Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 866: Ji Tianxing's loyalty


Even though Yun Yao knew Ji Tianxing very well, he knew that he had the divine object of replenishing the dzi, which was the nemesis of the demon race and the demon gu.

But when she heard Ji Tianxing's words, she was still surprised and showed an incredible expression.

"Tian Xing, you actually killed two Demon Gu puppets overnight and killed the Dust Demon King?

how can that be? how did you do it? "

Yun Yao looked at Ji Tianxing with scorching eyes, her eyes filled with excitement and excitement.

Ji Tianxing sat down beside her and told her what happened.

After Yunyao listened, she became more excited, and nodded with relief: "It's great! Tianxing, hundreds of thousands of people in Yuejian City have been saved!

We have found clues before, and we have investigated that the man behind the scenes of secretly releasing the magic gu and seeing the city for disaster is the Dust Demon King.

But the strength of the dust and sand devil is too strong, we can't catch him with all our best!

We even couldn't solve Cao Jingfeng and the two Demon Gu puppets.

Well now, you have only come to see the city for two days, and you have solved all these culprits!

You can come to Yuejian City to help me, not only for my luck, but also for Yuejian City!

Without your help, I would never be able to resolve the crisis in Tsukimi City! The people of Yuejian City don't know how many people will be killed! "

Ji Tianxing shook her hand and said with a smile: "I was here to share your worries and solve problems for you. Now the crisis in Yuejian City is lifted and only some finishing work is left.

You don't need to work so hard either. When you have a good rest for two days, we should leave. "

"Yeah." Yun Yao nodded quickly and said, "When the situation in Yuejian City stabilizes, we will return to the Emperor's Mansion to report the news. Master Heiyu will definitely be very happy!

Tianxing, you have made such a great contribution this time, and Master Black Feather will definitely reward you heavily! "

Speaking of the Imperial Mansion and Black Feather, a strange color flashed across Ji Tianxing's eyes, and he didn't say anything.

At this time, the guard's report came from outside the study.

"Qi, Miss Yun, Ye Chengzhu wants to see you."

Yun Yao turned to look at the door, and said in a majestic tone: "Let him come in."

After a while, City Lord Ye walked into the study anxiously.

Holding an expedited confidential report in his hand, he entered the study and reported with a worried expression: "Miss Yun, the matter is not good!

Last night, another Demon Gu puppet came out to make trouble, and three at once!

Those three demon gu puppets attacked Linye Village three hundred miles north of the city, killing hundreds of villagers, and setting fire to the village..."

City Master Ye reported anxiously, and halfway through the conversation, he discovered that Ji Tianxing was also in the study.

Moreover, Yun Yao was looking at him and waved his hand to stop.

City Lord Ye hurriedly stopped, bowed to Ji Tianxing, and said to Yun Yao: "Miss Yun, should we go to Linye Village?"

Yun Yao's expression was a bit playful, and she shook her head and said, "You don't have to go to see it, you can send someone to clean up the mess.

Regarding what happened last night, Mr. Ji has already told me.

When the Demon Gu puppet attacked Lin Ye Village last night, Master Ji arrived in time and had already killed the three Demon Gu puppets.

Moreover, Young Master Ji also found Cao Jingfeng and Dust Demon King along the way, and killed both of them.

Now that the Dust Demon King and the three major Demon Gu puppets have been eradicated by Young Master Ji, the crisis in Yuejian City has been resolved, and you only need to arrange the aftermath. "

When Yun Yao finished speaking, Ye Chengzhu's eyes widened in horror, and he was petrified on the spot.

He looked at Ji Tianxing dumbfounded, the secret report in his hand fell to the ground without noticing it, and he was already shocked.

It was a long time before he came back to his senses, his face flushed with excitement, and his speech was incoherent.

"Master Ji! You are simply...the **** sent by the sky to save Yuejian City!

It's incredible! We Yuejian Chengqing did our best to investigate, and we didn't even see the shadow of the Dust Demon King.

You only came to the moon to see the city for two days, and you wiped out all the Dust Devil and the three puppets. This is nothing short of a miracle!

No wonder you are known as the first genius of our clan and can become the noble Tianchen Domain Master. You are really... "

The whole body of Ye City Master was trembling with excitement, and his blood flowed faster.

Regardless of the identity of the city lord, he knelt in front of Ji Tianxing with a "puff", bowing his head with a pious expression.

"Master Ji, on behalf of the 820,000 Li people under the jurisdiction of Yuejian City, my subordinates would like to thank you for your salvation. Please accept my respect!"

Ji Tianxing smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to help Ye Chengzhu up.

But Ye Chengzhu didn't get up, insisted on kneeling on the ground, and finished the thanksgiving ceremony firmly.

He was sincerely grateful to Ji Tianxing, not to mention kneeling and knocking three heads, even three hundred knocks are too few.

After all, without Ji Tianxing's help, he would not be able to solve the crisis in Yuejian City.

Allowing the Dust Demon King to sow the Devil Gu will surely destroy the entire Moon Jian City and endanger hundreds of thousands of people.

He, the city lord, will exist in name only, and will even lose his life.

After City Lord Ye gave the big gift, Ji Tianxing said with earnest words: "City Lord Ye~www.ltnovel.com~ Although the crisis in Yuejian City has been resolved, we still cannot take it lightly.

You must follow Miss Yun's orders and continue to guard strictly, and never allow new demons to enter the city and make trouble.

Don't worry, the imperial palace and the imperial court will completely solve the devil gu problem sooner or later, and Yuejiancheng will relax at that time. "

City Master Ye quickly patted his chest to make sure, and solemnly said: "You can rest assured, Mr. Ji, your subordinates must remember Miss Yun's instructions and swear to defend Yuejian City!

It is really fortunate for the subordinates to get your help from Mr. Ji!

In the future, if the son of Ji can get the place of his subordinates, even if he is sent by the order, his subordinates will do the right thing and do it for you! "

Obviously, after this incident, City Lord Ye had become Ji Tianxing's diehard.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if Ji Tianxing let him go up to the sword mountain and down to the sea of ​​fire, he would never hesitate.

Ji Tianxing's ability, force and demeanor have completely conquered him!

After a while, City Lord Ye exited the study with excitement, executed the order, and arranged for the aftermath.

At dawn, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao also went back to their rooms to rest.

In the next two days, the two were still sitting in the city lord's mansion. While recuperating and adjusting their breath, they also made a series of arrangements for the future defense plan of Yuejian City.

It wasn't until the morning of the third day that Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao left the City Lord's Mansion, and with the farewell of Ye City Lord and Wu Bai, they left Yuejian City.

After the two left Yuejian City, they flew into the sky and returned towards Zhongzhou City.

On the way, the two passed by several cities, and they saw a miserable scene in the cities, and the people who were harmed by the demon were not living.

But the two had no time to help each other, they could only silently sigh and worry in their hearts.

This book comes from

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