Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4178: Confidant

The expression and gaze of the God Emperor Shura changed slightly, and it was natural that he could not escape Ji Tianxing's observation.

He secretly smiled in his heart, guessing that the Asura God Emperor was guided by him, and he was more inclined to the second answer.

In this way, he can be regarded as relieved of the suspicion that he was carrying the Heavenly Jade Formation Chart.

As long as the God Emperor Shura does not have conclusive evidence, it is impossible to instigate several other God Emperors to jointly attack him and rob the Zhutian formation.

Taking advantage of the divine emperor Shura's distraction, Ji Tianxing blended his breath and supernatural power, suppressed the internal organs' injuries, and attacked again.

"Tianlong proudly cut!"

Ji Tianxing waved the Sky Burial Sword with his right hand, slicing out a dragon-shaped giant sword that was ten thousand feet long, and slashed from the sky to the Emperor Shura.

With his left hand swinging the sacred hammer, thunderbolt shot out from the sky, covering a hundred miles around the **** emperor Shura, slamming down fiercely.

The **** emperor Shura recovered immediately, and the flames of blood poured out all over his body, and he waved two fang-like pitch-black blades, cutting out the blood.

The **** light blade with boundless murderous aura contains not only three hundred laws and divine powers, but also a ray of invisible heavenly pressure.

If it were other peak **** kings, they would definitely be restricted by the pressure of heaven, and their strength and reaction would decline.

But Ji Tianxing was not affected at all, and the coercion of the heavens had no effect on him.

This point had already been verified when he was fighting with the incarnations of the **** emperors.

"Boom bang bang!"

The divine light and shadow released by the two people collided fiercely in the void, exploding a loud and earth-shaking noise, spreading in the void.

Divine light flew everywhere, all kinds of swords, lights and shadows collapsed, and the two were also shocked by the powerful force, each retreating three thousand feet.

The two broke out of divine power again, and after three consecutive fights, Ji Tianxing finally determined that the power of the incarnation of the **** emperor Shura was indeed not as good as before.

It was not that the **** emperor Shura deliberately hid his divine power, but that his power was consumed too much and his combat power was really declining.

In this way, Ji Tianxing was relieved.

He gave a low cry, and his whole body was full of dazzling golden light, performing the dragon clan's magical skills.

"Tianlong Overlord Body!"

In the next moment, he swelled more than a thousand times in the dazzling golden light, and became a giant golden armor with a height of thousands of feet.

He was covered with golden dragon scales, like armor, firmly protecting him.

Dragon horns were also born on the forehead, holy and sharp.

His combat effectiveness also soared, soaring eight times!

Before that, compared with the incarnation of the **** emperor Shura, he was slightly weaker, and he relied on perfect sword skills and combat experience to cope with the **** emperor Shura.

And now, his power completely surpassed the God Emperor Shura, occupying an overwhelming advantage.

The most important thing is that even if he has exhausted his divine power in the war, he can still manage to escape, replenish and restore his strength.

And this incarnation of the God Emperor Shura, once its power is exhausted, is on the verge of collapse and disintegration.

Seeing Ji Tianxing transforming into a giant of thousands of feet, and his combat power soaring eightfold, the **** emperor Shura immediately glared, and a thick look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Damn bastard, you still hide your strength and keep your hole cards?"

In all fairness, the combat effectiveness that Ji Tianxing has shown before is already amazing.

The **** emperor Shura couldn't believe that a peak **** king could be so strong.

At this moment, Ji Tianxing has increased his combat effectiveness by eight times.

Even the **** emperor Shura could guess that this kind of supernatural ability to increase combat effectiveness in a short period of time would certainly not last long, and there may be serious sequelae.

But Ji Tianxing could bear to use this trick until now, which was beyond his expectation.

After all, Ji Tianxing's combat effectiveness at this moment has surpassed his incarnation.

In other words, Ji Tianxing has already burst out of 60 to 70% of his body strength.

It is just a peak **** king, who can burst out of 60 to 70% of the strength of the **** emperor powerhouse, what a terrible thing!

God Emperor Shura was full of worries in his heart.

He had to think about a question. Long Tian's growth rate was so amazing. If he was given a few more decades, wouldn't he be able to break through to the Divine Emperor Realm?

The five **** emperors all knew that the **** emperor realm could not be broken through by talent and opportunity.

There are already five great divine emperors in this world, and it is basically impossible to have a sixth divine emperor.

If there will be a sixth **** emperor in the future, it must be Longtian!

After all, Long Tian's talent and savvy are superb, and he is the lucky one to be blessed by God.

The realm of the **** emperor is to comprehend and manipulate the power of heaven.

A lucky person like Long Tian is tantamount to cheating!

"No! After today, the emperor will convince the other four people to solve Longtian first anyway!

If we don’t get rid of this confidant one day, we will not be at peace! "

This thought flashed in the mind of God Emperor Shura, and he made up his mind to get rid of Ji Tianxing as soon as possible.

At this time, Ji Tianxing wielded the Heaven Burial Sword and the Magic Hammer again, launching a fierce attack on him.

"Sword Rain!"

"One sword opens the sky!"

The Heaven Burying Sword pointed toward the depths of the void, and 90,000 stars immediately lit up above the sky, falling like a meteor shower.

This kendo magical power is very powerful, but there is a little time delay after release.

To deal with a strong man like the Emperor Shura, he can only use it when he is unprepared.

If the God Emperor Shura had taken precautions, he would have teleported tens of thousands of miles away before the sword rain fell.

The other trick, "Open the sky with one sword," was not performed with the Heaven Burying Sword, but released with a magic hammer.

The strength reaches the level of Ji Tianxing, and any type of weapon it uses will not affect the use of magical skills.

Not to mention using a magic hammer, even if he is bare-handed, he can still use the magical powers of kendo.

In the next moment, the divine emperor Shura, full of worries and worries, finally recovered.

He felt the invisible sword intent covering the heavens, as if the heavens were angry and the heavens condemned sins, and immediately realized that it was not good.

He didn't even look up at the sky, but teleported back and retreated.

Except for Ji Tianxing, no **** king can teleport in the void, because there is no space power to use and control.

However, the strong **** emperor can do it!

After all, the **** emperor can use the power of heaven.

As for how Ji Tian's behavior can teleport in the void, that's probably the reason.

It's just that he has not been able to sense the power of the Dao of Heaven ~www.ltnovel.com~ and can neither comprehend nor use it, nor can he even obtain the virtue of the Dao of Heaven.


In just an instant, the God Emperor Shura teleported into the void 30,000 miles away.

Originally, he had escaped from the area covered by Jianyu.

But the ninety thousand stars giant sword had already locked his breath, and would follow him no matter where he flees.

Therefore, the ninety-thousand stars giant sword also turned a corner and killed the Asura God Emperor.


Jianguang whizzed past, the speed was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye he caught up with the **** emperor Shura and drowned it.

"Boom bang bang!"

Immediately afterwards, tens of thousands of giant swords of stars blasted the **** emperor Asura one after another, bursting with a dull loud noise.

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