chu Fengmian, all stepped back and gave way.

“It’s Haishi 4, as soon as he comes back, will he take the task?”

“Didn’t it mean that he got a huge fortune with the shocking fortuite encounter? He actually came directly to take the task.”

“It seems that Haiju 4 has a big ambition…”

Some sea Sword Sect disciple, quietly discussing works.

Chu Fengmian ignored these people’s comments, and stepped into the Mission Palace with his head up.

“Tenth fourth young master, don’t know what task to take?”

In this Mission Palace, some responsible for publishing the task Elder, seeing Chu Fengmian’s arrival, all opened the mouth and said kindly to Chu Fengmian.

These Elders would not be so polite if they were to change it.

After all, in terms of status, Elder’s status is still above Core Disciple.

However, with the news that Chu Fengmian defeated Haishi 4 by one move, the attitude of these Elders has also changed.

In the eyes of these Elders, the future achievements of Haishi 4 will become an Elder. At most, they are on an equal footing with them, so they don’t care.

But now Haishi 4 has a fortuitous encounter, and even has the opportunity to attack Sect Lord’s Position.

Even if there is a little chance, they have to go to win the battle now, so as not to be liquidated in the future.

This is the benefit of strength. Only strength can be respected.

“I want to take a few Heaven Level tasks, contribution point the more the better.”

Chu Fengmian walked to an Elder and calmly opened the mouth and said.

The tasks of this sea Sword Sect are also divided into Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow four levels. Yellow Level is suitable for Outer Disciple, Profound Level is Inner Disciple, Earth Level is Seeded Disciple, Heaven Level is Core Disciple and Elder.

As Haishi 4, the Heaven Level mission is naturally to be accepted.

“These tasks are just arrived.”

The Mission Palace Elder took out a few jade talisman and handed them to Chu Fengmian.

In this jade talisman, all the contents of the task are recorded.

Heaven Level quests are generally difficult to complete with Level 9 ancient Imperial Capital. To complete Heaven Level quests, you must have at least the strength of the 9th Ancient Emperor Peak.

Chu Fengmian saw a few, and they all assassinated some powerful men and wiped out some forces.

Sea Sword Sect is a huge monster. Naturally, there are not a few enemies. Many enemies, Small Sect is the enemy of Sea Sword Sect. Sea Sword Sect is also disinclined to pay attention to. It is to issue tasks for Sect’s Disciples to execute. Kind of exercise.

However, Chu Fengmian took a look at a few of them. They all browse tightly frowns, not very satisfied.

Among these tasks, the highest contribution point is only 10000 5, and the few tasks are only 1000.

According to the memory of Haishi 4, if you want to comprehend a Sword Dao Totem once, you need a full thousand contribution point.

Although from the memory of Haishi 4, Chu Fengmian also knows that the average Heaven Level mission is about 10000 contribution points, but for Chu Fengmian, this is too little.

Moreover, these tasks are extremely scattered. It takes a lot of time for Chu Fengmian to hurry. He doesn’t want to waste such a long time.

“The tenth fourth young master is not satisfied? There is nothing you want to take?”

Then Mission Palace Elder looked at Chu Fengmian’s expression and asked aloud.

“Yes, these tasks are too pediatric, and I need a lot of contribution points. Isn’t it more difficult and the rewards are higher?”

Chu Fengmian put down those jade talisman opened the mouth and said.

“Tasks with higher rewards…”

This Mission Palace Elder, looking at the jade talisman in his hand, seemed to be looking for it. Suddenly he lifted the head, thinking of something, and opened the mouth and said to Chu Fengmian.

“There is indeed a new task, but it is difficult and not something Core Disciple can take…”

“Really? I want to see if there are any tasks that I can’t handle. Bring it.”

Upon hearing this, Chu Fengmian said in a big voice.

For Chu Fengmian, even if the task is difficult, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, if he isn’t in the Sword Sect, Chu Fengmian doesn’t need to take care of anything and can burst out with all his strength.

Chu Fengmian broke out with all his strength, and he could kill the strong of Half-Step Celestial Peak. This so-called difficulty was nothing to Chu Fengmian.

“This is the task.”

Mission Palace Elder looked at Chu Fengmian’s arrogant look and didn’t stop it. With a move of his palm, a jade talisman flew out.

This jade talisman is different from the previous jade talisman, with a unique character carved on it.

Desperate task.

Chu Fengmian’s eyes lit up when he saw this jade talisman.

Chu Fengmian also knows that, in addition to World Profound Illusion, the mission released by Mission Palace also has a desperate mission.

This kind of desperate mission, even if it is taken by Sword Sect Elder, is extremely dangerous, so it is called desperate.

As for Core Disciple, they dare not touch this desperate task.

However, the desperate mission is very difficult, and the contribution points obtained will be much more, even several times that of the Heaven Level mission.

Chu Fengmian took over Jade Talisman, a Spiritual Force was injected into it, and the content of this mission appeared in Chu Fengmian’s mind.

Reward, hundreds thousand contribution point.

Seeing the number of rewards, Chu Fengmian was happy in his heart. After completing this desperate task, Chu Fengmian needed a hundred thousand contribution point to go to the Comprehend Sword Dao Totem.

Hundred thousand contribution point, for Core Disciple, must be accumulated for several years.

However, the reward is so generous, the difficulty of this task will not be easy, Chu Fengmian took a look, and he understood it.

This task is to eliminate until now the enemy of Sword Sect, the Linlang Dynasty.

This Linlang dynasty is a demonic path force, established in the Star Domain of the sea, burning, killing, looting, and not knowing how many small forces have been destroyed.

The strength of the Linlang Dynasty is extremely terrifying, with 3 Half-Step Celestial realm powerhouses, known as the Linlang 3 demons, so that few people dare to provoke the Linlang Dynasty.

However, just a while ago, two of the Linlang 3 demons were all beheaded, and their strength was greatly damaged.

This task is to ask people to destroy the Linlang Dynasty directly and kill the remaining one of the Linlang 3 demons.

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