Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 867: Are you threatening this seat?


Two days later, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao returned to Zhongzhou City.

After returning to the imperial palace, the two rushed to the Black Feather Palace to report the news to the Black Feather Master.

Ji Tianxing felt a little emotional, remembering his previous incident of breaking into the sea of ​​burial and the words of Master Heiyu.

However, he was in a complicated mood but not nervous, as always.

He and Yun Yao walked into the Black Feather Palace side by side and stepped into the main hall.

In the cold and simple hall, sitting in a black robe man with a thin and majestic face, it is the black feather master.

Divine Master Black Feather was meditating with his eyes closed, as if something serious was on his mind, and his brows were full of anxiety.

Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao stood ten steps away in front of Master Heiyu, and bowed together to salute.

"Emperor Yunyao pays homage to Master God!"

"Ji Tianxing pays homage to Master Black Feather!"

Hearing the sound, Master Black Feather opened his eyes and looked at the two with majestic eyes.

He didn't look at Yun Yao, his eyes were fixed on Ji Tianxing, and he asked in a calm tone: "Ji Tianxing, are you here to see me this time to say goodbye or to beg your sin?"

Upon hearing this, Yun Yao's heart was full of doubts, and she frowned.

Ji Tianxing had long anticipated that God Master Black Feather would react in this way, and was not surprised or surprised, and said blankly: "Master Black Feather, I will neither resign nor apologize this time.

I'm here to report the news to you. "

Divine Master Black Feather frowned slightly and said with a solemn expression: "This seat has issued an order for all the emperors to go to the cities to deal with the demons, but you are not included among these emperors.

Even if it is a report, Yunyao should report it. What does it have to do with you?

The imperial mansion has the rules of the imperial mansion. If you violate the rules of the imperial mansion and break into the sea of ​​burial stars privately, it is an unforgivable guilt!

I did not hold you accountable at that time, it does not mean that you can be exempt from punishment. "

Ji Tianxing nodded, and said with a smile: "Yes, what the Master Master taught is.

However, I suggest you listen to the news reported by Yunyao before deciding how to punish me. "

Divine Master Black Feather frowned and looked at him, suddenly felt that this kid was a bit strange today, it seemed that the situation was a little bad.

"What on earth does this kid have to rely on to be so confident?

Did he rely on the blood of the sword **** to guess that this seat would definitely not drive him out of the imperial palace? "

This idea flashed through the mind of God Master Black Feather, and decided to ignore him for the time being and listen to Yun Yao's report first.

"Yunyao, I have sent you to Yuejian City to preside over the overall situation. What is the situation in Yuejian City now? How many casualties are there?"

Yun Yao answered one hundred and fifty-one: "Master Qi said, before the emperor settled in Yuejian City, the situation in the city was chaotic and precarious, and more than 18,000 people were killed.

During the half month that the emperor was in Yuejiancheng, the situation in the city gradually stabilized, and the number of people killed was reduced to more than 5,000. "

God Master Heiyu showed a touch of relief and satisfaction, and nodded and said, "Well, Yun Yao, you did a very good job! It can be seen that you must have spent a lot of effort and accomplished something.

In the past few days, we have received news from every emperor every day.

The situation in most cities is worse than that in Yuejian City, and tens of thousands of people have basically died due to the Demon Gu Rebellion.

There are even a few cities with the worst conditions, where the number of casualties has reached 100,000, and all the villages and towns outside the city have been destroyed! "

Speaking of the situation in other cities, Master Kuroba's tone was very heavy, and his expression was full of anxiety.

Although, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao couldn't see the specific situation of each city.

But they felt miserable when they heard those numbers, and their hearts were heavy.

Divine Master Heiyu sighed heavily and continued to ask: "Yun Yao, although the situation in Yuejian City has stabilized, you still cannot relax your guard.

You will return to Yuejian City in a while, keep working hard, and be sure to hold on..."

Before he finished speaking, Yun Yao couldn't help reporting: "Master, the crisis of Yuejian City has been resolved! There is no need for the emperor to stay in Yuejian City."

"What?" God Master Heiyu was taken aback for a moment, frowned in confusion, and asked: "What crisis has been resolved? Yun Yao, you must not underestimate the demon clan's methods!

We have received news in the past few days that after devouring enough flesh and blood, the devil will evolve and become stronger!

Even the demon gu puppet will generate wisdom, become cunning, and its vitality is extremely tenacious, almost equal to an immortal body. "

Yun Yao smiled and nodded and said, "Master, what you said is exactly the news I want to report to you.

There are three evolved Demon Gu puppets in Yuejian City, and another Demon King is sowing Demon Gu in the dark.

However, the Demon King and the three major Demon Gu puppets have all been killed by Heaven! "

"How is this possible?" Divine Master Black Feather suddenly showed a surprised expression on his face, only feeling unbelievable.

Seeing that he still didn't believe it, Yun Yao told the story exactly.

After she finished speaking, Master Black Feather couldn't sit still a bit, and she was quite excited and excited.

"Yunyao~www.ltnovel.com~ Only two days after Ji Tianxing arrived in Yuejian City, he found out the three puppets hiding outside the city, and also unearthed the Demon King hidden in the mountains?"

"That's it!" Yun Yao nodded quickly, and said with a certain tone: "If Heaven hadn't helped me, I would be helpless.

With my strength, I can't find the Dust Demon King and the three puppets, let alone defeat them. "

Divine Master Heiyu's expression became more and more exciting, his eyes flashed with scorching light, and he stared at Ji Tianxing with a smile.

"Ji Tianxing, what a stinky boy! No wonder you are so confident and don't care about the punishment of this seat at all, that's how it is!"

He thought to himself, only to feel angry and want to laugh.

But as the great master of the imperial palace, he has always been majestic and noble, as cold as an iceberg, it is absolutely impossible to say these words.

He stared at Ji Tianxing with his eyes, and asked in a majestic tone: "Ji Tianxing, how did you find the Demon King and the three puppets?"

Ji Tianxing showed a modest smile, and said in a calm tone: "Master, let's not discuss this matter, you should announce how to punish me first.

After all, I violated the rules of the imperial mansion and broke into the sea of ​​burial stars privately. This is an unforgivable guilt and absolutely cannot be excused..."

He repeated the words of God Master Black Feather and returned it intact.

Divine Master Black Feather suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. He raised his eyebrows with anger, and said with a black face: "Ji Tianxing! Are you threatening this seat?

As the emperor Tianjiao of this mansion, the first genius of the human race, and countless honors and blessings, what is your future?

How can you be so small? Can't you be magnanimous? Those who make big things, don’t stick to the trivial, and focus on the overall situation..."

Master Black Feather knew that he had a grudge, but couldn't refute him, so he educates him seriously and persuades him in a serious manner.

This book comes from

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