Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 817: When i don't exist?


"In exchange for your life!"

Zuo Shuai's cold and majestic voice echoed over the mountain.

Ji Tianxing frowned fiercely, looking at him coldly, full of murderous intent.

He didn't get angry immediately, and Shen Sheng shouted to Zuo Shuai: "I know, you are dealing with me by the orders of the Demon Emperor, and the goal of the Demon Emperor is me!

Let me see my dad, I want to see him safe and sound! "

Zuo Shuai did not speak, and raised his left palm blankly.

With a flash of brilliance in his palm, a crystal ball appeared out of thin air.

The mysterious crystal ball is obviously a magic weapon.

Sealed in the crystal ball is a middle-aged man wearing a blue robe, it is Ji Changkong.

When Ji Tianxing saw the crystal ball clearly, his pupils suddenly shrank.

His eyes condensed on Ji Changkong, and when he saw Ji Changkong's horrible condition that he was seriously injured and covered in blood, his heart also lifted.

Fortunately, Ji Changkong was only severely injured and was still alive for the time being.

It is a pity that Ji Tianxing's spiritual sense cannot penetrate into the crystal ball.

He was unable to probe his father's injuries, nor could he transmit voice to his father's spiritual consciousness and inquire about the situation.

Seeing the tragic scene of his father's scars and severe injuries and coma, Ji Tianxing's heart was raging.

He stared at Zuo Shuai with cold eyes, and shouted in a low voice: "If you let my father go, I can claim my skill and come back to North Desert with you to see the Demon Emperor."

Obviously, this is just a slow-down strategy for him.

As long as he can get his father out of danger, he would rather proclaim his skill first and return to Bei Desert with the two marshals.

After all, he has many ways to get out.

The Tu Ren in the pit of the ruins hurriedly flew out of the pit and came to Gao Tian, ​​standing beside Zuo Shuai.

Hearing what Ji Tianxing said, he suddenly sneered secretly, and he couldn't wait to agree.

"Huh! Human race is really a reptile and weak person who is bound by seven emotions and six desires!

No matter how strong this kid is, and his father is in our hands, he has to obediently submit!

After he proclaims his skill, this commander will use thousands of methods to torture and kill him severely! "

However, what Ling Ji Tianxing and Tu Ren did not expect was that Zuo Shuai shook his head and refused, still showing a contemptuous sneer.

"Ji Tianxing, your little trick, don't be ashamed in front of this commander!

For His Majesty the Demon King, only the blood of the Sword God is useful, you are just a useless ant.

Why bother to take you back to North Desert? This handsome only needs your Sword God blood! "

After all, Zuo Shuai waved his hand and shot a **** light, and flew in front of Ji Tianxing.

In the blood and light, it was a dark and cold magic sword.

The magic sword is only more than two feet long, the blade is still twisted like a snake, and it is carved with mysterious and simple patterns. It is obviously a soul-level magic weapon.

The magic sword was suspended in the air in front of Ji Tianxing, gleaming with a cold magic light, exuding a mysterious and powerful atmosphere.

Zuo Shuai played with the crystal ball with his left hand and his right hand behind him. He exuded a strong domineering sneer, and said with a sneer: "Ji Tianxing, this handsome gives you a chance.

In front of this handsome, use that sword to cut himself into the heart, and this handsome will let your father go. "

Ji Tianxing suddenly raised his brows, and his fists in the sleeves of his robe were secretly clenched.

He knew very well that Mozu has always been cunning and cruel, and would never keep any promises and faith.

That magic sword is very weird, most of it is a magic weapon that can draw the blood of the sword god.

Even if he really committed suicide on the spot with the magic sword, the magic commander would definitely not let his father go.

The final result must be that he and his father died here.

"What if I don't follow?" Ji Tianxing stared at Zuo Shuai coldly, and asked in a deep voice.

