Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 816: In exchange for your life!



The sky of blood and devilish energy disappeared, and Qingming was finally restored on the top of Anning Mountain.

At this time, it was the morning sun rising, and the golden sun shone on the top of the mountain, reflecting on the devastated ruins.

Ji Tianxing stepped on the sky, his white robe was still as clean as new, exuding a breath of sacred majesty.

In the deep pit of the ruins at his feet, lying a blood-stained, mud-stained Demon Race, it was the Demon Commander butcher.

Tu Ren was completely defeated!

His Divine Soul Realm was forcibly blasted through, and the Divine Soul was backlashed and suffered extremely severe trauma.

Divine Soul injury is the most difficult to treat. He has to retreat for at least thirty years before he can return to his peak state.

Up to this moment, Tu Ren rolled and wailed in pain, still unable to accept this reality.

As a dignified demon commander, an extraordinary powerhouse in the soul refining realm, he was seriously injured by a reptile of the seventh heavenly origin realm, lying on the ground like a dead dog?

This is impossible!

Nothing like this has happened in the ages!

The gap between the Heavenly Origin Realm and the Soul Refining Realm is the difference between a mortal and a warrior. How can it be easily surpassed?

Tu Ren even more can't understand, Ji Tianxing only has the strength of the Tianyuan realm, how can he display such a sacred and powerful technique?

The magic trick can only be used by the strong soul refining realm.

The secret technique used by Ji Tianxing, the golden light shines, the sky is falling in disorder, the ground is rushing to the ground, and the soul refining powerhouse can't make it!

Tu Ren was completely stunned.

He vaguely understood, no wonder many demon kings came to Zhongzhou, but no one could deal with Ji Tianxing.

No wonder that His Majesty the Devil Emperor attaches so much importance to Ji Tianxing and has given a death order to seize his sword **** bloodline!

No wonder that when the Devil Emperor was born, he was seriously injured by Ji Tianxing and fled back to the North Desert in embarrassment!

This kid is not a human at all!

He is a monster!

Unparalleled evildoer!

Two quarters of an hour ago, Tu Ren boasted in front of Zuo Shuai, vowing to kill Ji Tianxing three times and seize the blood of the sword god.

At that time, he was so arrogant and conceited that he didn't pay attention to Ji Tianxing at all.

At this moment, he recalled what he said, and he was immediately ashamed and indignant, wishing to find a place to sew in.

When Zuo Shuai sees this scene later, how will he face Zuo Shuai?

What a shame!

Tu Ren struggled in the mud of the deep pit, his luck shook off the mud all over his body, wiped off the blood on his face, and looked up at the sky.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Ji Tianxing looking down at him, his expression indifferent, and his breath strong.

It happened that there was a rising sun, sprinkling a bright golden light, reflecting on him, making him as majestic as a god.

Tu Ren suddenly had an illusion, as if he had seen the gods in the sky descend to the earth.

At this time, Ji Tianxing said in a cold voice: "Tu Ren, hand over my father, I can give you a happy way to die!"

Tu Ren was full of anger, and shouted in a cold tone: "Arrogant! Little beast, you dare to slay this commander even with your strength?

Besides, your father is not here! "

Ji Tianxing's pupils suddenly shrank, and a sharp cold light appeared in his eyes, "Asshole! How dare you play me? Where did you catch my father? Say!"

Tu Ren grinned with a blood-filled mouth, the "Jie Jie Jie Jie" sneered, but did not answer.

Ji Tianxing showed cold light in his eyes, exuding a cold murderous aura, and shouted angrily: "You are looking for death!"

While talking, his whole body lit up with bright golden light, bursting out a violent aura of true vitality, and immediately used his tricks to attack Tu Ren.

And at this moment, there was a gloomy cold shout suddenly over the ruins not far away.

"Ji Tianxing, if you don't want your father to die! Just stop this handsome!"

Suddenly hearing this voice, Ji Tianxing's body became stiff, his complexion changed drastically, and he had to put down his raised palms.

Tu Ren in the deep pit, his expression became very complicated, not only a kind of relief of joy, but also full of deep shame and shame.

The next moment, a tall and burly dark purple figure flew over the ruins and stopped above the pit.

Ji Tianxing turned his head and saw that the visitor was a powerful demon with a height of more than three meters.

This person was wearing a dark purple robe, full of purple hair, and a skull necklace around his neck. He exuded powerful majesty and domineering.

Moreover, the strength of this purple-robed powerhouse has reached the Soul Refining Realm, and the aura of strength is even stronger than that of Tu Ren!

Ji Tianxing immediately realized that this strong purple robe must also be a demon commander!

"Damn! There are actually two demon commanders? Yougu Demon Emperor sent two demon commanders to Zhongzhou to be responsible for the demon gu."

"The two of them even captured my father and set up this poisonous scheme together just to deal with me?!"

Ji Tianxing's complexion suddenly changed, and this thought flashed through his mind, both shocked and angry.

He finally realized how important he was to the Yougu Demon Emperor, and how the Demon Emperor hated him so deeply!

He stared at the purple robe demon with cold eyes, and suddenly sneered.

"Ha ha ha... It seems that the Yougu Demon Emperor was beaten so badly by me, so he hated and valued me so much that he sent two Demon Commanders to deal with me!"

Although he sneered, Ji Tianxing's expression and eyes did not seem to be relaxed, full of hatred and murder.

The purple robe demon commander, Zuo Shuai looked at him expressionlessly~www.ltnovel.com~ and said coldly: "No, Ji Tianxing, you are wrong, you take yourself too seriously!

The person whom His Majesty the Demon Emperor hates and values ​​is the Sword God, not you.

If you are not a descendant of the Sword God, you will not be able to enter the eyes of His Majesty the Demon Emperor. You are just as cheap as a mortal. You don't need the commander to take action. Any demon general can kill you! "

Zuo Shuai's tone was cold and calm, without the slightest anger, as if he was stating a fact.

After finishing speaking, he didn't look at Ji Tianxing's reaction, and looked down at the butcher in the ruins.

"Tu Laoliu, do you remember what this handsome told you before? Now, you should believe it?"

Although Zuo Shuai did not get angry, he did not intend to teach or reprimand.

But these words sounded so harsh in Tu Ren's ears, like a loud slap, slapped on his face fiercely.

He was full of shame and anger, but he could only lower his head and endure the shame, unable to refute.

This kind of shame and hatred, he naturally remembered Ji Tianxing, and he secretly vowed in his heart to find a chance to pay it back ten times!

Ji Tianxing was too lazy to pay attention to the affairs between the two demon-commanders, staring sharply at Zuo Shuai, and said coldly: "You are the demon-commander, the powerhouse of the soul-refining realm, but you are dealing with mundane people like my father. Simply despicable and shameless!

I have come here for an appointment, you let my dad go now! This is the enmity between us, it has nothing to do with my father! "

Zuo Shuai raised his eyebrows, staring at him squintingly, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"Haha! To us Demon Race, mean and shameless... This handsome is only when you are complimenting him!

Although you are very courageous and really come to the appointment alone, this handsome is still not soft-hearted.

Want to save your dad? Yes, trade your life! "

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