Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4176: Evenly matched

On the battlefield, soldiers face soldiers, and generals face generals.

The fifteen thousand soldiers who rebelled against the alliance desperately besieged the ten thousand soldiers under the imperial division.

Twenty ancient clans and sects of the **** king and powerful men fought with more than 100 **** kings under the command of the emperor.

Nangong Buzhu, Wanyan Patriarch, Du Gu Zhan, Lan Wuji, Jiang Chuyun, Xu Bailian and others all have the strength of the Ninth Divine King Realm.

These ten patriarchs and patriarchs joined forces to besiege the emperor's division.

Ji Tianxing's goal is naturally the most powerful **** emperor Shura.

Ji Ke, Yun Yao, Ji Wuhen and others were also fighting bravely on the battlefield.

They care about each other, form a battle formation, advance and retreat with a degree, and continue to kill batch after batch of soldiers under the command of the emperor.

With the protection of the king-level supreme artifact, they are invincible and invincible.

Except for the peak **** king like Emperor Shi, almost no one can help them.

But the **** emperor Shura was entangled by Ji Tianxing, and the emperor was dragged by the ten patriarchs and patriarchs, and he couldn't get his hands out.

As a result, from the very beginning of this decisive battle, it showed a one-sided situation.

Ten thousand soldiers under the command of the emperor were slaughtered, and it was impossible to break through the encirclement of the rebellious alliance.

They were forced to retreat continuously and could only shrink back into the Shura Shrine.

But even so, their numbers are declining sharply, and their morale is getting lower and lower.

The fleet headed by the Tushen battleship continued to release artillery fire, violently bombarding the Shura Shrine.

All the king-level best **** formations in the Shura Shrine were also opened, working with all their strength.

Supported by nearly endless training resources, those two king-level best-quality divine formations can support at least several years.

However, the continued bombardment of 21 divine ships, plus the aftermath of the fighting, and the onslaught of more than 10,000 soldiers, still overwhelmed the two large formations.

A quarter of an hour after the war, dense cracks appeared in the first-layer defense formation of the Shura Shrine, and the defense power was also significantly reduced.

After the war lasted three quarters of an hour, the 10,000 soldiers under the command of the emperor were slaughtered by about five thousand.

The five thousand people who survived were also tragically wounded, and they shrank into the Shura Shrine, not daring to rush out again.

Relying on the defensive array of the Shura Shrine, they stubbornly resisted the attack of the rebellious alliance in an attempt to delay time.

With these people, it is impossible to win.

The emperor was also besieged by ten patriarchs and suzerains. The scars and terrible injuries he was beaten to him was already overwhelming, and it was impossible to reverse the situation.

Therefore, the five thousand soldiers put all their hopes of comeback on the body of the **** emperor Shura.

At this time, the **** emperor Shura, and Ji Tianxing fought tens of thousands of moves on the sky, and the hole in the sky was already on the verge of shattering.

They have moved to and from the battlefield, already moved half a million miles away.

The sky of 500,000 li is full of pitch-black void cracks and holes, and stars outside the sky are clearly visible.

The terrifying void turbulence and storm, from those cracks and loopholes, flooded into the cave sky and swept across.

The mountains, rivers and jungles in the cave were all destroyed and annihilated by the void storm.

Even if the will of Heaven is slowly repairing those void cracks and loopholes, it can't keep up with the speed of destruction.

Therefore, this cave sky of the God Emperor Shura will soon be fragmented and completely disintegrated.

As for Ji Tianxing and Asura God Emperor, they had already left this cave and moved the battlefield to the void.

Powerful people of their realm and level are no longer suitable for fighting in the gods.

No matter where they are in the God Realm, as long as they fight with all their strength, they will surely shatter the world and the space, causing huge disasters.

Only the vast expanse of void is suitable for them to fight and fight.


The void thousands of miles away from the God Realm.

Ji Tianxing and the incarnation of the **** emperor Shura were facing each other in the void.

The two were thousands of miles apart, staring at each other, locking in each other's breath, but neither acted rashly.

Before that, they had fought tens of thousands of moves and consumed a lot of supernatural power.

At this time, both of them were adjusting their breath silently, dealing with their own injuries.

Yes, they both suffered serious injuries!

Ji Tianxing's white robe was already in tatters and was stained with golden blood.

He had long hair scattered all over his head, and there were more than 20 wounds all over his body, half of which were deeply visible with bones, and blood was constantly dripping from the wounds.

But as if he didn't know the pain, his face was expressionless, and he didn't even frown.

He held the sacred hammer in his left hand, and purple thunder was swirling on it, and in the right hand he held the Heaven Burial Sword, the blade was stained with purple blood, and it was shining with dark red flames.

The purple blood was naturally the incarnation of the God Emperor Shura.

The incarnation of the **** emperor Shura, who was thousands of feet tall, was also crouching at this time, panting violently.

His sturdy arms, chest and back with high muscular lines, and dozens of criss-crossing wounds are shocking.

Two of the six Shura wings on the back were also pierced, and purple blood was continuously dripping out.

At this time, he displayed magical powers and secret skills that temporarily boosted combat effectiveness, surrounded by purple flames, covered with a dark red murderous intent.

The two have fought hard until now, and they have won each other's victory and defeat, and their injuries are not far apart, and neither of them can take advantage.

This result, as expected by Ji Tianxing, exceeded the expectations of the God Emperor Shura.

With a hideous face and cold eyes, he stared at Ji Tianxing steadily, and shouted in a deep voice: "Long Tian, ​​how long have you been resurrected from the dead? Not only did you return to the realm of the peak **** king, but the strength was several times stronger than before... …

Such a rapid growth rate is really incredible! "

Before that, the God Emperor Shura knew that Ji Tianxing had killed several incarnations of the God Emperor.

After all, the deities of several **** emperors are in the depths of the void, surrounded by the gray mist mystery.

They keep in touch with each other, especially when facing the common enemy of Sword God, of course they will exchange news.

Therefore, before the Emperor Shura returned to the God Realm, he did not look down upon Ji Tianxing.

He originally thought ~www.ltnovel.com~ through the blood soul sacrifice refining, the avatar's strength increased four or five times, and he would surely kill Ji Tianxing.

But he only discovered now that Ji Tianxing's growth rate was so terrifying, it was obviously several times higher than before returning to the God Realm!

This made the Asura God Emperor had to consider a question.

"Long Tian, ​​this emperor has to think about it carefully. What treasures are there in this world that can make you grow so fast and improve your strength?"

God Emperor Shura stared at Ji Tianxing with cold eyes, a meaningful sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"No superb artifact or miracle medicine can have such an effect.

According to the emperor’s conjecture, I am afraid that only the Zhutian formation, which is juxtaposed with the Eternal Book of Heaven, can have such an effect against the sky, right?

Ha ha ha... You can hide from others, but you can't hide from this emperor.

The Zhutian formation must be in your hands, right? "

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