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“Didn’t expect Haishi 3 is not his one-trick enemy, this Haishi 4 actually has such strength?”

“Haitian 4’s strength actually reached such a level? I don’t know what fortuitous encounter he got, how quickly his strength progressed?”

“Has Ten 4 had hidden strength before? Or did he get some fortuite encounter?”

“It should be due to what fortuitous encounter, Haishi 4’s character, if he had such strength long ago, he would definitely not show up now. It must have been a gain recently.”

“Sword technique Great Accomplishment, in our Sword Sect, there are not many Elders that can do this. In Core Disciple, only the Third Young Master can do this.”

“The sword technique Great Accomplishment, the strength of this Haishi 4, I am afraid that it will be in the top ten in the Core Disciple, which is not a problem.”

On a mountain peak of Sea Sword Sect, several people are looking at the direction of the battle that just happened. These people, each of them has an extremely powerful aura, they are some Core Disciple, and even Sea Sword Sect Elder.

Million li is far away for people like them, but for them, everything that just happened is in their eyes, and they can see clearly.

“Third Young Master, this Haishi 4 will become a big threat in the future.”

One after another’s gaze suddenly fell on a young man headed by him. He was in this group, numerous stars cup themselves around the moon.

Even some sea Sword Sect disciple, they are very respectful towards the young man.

Third Young Master, which is the third-ranked character in Core Disciple.

However, this Third Young Master is not called Hai3, but Haichangge.

Sea Sword Sect’s Core Disciple is almost named after ranking, but this sea long song does not respect the rules.

None of the Elders of Sea Sword Sect expressed opposition, proving the transcendent status of this sea long song.

Although ranked third, in the entire Sea Sword Sect, many Elder disciple believe that he is the next candidate for the Sea Sword Sect Sect Lord’s Position.

Because of this, even the other disciplines around Core Disciple, and even a few Elders, are extremely respectful of this sea long song.

“Sword technique Great Accomplishment, nothing.”

Haichangge said in a tranquil voice, but his tone was boundlessly confident. Even if he saw the strength of Chu Fengmian’s shot just now, he was still in the heart, and he didn’t put Chu Fengmian in his eyes.

“Indeed, even if there are some fortuuitous encounters, how can this Sea Ten 4 compare with the Third Young Master?”

“Yes, it’s just some fortuuitous encounter that’s all.”

“It’s the arrogant character of Haishi 4, which will suffer a big loss sooner or later.”

Listening to Haichang’s song, several Core Disciple next to him echoed.

“It is said that this sea ten 4 is from the ancient sea, all the harvest.”

Sword Sect Elder, who had suddenly closed his eyes tightly, seemed to be talking to other people, suddenly opened his eyes, opened the mouth and said.

“I got news from the Moon Sea Chamber of Commerce. This Sea Ten 4, I spent 1000 gold in the Moon Sea Chamber of Commerce. It is said that I got a whole Divine Grade Spirit Stone Ore Vein. Ten 4 I went to Gu Hai.”

“In addition to Gu Hai, there are other places impossible, Divine Grade Spirit Stone Ore Vein.”

“Divine Grade Spirit Stone Ore Vein!”

“What a fortune this must be.”

“Gu Hai! This Haishi is so courageous that he dares to venture into the ancient sea.”

“It seems that in addition to getting a whole Divine Grade Spirit Stone Ore Vein, this Haishi 4 also got other fortuite encounters. No wonder his sword technique advanced by leaps and bounds turned out to be the treasure of Gu Hai.”

Several Core Disciples, in the tone of many people, were extremely envious.

“Gu Hai fortuitous encounter?”

Haichangge’s eyes flickered, as if thinking about it, and then opened the mouth and said.

“Find an opportunity to draw this Haishi 4, this ancient sea fortuitous encounter, it is useful to me.”


Several Core Disciple, respectfully replied.

After talking a few more times, everyone on the mountain peak gradually dispersed.

Chu Fengmian didn’t know, he had already been noticed, but this time Chu Fengmian defeated Haishi 3 in full view, which also meant a bit of standing for power and showing strength.

Among Hai Sword Sect, strength has always been respected. The stronger Chu Fengmian shows, the more he will be valued by Hai Sword Sect. It is easier to go to comprehend Sword Dao Totem.

This Sword Dao Totem is the Sect-protection Priceless Treasure of Sword Sect. Even Core Disciple is not eligible to comprehend at will. It needs an opportunity to apply and spend a lot of contribution points before you can go to comprehend.

Chu Fengmian wants to go to Hai Sword Sect, the first thing is to accumulate contribution points, and then with Chu Fengmian’s demonstrated strength, apply to comprehend Sword Dao Totem, it should not be a problem.

When I saw Sword Dao Totem, it was Chu Fengmian’s opportunity to seize it.

The news that Chu Fengmian defeated Haishi 3 with a single move was already circulating in Hai Sword Sect.

Chu Fengmian’s escape came to the end of the mountains and stepped into the Sea Territory. Under this Sea Territory, there is a huge city built in seabed.

Although this city is not as huge as Zhennanhai City, the array of restrictions placed in it is countless times more powerful than Zhennanhai City.

This city is where the sect of Sword Sect is located, the real nest.

Stepping into this city, Chu Fengmian felt that a Spiritual Force enveloped Chu Fengmian’s body, seeming to be probing Chu Fengmian’s identity.

Here, it is already the nest of Sword Sect, and it will definitely not allow outsiders to step into it easily.

However, Chu Fengmian allowed this Spiritual Force to probe, completely ignoring his true strength, and his true strength was already hidden, unless it was a real Celestial Realm powerhouse, otherwise no one could see Chu Fengmian’s reality.

Soon this Spiritual Force disappeared after the exploration was over.

Chu Fengmian landed in this city and walked towards the northwest.

Mission Palace, located in the northwest of city, is where the Sea Sword Sect issues missions to Direct Disciple.

It is the easiest and simplest way to earn contribution points to complete the tasks explained by Sword Sect. Chu Fengmian is also preparing to complete several tasks to earn contribution points first.

The Sword Sect disciple along the way, seeing Chu Fengmian coming, they all retreated and behaved very respectfully. Even many Core Disciples, when they saw Chu Fengmian, avoided them far away.

The fact that Chu Fengmian was outside just now defeated Haishi 3 with one move has already spread within Hai Sword Sect.

One move to defeat Haishi 3, even in the Core Disciple of Hai Sword Sect, and even among the Elder, there are very few people who can do this.

As Haishi 4, Chu Fengmian has established supreme majesty, and no one dares to provoke him at this time.

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