Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4162: The final battle is coming

Ji Tianxing had known for a long time that in the past year, the emperor had summoned nearly five hundred **** kings.

Except for the more than one hundred **** kings who were beheaded by the rebellious alliance, more than three hundred and sixty are still alive.

Since there are more than three hundred and sixty **** kings, it is normal for the emperor to select a hundred **** kings to sit in Linfeng Domain and Yuantian Domain respectively.

If it was half a month ago, the four armies of the rebel alliance had not yet converged, it would be really difficult to conquer Linfengyu and Yuantianyu.

At least, with the exception of the North Road army where Ji Tianxing is seated, the other three armies will not be able to defeat an enemy army that exceeds 10,000.

Because of this, Ji Tianxing had formulated a strategy long ago to first conquer all the surrounding areas of the Haotian Continent, and finally approach the Dark Night Region.

This method of peeling the cocoon and pulling the silk can erode the territory little by little, weakening the power of the emperor.

Until the end, the emperor master only had the three domains of Dark Night, Linfeng, and Yuantian, and it was definitely weak to return to the sky.

Several patriarchs and suzerains came to discuss matters tonight, also wanting to listen to Ji Tianxing's advice and guidance. After arriving at the domain master's mansion tomorrow, they can prepare and respond.

After hearing Patriarch Yan's report, Ji Tianxing said calmly, "Linfeng and Yuantian are two areas, but the number of people stationed is relatively large, and there are not too difficult powerhouses.

The elite main forces under the emperor's command are all concentrated in the Dark Night Region.

Although Linfeng and Yuantian are fortresses, they are the barriers of the Dark Night Region.

But the emperor didn't have that courage, so he drew more troops to support it, and it was even more impossible to take action personally.

Therefore, tomorrow’s attack on Linfeng and Yuantian will be dangerous and casualties, but the problem is not big, so you don’t need to worry too much. "

Now that Ji Tianxing said so, the patriarchs and sect masters were relieved, obviously a lot easier.

Subsequently, Ji Tianxing deduced several possible situations and taught everyone how to deal with them.

Everyone listened carefully and kept in mind.

After a quarter of an hour, this brief discussion was over.

Everyone left the meeting room, and Ji Tianxing returned to the secret room to continue meditating.

The Wanyan clan chief was responsible for recording the content of the meeting just now, mainly to record what Ji Tianxing said, and sent it to Nangong Buzhu with a jade slip of transmission.

In this way, the army led by Nangong Buzhu was also determined.

For the Yuan Tianyu to be attacked tomorrow, he is full of confidence and expectation.


time flies.

After just ten hours, the evening arrived the next day.

The fleet headed by the Battleship Tushen flew across the sky mightily and arrived at the Domain Lord's Mansion near the Wind Region.

The domain master mansion is in a secret realm without exception.

The secret realm has a radius of more than tens of thousands of miles, with abundant divine power and abundant resources. It can be called the best in all kinds of secret realms, second only to those caves.

In addition, Linfengyu is already rich in resources, and the master of Linfengyu is the absolute confidant of the emperor.

Therefore, Linfeng has always been rich and rich, and the number of masters of the gods and kings is more than other regions.

At this time, the Linfeng domain master did not leave the domain master's mansion, and went to the dark night domain to avoid disaster.

As early as half a month ago, he expressed his attitude to the emperor, vowing to coexist and die with the soldiers of Linfengyu.

Even if he died on the battlefield, he would not abandon the domain lord's mansion, let alone surrender to the rebellious alliance.

Such loyalty naturally made the emperor quite gratified and moved.

Therefore, the emperor sent a team of guards to take the family members and relatives of the Lord Linfeng Territory to the Shura Shrine in the Dark Night Territory.

What the emperor wanted to express was that he would do his best to protect the family members of the Linfeng Domain Lord, not to let him be distracted, and to fight with all his might.

Another meaning is that even if the Lord Linfengyu is loyal to the Lord and died in battle, the emperor will take care of his family members.

This is certainly good, and Linfeng Domain Master is also grateful.

But like everyone else, he would inevitably think that the emperor had a third purpose.

That would be the yoke of the family of the Linfeng Domain Master, forcing the Linfeng Domain Master to have to fight in blood and perform his duties faithfully.

Saying it nicely is an incentive, or saying something bad is a threat.

The Linfeng Domain Master understands everything, but will not break it, but is grateful to the emperor.

Since the family members were taken away, he has devoted himself to the defense and preparation for the past two weeks.

12,000 soldiers, under his arrangement and command, protected the domain master's mansion inside and outside.

In addition to so many soldiers, he also led the soldiers to lay down a heavy defense formation after another.

In order not to affect the final battle, he also transferred all the servants of the Domain Lord's Mansion elsewhere.

Today, there are four thousand soldiers outside Peru, and eight thousand soldiers inside Peru.

Except for these two thousand soldiers, there is no other person waiting.

The lord of Linfeng Domain also wears armor and a sword on his waist all day, posing a posture of fighting at any time and swearing to the death.

When the sun sets.

The Battleship Tushen that Ji Tianxing was on boarded, with several battleships, arrived outside the domain master's mansion mightily.

Hundreds of miles ahead, there is a huge peak as high as ten thousand feet, the mountain top is shrouded in clouds.

In the sea of ​​clouds, there is a square with a radius of one hundred miles, in which stands a huge altar, which is the entrance to the secret realm.

A total of four thousand soldiers in armor and swords, ready to go, firmly guarded the square and altar on the mountain.

Two thousand of them are standing in the bright spot, like javelins and stone sculptures.

The other two thousand people hid their tracks, hiding in the dark, ready to respond.

The soldiers of Linfeng Region knew that the army that was about to attack the Domain Lord's Mansion was led by the Sword God himself.

Although everyone believes that the sword **** personally takes action, he must take his face into consideration, and will attack with integrity and will not conspiracy to attack.

However, the Lord of Linfeng Territory acted very carefully and made a lot of arrangements to guard against surprise attacks by the sword **** and the army.

However, the facts proved that he was too worried.

"Huh! Huh!"

Just as everyone had guessed, the fleet led by the Sword God appeared openly in the sea of ​​clouds, and stopped hundreds of miles away from the entrance of the secret realm.

The Battleship Tushen was in the forefront, driven by Bailong, spreading its wings and exposing six hundred muzzles of gleaming light, aiming at the square on the top of the mountain.

Ji Tian walked out of the battleship, standing high in the sky, looking down at the mountain square and the entrance to the secret realm ~www.ltnovel.com~ Behind the Tushen battleship, the battleships of the eight powers are arranged in a wing shape, and they are also ready to go.

As soon as the two sides met, they were ready to go to war.

The atmosphere between the heavens and the earth was instantly frozen, full of murderous intent.

Although the soldiers of Linfengyu had long expected this day to come, they were also mentally prepared.

But when they saw the sword **** appear with their own eyes, they couldn't help but feel terrified.

No way, the reputation of the sword **** is too loud, and the coercion is too terrifying!

During these four months, Ji Tianxing often practiced in retreat in the twisted time and space of the tower.

Not only did he refine all the fragments of the godhead on hand, he also practiced in retreat for ten years.

Therefore, his strength has increased twice, and his aura is even more unfathomable, just like Tianwei!

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