Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4179: The Chosen Son?

With the muffled sound, there are countless starlight fragments splashing out, spilling into the void.

Knowing that he couldn't escape Jian Yu's strangulation, the Emperor Shura condensed a blood flame shield with all his strength to protect himself.

The six broad blood-red wings behind him also wrapped his body and covered it tightly.

At the same time, he also released surging divine power, condensing thousands of **** sharp blades, rotating and flying around his body, forming a defensive barrier.

With these three layers of defense and protection, he was confident to block Jian Yu's strangulation.

"Boom boom boom!"

Tens of thousands of star giant swords hit the Asura Divine Emperor one after another, but they were all blocked by a barrier composed of blood and sharp blades.

The blood-red sharp-edged barrier was swayed by the star giant sword, shaking violently, and cracking open.

But the star giant sword was also shattered, splashing countless starlight fragments.

A total of fifteen thousand star giant swords were shattered by the shock of the sharp blade barrier and dissipated in the void.

However, the blade barrier was also completely defeated and collapsed on the spot.

The first defense of the God Emperor Shura was destroyed by the Star Giant Sword.

Immediately afterwards, tens of thousands of star giant swords slammed into the blood-light shields condensed by God Emperor Shura with divine power.

This oval-shaped blood-light shield is as high as a thousand feet and about three inches thick. There is a dense blood flowing in it, lingering flames soaring to the sky.

The muffled sound of "Boom Boom Boom" was mixed with the cracking sound of "Kaka Kaka".

It was the cracking sound of the Star Giant Sword hitting the bloodlight shield with all its strength.

Of course, there was also the sound of the blood-light shield being cracked.

This time, the Star Giant Sword was consumed 25,000 times before the Bloodlight Shield was defeated and disintegrated.

The second defense of God Emperor Shura was also destroyed by the Star Giant Sword.

At this time, the God Emperor Shura had the last defense left, that was his six Shura wings, wrapping his body.

Ninety thousand stars of the giant sword, 40,000 have been consumed, and fifty thousand are left!

The **** emperor Shura was a little stunned and shocked. He didn't expect that Ji Tianxing's kendo magical power would be so complicated and powerful.

Those tens of thousands of stars giant swords seemed to have spirituality and wisdom.

After the first 40,000 star giantswords dissipated, the remaining 50,000 star giantswords formed a sword formation and launched a siege on him.


The huge sword of stars flies in the void, intertwined into a sword formation with a radius of thousands of miles, maintaining a unique rhythm and frequency, and launching an attack without interruption.

"Boom bang bang!"

The star giant sword blasted the blood-colored wings of the God Emperor Shura, and a series of dull noises erupted, echoing endlessly in the void.

The Asura God Emperor trembled after being bombarded, his blood-colored wings trembled again and again, bursting with dark red blood.

Although God Emperor Shura fought his fate to turn his supernatural powers, fluttered his wings and launched a counterattack, he also defeated many star giantswords.

But two of his wings were traumatized and pierced before.

At this time, he was bombarded and killed by a huge sword in the sky, and the two wings were quickly cut to pieces.

The heart-piercing pain caused the God Emperor Shura to thunder with anger, and his eyes were filled with blood-red flames.

"Asshole! Long Tian, ​​this emperor wants to smash you into pieces!"

The God Emperor Shura swung a pair of scarlet sharp blades with all his strength to resist the huge swords of stars attacking in all directions.

But the number of giant swords is too much, even if he can defeat dozens of stars giant swords every breath time, he will still be hit by more stars giant swords.

After ten breaths, the 50,000 star giant swords collapsed, dissipated, or their power was exhausted.

The dazzling starlight sword net disappeared, and God Emperor Shura was finally relieved.

But his injuries were worse and he looked more embarrassed.

In addition to the two destroyed wings, he had two more wings pierced, leaving several **** wounds.

There were also a few more wounds on the chest and back, and purple blood continued to flow out.

He was panting violently, his luck suppressed his injuries, and his combat effectiveness further declined.

However, Ji Tianxing was safe, his golden body could not see any injuries, and his strength was at its peak.

The God Emperor Shura stared at him coldly, and thought to himself: "Even if you can use the taboo secret method to increase your combat effectiveness by eight times, you are destined to be unable to maintain it for too long.

As long as the emperor sustains it for another quarter of an hour, your combat effectiveness will decline and you will be backlashed by the power of the secret law, and your death period will come! "

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, Ji Tianxing launched another attack.

"The galaxy is dead!"

Ji Tianxing wielded the sacred hammer first, slashed out a huge sword of stars, and slashed at the **** emperor Shura.

This great sword of stars is made up of the power of endless stars.

There are billions of stars in the void, which can provide endless star power.

In addition, the ninety-thousand star giant sword only dissipated shortly, and the surrounding void was filled with strong star power.

Therefore, at this time, it is most appropriate to perform the magical power of "Star River Drying".

Seeing the great sword slashed down, the Emperor Shura remained calm, waving the nameless blade with both hands, slashing out the blood of the sky.

"Boom bang bang!"


Dozens of **** knife lights collided with the giant sword in turn, bursting with dull loud noises and broken sounds.

In the blink of an eye, the tens of thousands-foot-long star giant sword was shattered, and dozens of **** knife lights collapsed.

As soon as the **** emperor Shura resolved Ji Tianxing's attack, another golden giant sword that was ten thousand feet long was slashed down with a terrifying power.

"Sword of Destruction!"

Undoubtedly, this is a unique trick that Ji Tianxing has absorbed the power of the world of the five elements.

This sword is full of indomitable, indestructible, unmatched domineering aura, and it really has the power to destroy the world.

The tens of thousands of feet gold sword was cut down, and even the dark void was rippling, producing layers of ripples.

The God Emperor Shura was locked in his breath by the Golden Sword, and he only felt that it was difficult to breathe, and he was struggling to walk. There was a sense of fear in his heart!

"This is... the power of the world?"

He noticed the special power of the Golden Sword, and only after careful sensing did he distinguish the answer, and his face suddenly became a little ugly.

"The **** guy~www.ltnovel.com~ hasn't broken through to the **** emperor realm, and has mastered a special power no less than the power of heaven!

Even the five of us can't refine the God Realm, nor can we use the power of the world... How did he do it? "

To be honest, God Emperor Shura was a little jealous of Ji Tianxing.

Although he didn't know how many adventures Ji Tianxing experienced, how many opportunities and treasures he got.

But he knew that this guy must be the chosen son of heaven, the lucky one who is favored by heaven!

Otherwise, how can a person be so lucky?

While these thoughts flashed through his mind, the Emperor Shura had to teleport and flee, avoiding the sword of destruction.

But he was locked in by the aura of the sword of destruction, his strength was suppressed, and his escape speed was not fast enough.

As soon as he was 20,000 miles away, he was overtaken by the Sword of World Destruction and hit.

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