Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4175: Blood Soul Sacrifice

The arrival of the deity of the God Emperor Shura and the arrival of his incarnation are completely two concepts.

Many **** king experts understand that the external incarnation of the **** emperor Shura is probably only 10% of the strength of the body.

The avatar can move freely and is not restricted by distance, so it is very convenient to use.

The five great **** emperors will refine their external incarnations to act and handle affairs outside of the body, without any disadvantage.

Although the clone is only 10% of the body's strength, it is also a genuine Divine Emperor Realm, far surpassing the Divine King Realm.

Even the pinnacle **** king has no chance of winning against the incarnation of the **** emperor.

But the situation is different now.

Although Ji Tianxing is the pinnacle **** king, his true combat power has long surpassed the **** king realm.

In everyone's eyes, his strength was very close to the Divine Emperor Realm, and the gap with the five great Divine Emperors was not that big.

It is conceivable that this incarnation of the God Emperor Shura is probably not Ji Tianxing's opponent.

Therefore, the officers and men on the side of the emperor were a little bit lost, their morale was low, and their hearts were full of worries.

As for the more than 10,000 soldiers who rebelled against the alliance, their worries and fears disappeared, and they were obviously relieved.

Everyone was full of anticipation, waiting to see the scene where Ji Tianxing battled the incarnation of the **** emperor Shura.

Although everyone had heard of it, before returning to the God Realm, the Sword God killed several incarnations of God Emperors.

But that was only heard, no one had seen it with their own eyes, nor had they heard of the detailed process, so there was no concept.

Today is different. Everyone present has a blessing and can see a supreme battle with their own eyes.

Why doesn't this make them excited, excited, and expectant?

Seeing everyone's reaction, the incarnation of the **** emperor Shura also showed a sneer, and his eyes were full of contempt.

"Long Tian, ​​in fact, the emperor returned to the Haotian Continent fifty days ago.

Do you know why this emperor waited until today to show up? "

This sudden sentence made everyone in the field stunned.

Ji Tianxing also frowned, staring at the incarnation of the **** emperor Shura, and carefully observed a few times.

Immediately, he guessed something, and responded with a sneer: "You returned to the Vast Sky Continent fifty days ago, but you didn't dare to take action against this seat. It is nothing more than self-knowledge and knowing that you are not an opponent of this seat.

Therefore, in these fifty days, you can use some evil ways to make the avatar more powerful, and then you can be sure to deal with this seat..."

The external incarnation of a strong **** emperor is like a divine weapon or an object.

The avatar cannot practice and comprehend divine power, nor can its divine power recover quickly, so there is no way to improve combat effectiveness.

However, the **** emperor Shura treated his avatar as a divine weapon, and used certain alchemy techniques to strengthen the avatar and add some power to it to enhance the avatar’s combat effectiveness.

In the forty-nine days, the incarnation of the **** emperor Shura has been in the depths of the shrine, performing rituals in the blood soul altar.

For this reason, the God Emperor Shura spent over trillions of cultivation resources and sacrificed the lives of 98,000 gods!

Those ninety-eight thousand gods were all citizens of the Haotian Continent, half of them were **** races, and half were alien races.

As early as half a year ago, the emperor received a message and order from the God Emperor Shura to perform this task in secret.

The emperor sent absolute confidants and generals to various areas to secretly search for suitable targets.

Those ninety-eight thousand gods used for sacrifice require half of men and half of women.

It also requires 20% of boys and 20% of old men.

In addition, there are corresponding requirements for the attributes, qualifications and bloodlines of these people.

All in all, it is not easy to find 98,000 qualified sacrifices, and to proceed quietly without leaking the news.

Only the emperor, who controls the entire continent and is powerful and powerful, can complete it silently.

Change to any other forces, it can't be done in secret.

The Emperor Shura looked down on Ji Tianxing and the soldiers of the rebellious alliance, and said with a murderous sneer: "In these forty-nine days, there were 98,000 sacrifices from the gods of the heavens, and the sacrifices were completed in the blood soul altar. Dedicated their blood soul and power to the emperor.

Although this is only an incarnation of this emperor, after the sacrifice of blood souls, his power has increased fivefold now, and he already has 50% of the strength of this emperor.

Long Tian, ​​and the ants behind you...

Now, do you understand this emperor's good intentions?

Ha ha ha... Don't resist stubbornly, surrender and accept the emperor's verdict! "

The majestic voice spread throughout the audience, and the domineering and majestic aura made everyone change their faces.

The ten thousand soldiers under the command of the emperor were full of surprises, and their confidence was restored, their eyes brightened.

The soldiers who rebelled against the alliance frowned, their expressions were a bit solemn, and the eyebrows were filled with worry.

Only Ji Tianxing didn't change his face, looked at God Emperor Shura indifferently, and said in a cold tone: "It's just an evil way, and it won't last long.

Even if this incarnation has 50% of your body's strength, how about?

This seat will kill you today, let's see how much water you have in your so-called 50% strength! "

"Hmph, rampant!" God Emperor Shura frowned and snorted coldly, brandishing his sharp black claws, and gave the order to attack.

"Kill them, don't keep one!"

Although, this command of the God Emperor Shura sounds a bit weird.

The ten thousand soldiers under the command of the emperor are at a disadvantage, and they want to besieged and killed more than ten thousand people who besieged the alliance, but don't you want to leave a living?

It sounds like a foolish dream.

However, the avatar of the **** emperor Shura was present, and the avatar had 50% of the body's strength after the blood soul sacrifice.

This gave 10,000 soldiers great confidence and courage.

Hearing the order of the **** emperor Shura, the emperor took ten thousand soldiers and launched a charge very bravely.

Ji Tianxing also brandished the Heaven Burial Sword, pointed at the Emperor Shura and his soldiers, and shouted angrily: "Kill!"

More than 10,000 soldiers who rebelled against the alliance ~www.ltnovel.com~ immediately roared and roared, wielding swords and magic soldiers, and launched an attack with all their strength.

The fleet headed by the Tushen battleship also released the most violent artillery fire and launched a fierce bombardment on the Shura Shrine.

This earth-shattering, arguably the most magnificent and spectacular battle in a thousand years has finally officially begun.

Hundreds of thousands of brilliant magical lights and shadows enveloped tens of thousands of miles of heaven and earth, making this area colorful and chaotic.

Tens of thousands of magical powers burst out with dazzling glare, bursting with the power of destroying the world, violently colliding between the sky and the earth, bursting with a loud noise that shakes the sky.

The violent shock wave, wrapped in endless fragments of divine light, spread in all directions, destroying everything.

After a short period of time, a radius of 100,000 li was reduced to wasteland and ruins.

There is only a lonely Shura Shrine left in the field, and there are more than 20,000 soldiers from both sides who sacrificed their lives between heaven and earth.

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