Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4156: No suspense ending

The two sides combined more than 8,000 people, and they launched a battle between heaven and earth.

The head of the internal affairs and Canglan are immortal, and with twenty powerful kings of the gods, they besieged Ji Tianxing in the sky.

These twenty-two **** kings feared Ji Tianxing's prestige and strength from the bottom of their hearts.

Therefore, as soon as they shot, they had no reservations, and used their magical skills at the bottom of the box.

The crowd released all kinds of magic arts that destroy the sky and the earth, pouring down like a monstrous flood, drowning Ji Tianxing's figure.

Ji Tianxing was also unambiguous, and immediately used the supernatural powers of Shifang Juying to form eight clones.

There are eight clones instead of nine.

It's because... There is still a clone left in the North Road Army, acting as a cover to deceive the emperor and the Western Expeditionary Army.


Ji Tianxing and the Badao clones dispersed, and at the same time displayed various magical abilities and kendo skills, fighting with the head of the internal affairs and others.

The criss-crossing divine light and phantom, constantly shining in the high sky, burst out a series of shocking noises, reverberating endlessly.

The violent shock wave, wrapped in endless fragments of divine light, spread in all directions.

The nearest Territory Lord's Mansion was naturally unlucky.

The mountains and dozens of palaces and houses with a radius of thousands of miles were quickly razed to the ground by the shock wave and turned into a mess of ruins.

Fortunately, before the start of the war, the Terrified Territory Master asked more than 3,000 family members and servants in the mansion to leave the Territory Lord’s Mansion and go to the depths of the secret to escape.

Otherwise, the domain master's mansion was destroyed by the aftermath of the war, and the more than three thousand people would also die innocently.

The two sides fought about three moves, and Ji Tianxing had the upper hand.

The head of the internal affairs, Canglan Immortal and twenty **** kings, no matter how desperately they worked together to besiege, they could not hurt Ji Tianxing nothing.

On the contrary, it was Ji Tianxing's magical skills, which could always destroy their defenses and wound them one by one.

After just ten breaths, the two sides fought more than 20 strokes, and two **** kings were beheaded by Ji Tianxing.

Another nine powerful **** kings were also injured by Ji Tianxing's clone, and they were covered in blood.

Above the sky, Ji Tianxing has the upper hand and the advantage, attacking with the most violent posture, and strives to solve the internal affairs chief and others as soon as possible.

But in the sky and on the ground, Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others helped nearly a thousand troops on the West Road to withstand the siege of the seven thousand West Army troops.

Although they are all exceptionally powerful **** kings, they are proficient in all kinds of supernatural powers and skills, and their combat effectiveness is outstanding.

But the number of the Western Expeditionary Army was seven times that of them, no matter how powerful they were, it was impossible to tie with the Seven Thousand Western Expeditionary Army.

Except for the five great emperors and Ji Tianxing, almost no one can accomplish such a miracle.

After the two sides fought for ten breaths, the West Road army fell into trouble, continuously shrinking the defensive circle, and its actions became difficult.

There are more than 1,100 soldiers, more than 200 people have been injured and more than 60 people have been killed.

Yunyao, Ji Ke and others were full of anxiety, but they were not flustered and still responded calmly and calmly.

In order to slow down the defeat of the West Road Army and delay the time as much as possible, they sacrificed their hole cards and took out the magic weapon to save their lives.

For example, Ji Ke manipulated the Nine Heavens and Ten Jue Towers to help everyone block most of the attacks.

This is indeed effective. Although it cannot completely prevent the casualties of the West Road army, it can at least significantly reduce the casualties.


The earth-shattering battle, after a hundred breaths of time, entered the most intense moment.

A radius of tens of thousands of miles has become a battlefield, the green mountains and green waters have been destroyed, and the corpses on the battlefield are everywhere, and the flesh and blood are flying.

The battle between Ji Tianxing and the head of the internal affairs and others is about to come to an end.

The head of the internal affairs and Canglan Immortal were both injured by him. They were ragged and covered in blood, looking quite embarrassed.

Most of the twenty middle and upper **** kings were also killed by Ji Tianxing. Only eight of them are still alive, but they are all seriously injured.

On the other hand, Ji Tianxing and his eight avatars were unharmed and unharmed.

After all, Ji Tianxing's true strength is more than ten times that of the ordinary Peak God King.

Each of his clones has half of his strength, which is also several times that of the Peak God King.

And the chief of internal affairs, Canglan Immortal and twenty **** kings, there is not a peak **** king, the two with the strongest strength are also the **** king nine.

With them, no matter what magical powers and methods they use, it is impossible to hurt Ji Tianxing.

Before I knew it, another thirty breaths passed.

The eight badly wounded kings were also killed by Ji Tianxing and Badao clone one by one, and died on the spot.

Only the chief of internal affairs and Canglan Immortal are still alive, but their injuries have also worsened and their combat effectiveness has dropped sharply.

Both of them were full of horror. They were very afraid of Ji Tianxing's strength and methods.

If they continue to fight, they will lose their lives under the sword of Ji Tianxing in less than fifty breaths.

Therefore, the two chose to turn around and escape with a tacit understanding.

This was originally the plan they had made before the war started.

Taking advantage of the fierce battle, the soldiers ran away quietly without the soldiers paying attention. The chance of success was high!

It's just that they didn't expect that Ji Tianxing's strength was so terrifying that he would kill all twenty **** kings so quickly.

As a result, it is too late for both of them to escape, and there is little hope of success.

"Shoo! Shoo!"

Taking advantage of Ji Tianxing's two punches, shook them out thousands of miles away, they immediately retreated with strength, turned and fled to the secret realm exit.

Even if they were shocked and blood spurted from their mouths and noses, in order not to attract the attention of the soldiers, the two of them forcibly resisted making a sound.

Moreover, in order to increase the chance of a successful escape, the two teleported in two directions respectively, and opened a distance of 20,000 miles in the blink of an eye.

If it is outside the secret realm and there is only Ji Tianxing alone, then their strategy may still succeed.

No matter which one Ji Tianxing chases, he will let the other escape.

But now, everyone is in the terrifying secret realm.

No matter how the Chief of Internal Affairs and Canglan Immortal escape separately, they will eventually pass through the secret realm exit.

The most important thing is that Ji Tianxing is not alone, he has eight clones!

Each clone has the ability to defeat and kill the chief of the internal affairs and the immortality.

Eight avatars shot at the same time ~www.ltnovel.com~ also split into two ways to chase and kill them, and soon stopped them.

In this way, the Chief of Internal Affairs and Canglan Immortal were separated, and both were besieged by four clones.

Within twenty breaths of time, Canglan was besieged to death by the four clones of immortality, and disappeared in smoke.

Immediately afterwards, the head of the internal affairs also died under the swords of Ji Tianxing and the four clones, without a whole body.

Ji Tianxing waved his hand to pick up the fragments of the godheads of the two, then turned and hurried back to the battlefield.

In the fighting during this period of time, the casualties of 7,000 Western Expeditionary troops were not large, and only more than 800 people were killed.

The West Road army suffered heavy casualties. Even with the help of Yunyao and Ji Ke, more than 400 people were killed, leaving 700 people alive.

The situation of everyone is very dangerous, even Yunyao, Ji Ke and others were injured.

However, when Ji Tianxing hurried back to the battlefield and joined the battle, there was no suspense in the ending.

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