Zuo Shuai did not get angry, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said gloomily: "If you don't follow, then this handsome will kill your father, and then kill you, personally take out the blood of the sword god!"

As he spoke, he squeezed his left palm together, and his six sturdy fingers crunched the crystal ball.

In the crystal ball, several cracks immediately appeared.

The crystal ball was filled with strands of blood, transforming into blood snakes, biting Ji Changkong's body.

Ji Changkong, who was in a coma, was bitten by a blood snake with several blood holes, and several pieces of flesh and blood were torn off. He suddenly struggled and screamed.

Unfortunately, he was sealed in the crystal ball, no matter how screaming, Ji Tianxing could not hear.

Seeing his father being bitten by a blood snake and struggling in pain, Ji Tianxing's eyes suddenly cracked, and his angry eyes turned blood red.

"Stop! You demon, stop!" He squeezed his fists and squeezed his teeth.

Zuo Shuai then slowly loosened his six fingers, causing the blood snakes to disperse.

He stared at Ji Tianxing gloomily, and asked with a joking smile: "Hehe, it really is the love between father and son!

Ji Tianxing, you are not qualified to make terms with this commander, either pick up the sword to judge yourself, or you and your father die together!

This handsome only gives you six breaths, after six breaths, your father will definitely die! "

As Zuo Shuai's voice fell, an invisible breath of death quietly spread, covering the entire mountain.

The air seemed to freeze, and the sky and the earth seemed to be gray and colorless.

Even the golden light from the Dongsheng rising sun was obscured by dark clouds coming from nowhere.

The heaviness, depression, killing and death breath filled Ji Tianxing's heart!


Zuo Shuai raised his right palm and retracted a finger.

Ji Tianxing stood stiffly on the spot, his eyes fixed on Zuo Shuai, thousands of thoughts flashed in his mind, racking his brains to find a way.

"Only six breaths time, how can I save my father?

The strength of this demon commander is several times stronger than Tu Ren, and the city mansion and resourcefulness are also extremely high, too difficult to deal with!

If I forcefully rescue my father, I am afraid that before I can grab the crystal ball, my father would have been killed by Zuo Shuai!

No way! Can't force a shot, this demon commander is more treacherous and vicious than Tu Ren, I must not take risks! "

Just as he was full of anxious analysis and consideration, the handsome left hand retracted his second finger~www.ltnovel.com~Second! "

The two interest time passed.

Ji Tianxing's expression became more and more ugly, and the murderous intent and anger in his chest almost broke out.

"I can't force my hands, do I really want to use that magic sword to judge myself?

No way! I must not take this risk, the magic sword is very weird, it must have been prepared by the magic commander.

At that time, even if I decide to die, my father will still die... I must live! "

At this time, Zuo Shuai retracted his third finger.


The atmosphere became more and more cold and solemn, the sky and the earth were gloomy, and the sun lost its luster.

"Time is running out, I must think of a solution immediately!"

Ji Tianxing was heartbroken, with blue veins looming on his forehead.

Countless thoughts flashed in his mind and thought of various methods, including using Suxin Town Magic Secret Art, Shanhe Yin, Thunder Spirit Eye and so on.

But he was desperate to find that no matter what kind of stunt he used, he was not absolutely sure, grabbing the crystal ball from the left hand!

Anger and despair filled Ji Tianxing's heart.

He lowered his head subconsciously and looked at the mysterious and cold magic sword that was suspended in the air.


Zuo Shuai's voice sounded again, and the fourth finger retracted.

Only the last two breaths are left.

Ji Tianxing stretched out his hand with great difficulty and slowly stretched it towards the magic sword.

"It doesn't matter, hold this demon commander first!"

He gritted his teeth and finally made up his mind to reach out and hold the magic sword.

At this moment, deep in his mind, a vigorous voice suddenly sounded.

"How can you forget me at this time? When I don't exist?"


The eighth is delivered, there are 4 chapters in the evening, please wait a moment, brothers.

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