Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4157: The overall situation is set

More than 6,000 troops of the West Expedition, surrounded by more than 700 troops of the West Road, Yun Yao and others, completely suppressed the fight.

Had it not been for the supreme artifact of the Nine Heavens and Ten Jue Towers, I am afraid that the seven hundred people would have been killed long ago.

However, after Ji Tianxing joined the battle with eight clones, the situation immediately reversed.

"The commander has escaped and was beheaded by this seat. Do you still want to resist?"

Eight avatars brandished their divine swords and rushed into the battlefield with murderous aura to slaughter the Western Expeditionary Army.

While Ji Tianxing performed his supernatural skills, he did not forget to shout loudly.

The majestic voice actually overwhelmed the explosion of the magical collision, so that more than 6,000 Western Expeditioners could hear clearly.

This sudden news made more than 6,000 soldiers stiff and their faces became very embarrassing.

Countless people subconsciously turned their heads and looked at Ji Tianxing, or searched the surrounding sky, looking for the head of the house and the immortal figure.

When everyone saw that the Great Commander and Canglan Immortal had indeed disappeared, they immediately panicked.

The former head of the internal affairs also kept saying that he would fight side by side with them and would never retreat.

As a result, the battle hadn't reached the final juncture, the commander and Canglan Eternally escaped!

Even if I escape, I haven't been able to escape yet and I'm killed by the Sword God!

What is this?

What a shame!

Thousands of soldiers from the West had such thoughts in their minds.

The morale of the crowd fell for the most part, and they felt that there was no point in continuing to fight.

There are also some soldiers who are caught in hesitation and entanglement, considering whether to continue fighting or surrender to the sword god.

In their opinion, even the commander of the army abandoned them and fled, it is understandable that they surrendered.

What's more, they surrendered to the Sword God, and losing to the Sword God is not at all shameful.

However, the 700 troops of the West Road, Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others did not stop the attack.

While the more than 6,000 Western Expeditionary troops were in a daze, everyone unleashed turbulent supernatural skills and launched a counterattack.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom bang bang bang!"

A loud and deafening noise burst out, reverberating endlessly between heaven and earth.

Under the dazzling divine light, more than 800 troops of the West Expedition were bombarded and killed on the spot, and their flesh and blood flew across.

Of course, there were nearly five hundred people inside, all of whom were killed by Ji Tianxing and his clone.

With the strength of him and the clone, dealing with the Western Expeditionary Army of those Divine Sovereign Realm is like cutting melons and vegetables.

The Western Crusade, which was hit hard, reacted immediately, and many people retreated subconsciously.

However, among the more than 5,000 troops of the Western Expedition, there are still many generals in the Divine King Realm.

They could still remain calm and calm, and hurriedly shouted: "Don't panic, everyone! Don't believe in the ghost words of the Sword God!

The Grand Commander and Canglan Patriarch could never do such a thing.

The Sword God wanted to divide us so as to wipe us all out. "

"Now we are the only one who can save our lives!

Don't back down anymore, only if you break the siege, you will have a chance! "

The shouts of those generals spread among the crowd, and it really calmed the hearts of many soldiers.

The West Expedition Army, who was still a little flustered just now, apparently settled down and began to counterattack in an orderly manner.

Although everyone knows that the Chief of Internal Affairs and Canglan Immortal 80% were killed while fleeing, and their more than 6,000 people could not escape bad luck.

But everyone was desperate, and there was still a trace of luck and hope in their hearts.

All they can do is to fight back with all their strength and look for that trace of light in the dark.

And as a result... if the more than 5,000 Xizheng troops were allowed to escape, the name of the sword **** would be destroyed.

With his strong strength, even these people can't be killed, how can he avenge the five great **** emperors?

In just a quarter of an hour, more than 5,000 Western Expeditionary troops were slaughtered and none escaped.

Among them, 70% were killed by Ji Tianxing and the eight clones, and only 30% were killed by the West Road Army, Yunyao, Ji Ke and others.

After the end of the battle, the divine light and loud noises that covered the sky gradually disappeared.

Ji Tianxing took back the eight clones, and let Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others return to the Nine Heavens and Ten Great Pagodas to heal and rest.

As for the Wanyan patriarch and the seven hundred soldiers, they also suffered serious injuries.

Ji Tianxing allowed them to stay on the battlefield to heal and recuperate and clean the battlefield.

But he was alone, turned and left the ruined battlefield, rushing to the exit of the terrifying secret realm.


When Ji Tianxing rushed to the secret realm exit, the fight here was about to end.

More than 1,000 guards under the command of the West Road Army and the Master of the Frightening Territory, totaling more than 2,000, besieged the 1,000 West Expedition Army guarding the exit.

Your own side has an advantage in numbers, and the other side does not have a top-notch player. The result is obvious.

When Ji Tianxing arrived at the exit, over a thousand soldiers of the West Expedition had been beheaded 80%, and only about two hundred were left, retreating while fighting.

These troops of the West Expedition are elite and loyal, but it does not mean they are stupid.

Knowing that defeat is inevitable and defeat is inevitable, of course you must give up the secret realm exit and try your best to escape.

However, more than 2,000 people on the side of the West Road Army pursued them hard and bit on them.

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and shot the sword light all over the sky, and performed a few magic tricks to kill all the two hundred Western Expeditioners.

The battle here also came to an end.

The children of several clans, and the more than one thousand guards of the Shocking Domain Lord's Mansion, all breathed a sigh of relief.

Ji Tianxing gave an order to the Terrifying Territory Master: "You take your guards to guard here, and repair the exit formation as soon as possible."

This is the first time that Ji Tianxing has had a conversation with the Terrifying Domain Master. He really flattered the Terrifying Domain Master and quickly nodded and said yes.

Afterwards, Ji Tianxing took the children of two ancient clans back to the ruins of the domain master's mansion.

People from the five clans gathered again, but the number of people has changed from 4,000 at the beginning to more than 1,800 today.

Despite the sharp decline in the number of troops on the West Road, there were heavy casualties.

But the main force and pillars of each clan are still there, as long as some additional manpower is added, the problem is not big.

Ji Tianxing asked ordinary clan children to heal their wounds~www.ltnovel.com~ to gather the patriarchs, elders and deacons of the five clans.

The crowd gathered together, standing respectfully, and their eyes on Ji Tianxing were full of excitement, gratitude and admiration.

After this battle, their misunderstanding of Ji Tianxing was completely eliminated, and at the same time, they were completely conquered by Ji Tianxing's city mansion, strategy and strength.

Ji Tianxing glanced across the crowd calmly, saying: "As things are up to now, I believe that we don't need to explain it again. Everyone understands our strategy and intentions.

Before that, there may be some thoughts in everyone's mind, and even resentment.

However, this seat has proved through actual actions that all those who join this alliance will be protected by this alliance.

What you worry about will never happen.

After this war, almost no one under the emperor's command is available, and the general situation is set.

But you must learn your lesson and never take it lightly..."

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