Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4161: Absurd conjecture

Unconsciously, four months of liveliness and noise passed.

In the past four months, the Rebellious Alliance was the leading protagonist, leading the trend and dominating the Haotian Continent.

Hundreds of millions of Li people, the protagonist of daily discussion is it.

The people of the entire Vast Sky Continent are praising the merits of beating against the alliance, and admonishing the bravery and love of the sword god.

Those domains that had long been ruled by the rebellious alliance, after the people regained their freedom, not only took the initiative to destroy the gods of the **** emperor Shura and the domain master.

They also spontaneously built countless temples for the **** of swordsmanship and created many exquisite statues of gods.

It stands to reason that they have been oppressed for thousands of years and must act as coolies to grab cultivation resources, forced to believe in the **** of Shura, and provide the power of pious belief.

Now that they have finally recovered their freedom, they hate worshiping and enshrining gods, and they hate to worship and pray on time.

However, the common people all worship and appreciate the sword **** from the heart.

The construction of temples and idols is voluntary, and even the large-scale worship and blessing ceremonies are organized spontaneously by the people.

Various ceremonies are held mainly to thank the sword **** for his salvation, and secondly to pray for the sword god, hoping that the sword god’s longevity will be in harmony with the sky.

Only in this way can the sword **** protect the people of Li people forever.

From ancient times to the present, the people are the simplest, simple and kind.

Maybe they don't understand the big picture, and they don't understand the big picture.

They only know that whoever oppresses, squeezes and enslaves them is their enemy.

Whoever sympathizes, compasses, and rescues them, whoever is their benefactor.

If this benefactor only treats them well, puts them in his heart, but doesn't ask for anything from them, then this person is the great saint and savior!

There is no doubt that Ji Tianxing has such a existence in the eyes of the people!

After four months, the rebellious alliance has achieved remarkable results.

There are another forty-two regions, one after another under the command of the rebellious alliance, loyal to the sword god.

At this point, ninety-five percent of the entire Haotian Continent was under Ji Tianxing's command, and he had become a veritable lord of the Haotian Continent.

However, the dark night domain and the surrounding two domains have not yet been conquered, and this war is not over.

That night, the four armies of the rebel alliance merged and became two.

The North Road Army led by Ji Tianxing merged with the West Road Army led by the Wanyan Patriarch.

The South Road army led by Nangong Buddled up with the East Road army led by Dugu Zhan.

These two armies, one at the border of Linfeng Region, and the other at the border of Yuantian Region.

The Linfeng Region and Yuantian Region were located on the left and right of the Dark Night Region, like the two most loyal guards, firmly protecting the Dark Night Region.

Even if the entire Haotian Continent had returned, the domain masters of these two domains still resisted to the end.


At the border of the wind region, after the North Road and West Road forces converged, they were led by Ji Tianxing himself.

This army of more than 6,000 people is galloping in the dark, rushing to the middle of Linfengyu.

With the experience and lessons of the past few months, even if the rebellious alliance has mastered the overall situation and victory is in sight, the soldiers dare not lose sight, let alone take it lightly.

The army is still vigorous and serious, and the execution of orders is meticulous.

In the battleship of Tushen, in the secret room dedicated to Ji Tianxing.

He was sitting cross-legged on a futon made of sacred jade, meditating quietly and adjusting his breath.

But for some reason, he was a little restless tonight, and there was always some impetuousness in his heart.

For a strong man like him, this rarely happens.

And the previous two appearances all indicated a whim, the sixth sense burst out, and God gave him some warnings and premonitions.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing had no doubts, and immediately realized that there might be another crisis to arise.

He thought to himself: "It has been exactly one year since the establishment of the alliance. Now I have occupied 97 areas, and only the last three remain.

If you can successfully conquer these three domains and defeat the emperor teacher, it will be at least one year ahead of the time I originally expected.

However, in the past few months, the emperor has been too low-key.

If he doesn't have much to rely on and his hole cards, he will never sit back and wait to die in the face of aggressive opposition to the alliance.

Even if the strong under his command fell one after another, he would find another way, using various means to delay time and weaken the power to defeat the alliance.

But he didn't do anything, so he stuck to the lair of the Dark Night Realm, and watched me kill him.

If it means that he has no conspiracy, or his cards and reliance, no one will believe it! "

Ji Tianxing pondered to himself: "Apart from the Asura God Emperor, what other cards and reliance can the emperor master have?

But before, the God Emperor Shura made it clear that the task of the gray mist mystery in the depths of the void is more important. He has no time to care about the life and death of the emperor and others?

Could it be said that the God Emperor Shura will send an external avatar back to support?

If this is the case, it is a normal reaction, no wonder the emperor has the confidence and reliance. "

But Ji Tianxing changed his thoughts, but still felt something was wrong.

"But even if the incarnation of the **** emperor Shura comes back to support, he is not sure enough to defeat me and destroy the rebellious alliance, right?

Both the **** emperor and the emperor should know that I defeated several incarnations of the **** emperor a few years ago.

Even if the incarnation of the **** emperor Shura came, it was impossible to beat me. "

After careful consideration, a thought flashed in Ji Tianxing's mind.

But he always felt that the conjecture was really absurd and should not happen, so he ruled it out.

At this moment, the voice of the patriarch Wanyan came from outside the secret room.

"My lord Qi told me that I just received a call from She Mi Dongtian and reported the latest news.

The patriarchs gathered in the conference room, waiting for you to discuss matters. "

Ji Tianxing replied and let the Wanyan Patriarch leave first.

Afterwards, he finished meditating and adjusting his breath and left the secret room to the conference room.

The patriarchs and suzerains of the various factions are here, and they all wait respectfully.

Seeing Ji Tianxing's arrival ~www.ltnovel.com~ everyone salutes neatly.

After Ji Tianxing took the seat in the first place, all the people sat down one after another.

Clan Chief Wanyan stood up, holding a message from She Mi Dongtian, and announced the news to everyone.

The news reported by She Mi Dongtian is very detailed, and She Mi Dongtian is best at inquiring about news, and this news is also very reliable.

The message sent by the cave master was a detailed and precise word, which can also be understood as a rigorous long report.

The main meaning is that the 30,000 main force under the command of the emperor lie in ambush in the dark night domain.

In addition, Linfeng Region and Yuantian Region, as the last two barriers of the Dark Night Region, also ambush heavy soldiers.

Among them, about 12,000 people were ambushed in the Breeze Region and nearly 10,000 people in the Dark Night Region.

These are all elite men drawn from each domain by the emperor, and they are basically masters of gods, and there are dozens of gods in both domains.

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